I just bought Nocht, Vira, and Drocilla stickers! Keep making villain Gods so I can keep my collection going! Also, I found a F'ai Glomdoring sticker by Daine, so I obviously had no choice there, either.
It's another, another @Viravain tarot card. Same card, same meaning. Some 'blood' for spooky season. Done in my more traditional tarot-y lineless style.
Getting the Ace of Cups upright shows that it's time to let loose of whatever emotional baggage you have and start living your life to the fullest. Like with all the other aces, there is a new beginning that is indicated here - a chance to start fresh. It might come in the form of opening yourself up to the possibilities of new relationships, romantic or otherwise, that have the ability to make you emotionally fulfilled.
The release indicated by this card may either be spiritual or emotional, depending on what you are going through. The Ace of Cups may come to a reading after a long period of being lonely or enduring something that deeply hurt you emotionally, and it's appearance may be there to herald the turning over a new leaf.
When the Ace of Cups is overturned, the image here is clearest - the waters pour out of the cup, it becomes empty, the gift of its waters are being wasted. Seeing the Ace of Cups upside down during your reading means you have been enduring emotional instability or pain for some time. There is a loss that is indicated here, and perhaps something that has meant much to you is no longer giving you the joy that it once had.
Since the cups also govern creativity, you may also be experiencing a creative block of sorts, and where the waters of inspiration once flowed, they have now dried up.
Next up, we have @Mysrai's aspect, the Thief of Hidden Apogees, as the Magician.
Upright The Magician is the representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements and the suits, he takes the potential innate in the fool and molds it into being with the power of desire. He is the connecting force between heaven and earth, for he understands the meaning behind the words "as above so below" - that mind and world are only reflections of one another. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.
Reversed When you obtain the Magician reversed, it might mean it's time for you to implement some changes. While right side up, the Magician represents true power, the reversed Magician is a master of illusion. The magic that he performs is one of deception and trickery. You may be lured in by the showmanship of his arts, but behind that, there may be an intention to manipulate for selfish gain. Getting this card might mean that there is someone who pretends to have your best interests at hand when the opposite is true.
I drew @Rancoura as the Queen of Swords; she was Esei's first mentor figure, mother figure, and arguably the very first person Esei ever interacted with in Lusternia. She's arguably the biggest influence in Esei's style and even their personality up to a point. (Very sorry if I got anything wrong!)
Source: Labrynthos
Upright The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision. This queen does have compassion, which is why she has her hand reaching outwards in offering, but she wants to connect to people using an understanding that is intellectual.
Reversed The Queen of Swords reversed meaning is that you may be thinking too much with your heart, and you are becoming too emotionally involved with your current situation. You have to start thinking more objectively, because your emotions could lead you astray. Take the time to look at the situation using various facts and use your head to create a clearer picture of what is really going on. Only then, can you decide what your next move should be.
Hello hello! It's been... geeze, 5 months now, since I've posted here? I promise I'm not dead! And to commemorate my return, here's a drawing of Esei's first visit to Nocht's fulcrux in many months. Sorry for the squished quality!
I redrew the @Viravain death tarot card for the third time now, I've come a long way since the last one! [And before you ask what font that is, it's my attempt at calligraphy haha. ;~;]
I am back once more, having drawn the amazing @Nocht in what I imagine Him to look like after we deal with the flowers. (Edit: I have no clue what Nocht looked like before that first event and I have never seen the Eye of Dynara. Liberties were taken.)
So Gael and Illyria compared Esei to Severus Snape in the official Discord the other day, because, and I quote: "And you never know if you did good or not because they always seem disappointed in you no matter what, like Snape." Then I knew I had to draw The Stare(tm).
The alternative title was "POV: you're Gael." I think this is what Nocht meant when he's seen Esei intimidate...
The Cave of Nature.
Grass grows on every surface of this Cave, ceiling included. Small animals occasionally poke out from holes in the grass stalagmites, one venturing away from its stalagmite every now and then to wander to the thin stream that carves its way through the cave, disappearing where the back wall meets the cavern floor. The cave is quite warm and well lit, as if illuminated and heated by some indiscernible light source. The Seal of Nature slowly spins in the air here, spidery cracks running along its surface.
You see a single exit leading out.
You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
Believing you are at the right place, you trace a fingertip along the spiral of the nautilus shell as if to coax the nereid's voice to sing. And sing it does, a singular, effortless note that blooms with dark emotion and cruel ambition.
Sunshine fills the otherwise dusky Cave of Nature as tendrils of golden energy strengthen the Seal, causing it to thrum with a new and powerful vibrancy.
