Introducing: The Stopinator!

edited February 2021 in Mechanic's Corner
Someone asked for my help making a thing that would keep them from moving at certain times so they'd stop wasting a resource by moving out of a room before something finished.

And thus was born the STOPINATOR!

It only stops normal cardinal direction movement + up/down/in/out, so it won't stop you from using your blixes or pyramids or portals or anything like that. When you want to block normal movement, just call stopinator.block() and when you want to get going again call stopinator.unblock()

I would also recommend issuing an mmp.pause("on") any time you do stopinator.block() and mmp.pause("off") any time you do stopinator.unblock() as that will make the mapper stop walking and then start again in addition to blocking normal movement. I didn't include that in the package because I wanted to keep it really generic.

You can download it at 


  • I was very amused at that someone's reaction to your stopinator.
  • But will it help me take over THE TRI-STATE AREA?
  • At least as well as anything doofenschmirtz made =)
  • This, this was me. This thing is great.

    demonnic said:
    Someone asked for my help making a thing that would keep them from moving at certain times so they'd stop wasting a resource by moving out of a room before something finished.

    And thus was born the STOPINATOR!
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