Esei and @Ethna have been married for over a RL year now, and while I'm borderline ashamed I haven't drawn her in that entire time, I feel like my current style was finally able to do her justice.
I recently drew @Cheliyi, her dweller/brother Ronin, and Esei, all of whom are axolotl mugwumps. My first time drawing axolotls... and my first time drawing mugwumps.
I also finally, FINALLY got done drawing @Lisaera as the Maiden aspect.
As is tradition whenever I draw a Divine, I have also dropped this on my RedBubble (which I had left untouched for... almost two years?). Hopefully I'll start to comb through all the chibis I put there and redraw them. Most of them are simply wildly unsatisfying and I can do better now.
I will try to prioritize currently active Divine currently with a sticker, currently inactive Divine with stickers, active Divine needing a completely new sticker, and then inactive Divine without stickers, in that order. Buuuut if you have a specific request (such as a dead/fused/splintered Divine, or even a mortal player or NPC) please feel free to ask, or commission me directly!
You can also find Her as a sticker on my Redbubble.
It's another, another @Viravain tarot card. Same card, same meaning. Some 'blood' for spooky season. Done in my more traditional tarot-y lineless style.
Esei, as the Ace of Cups.
Source: Labyrinthos
Getting the Ace of Cups upright shows that it's time to let loose of whatever emotional baggage you have and start living your life to the fullest. Like with all the other aces, there is a new beginning that is indicated here - a chance to start fresh. It might come in the form of opening yourself up to the possibilities of new relationships, romantic or otherwise, that have the ability to make you emotionally fulfilled.
The release indicated by this card may either be spiritual or emotional, depending on what you are going through. The Ace of Cups may come to a reading after a long period of being lonely or enduring something that deeply hurt you emotionally, and it's appearance may be there to herald the turning over a new leaf.
When the Ace of Cups is overturned, the image here is clearest - the waters pour out of the cup, it becomes empty, the gift of its waters are being wasted. Seeing the Ace of Cups upside down during your reading means you have been enduring emotional instability or pain for some time. There is a loss that is indicated here, and perhaps something that has meant much to you is no longer giving you the joy that it once had.
Since the cups also govern creativity, you may also be experiencing a creative block of sorts, and where the waters of inspiration once flowed, they have now dried up.
@Nocht as the Moon, again. More refining of the style, but hardly finished yet.
The Magician is the representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements and the suits, he takes the potential innate in the fool and molds it into being with the power of desire. He is the connecting force between heaven and earth, for he understands the meaning behind the words "as above so below" - that mind and world are only reflections of one another. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.
When you obtain the Magician reversed, it might mean it's time for you to implement some changes. While right side up, the Magician represents true power, the reversed Magician is a master of illusion. The magic that he performs is one of deception and trickery. You may be lured in by the showmanship of his arts, but behind that, there may be an intention to manipulate for selfish gain. Getting this card might mean that there is someone who pretends to have your best interests at hand when the opposite is true.
Source: Labyrinthos
Source: Labrynthos
The Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless. This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords beckons you to look at all the facts before making a decision. This queen does have compassion, which is why she has her hand reaching outwards in offering, but she wants to connect to people using an understanding that is intellectual.
The Queen of Swords reversed meaning is that you may be thinking too much with your heart, and you are becoming too emotionally involved with your current situation. You have to start thinking more objectively, because your emotions could lead you astray. Take the time to look at the situation using various facts and use your head to create a clearer picture of what is really going on. Only then, can you decide what your next move should be.
He's also a sticker on my Redbubble, and if you like my work, you can find my general money links here.
Grass grows on every surface of this Cave, ceiling included. Small animals occasionally poke out from holes in the grass stalagmites, one venturing away from its stalagmite every now and then to wander to the thin stream that carves its way through the cave, disappearing where the back wall meets the cavern floor. The cave is quite warm and well lit, as if illuminated and heated by some indiscernible light source. The Seal of Nature slowly spins in the air here, spidery cracks running along its surface. You see a single exit leading out.
You close your eyes and inhale deeply, absorbing the scent of your surroundings.
Believing you are at the right place, you trace a fingertip along the spiral of the nautilus shell as if to coax the nereid's voice to sing. And sing it does, a singular, effortless note that blooms with dark emotion and cruel ambition.
Sunshine fills the otherwise dusky Cave of Nature as tendrils of golden energy strengthen the Seal, causing it to thrum with a new and powerful vibrancy.

(aka the moment in which I lost my actual mind)