Artifact Review



  • Shaddus said:
    Yeah, but we're not removing someone from scry/scent/spectacles.
    By 'remove from everything' I meant more so its current function for a short amount of time like you said. I didn't phrase it right, sorry! And yeah, you'd still be findable with scry/scent/spectacles/whathaveyou, it'd just be a short ghosting period on not showing up on WHO and HELP <ORG>? Not picky, personally.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I kind of like the change to the gem, but it would also render the scrying mirror obsolete (which it largely is given the vast majority of players have a cloaking gem and get one at first opportunity) because it shows uncloaked people on whatever plane they are on. If WHO is going to show everyone regardless where they are (without location) it's essentially doing (most of) what the mirror does. 

    Possible buff to the mirror is the ability to use it as a game wide scry but limited? Once a day? show the entire game (excluding manses) and their current location on any plane? Or maybe just the plane or area if that's too much. Alternatively if who/gems are changed significantly I'll take a refund  :p

  • I don't think everyone in the game should have their location show up on who. I think who is fine as is and scrying mirror can remain the same. Those on a different plane could have their name displayed without a location.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited March 2019
    Yeah, mirror wouldn't need a change at all.  Ungemmed people would still show up with location and plane.  Only difference is you'd also see the cloaked people sans location with the who change... which is more than you see now.

    Ungemmed people on other planes would just hide the location, as Yendor says.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Well frankly given how many people have gems it's become entirely useless and I would have gotten rid of it ages ago if I wasn't a hoarder. 

    I disagree that it wouldn't need a change, mostly because I think it already does.

  • Am I the only person who got a cloaking gem specifically because it hides that I am online? Now, before people jump on me for not helping people or making the game seem dead, let me explain.

    First of all, I don't always have the gem active. I make a point of deactivating it most of the time. When I got the gem, things were busier than they are now. Sometimes, I needed to catch up on things like news and messages before talking to anyone. Other times, I would log in when I didn't have long, just to check something or pay for beasts. Other times, I would be coding, and pop onto prime briefly to get lines for something. And, let's be honest, sometimes when it was really busy, I just needed a break and a chance to go and hunt some things or to have some RP without being interrupted every few minutes.

    Yes, I know that some of those things are less of a problem given the current population of the game. I just wanted to point out that sometimes there are reasons to want to remain hidden outside of the combat applications of the gem.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Are the people who are interrupting you generally in your org?  If so, the cloaking gem has no impact; they are getting you on CWHO.  I'm not sure about you but I often get poked when I log on and haven't even left my manse yet (so they can't even see me on CWHO, much less WHO at that point).  I have to ask people to just slow down and wait for me to at least get deffed up, check news and look for changelogs, etc.

    For a while I tried toggling the gem too, but I kept forgetting to change it and it would just stay in whatever state I had it which isn't particularly ideal if you forget it's off and you go off exploring somewhere you're not supposed to be.

    People are usually pretty understanding if I just say "I can't right now, I'm in the middle of something" (and that goes for outside of the org people too).
  • Xenthos said:
    Are the people who are interrupting you generally in your org?  If so, the cloaking gem has no impact; they are getting you on CWHO.  I'm not sure about you but I often get poked when I log on and haven't even left my manse yet (so they can't even see me on CWHO, much less WHO at that point).  I have to ask people to just slow down and wait for me to at least get deffed up, check news and look for changelogs, etc.

    For a while I tried toggling the gem too, but I kept forgetting to change it and it would just stay in whatever state I had it which isn't particularly ideal if you forget it's off and you go off exploring somewhere you're not supposed to be.

    People are usually pretty understanding if I just say "I can't right now, I'm in the middle of something" (and that goes for outside of the org people too).
    A result of this change would be that people have to stop toggling because if you can easily see when someone is using a gem, and they only toggle it when they want to be sneaky, seeing their name without location would be a giant red flag.

    Just removing my location would make the artifact less valuable to me. And while I do not oppose it, I do think they should lower the cost and partially refund current owners if it is changed like this.
  • edited March 2019
    At the time, it was a mixture of in and out of org. I don't get poked all that often now, at the time it could be quite frequent depending on when I was logged in. For what it is worth, I do think that increasing player visibility is in general a good thing, my point is just that sometimes people might have a reason for wanting to not be visible that doesn't fit into a nice 10min/day box. It is less of a problem for me currently, but I would like the option to still be there.

    Just to clarify for anyone reading this, I am not saying don't poke me in game.
    If you see me around, feel free to ask questions or even just say hello. The last thing I want is people thinking that they shouldn't approach me just because I occasionally like to make use of a cloaking gem. 
  • Thing about the Gem...without it as-is...people can, and WILL, be jumped constantly each time they try to do any quests, particularly Org related ones. Given the majority of our population at peak wasn't fond of combat to begin with, wouldn't necessarily help matters much.

    I just keep the thing active all the time because I don't like being pestered for similar reasons. Being able to bypass SCENT or Scrying barriers like Mindfield by just WHO'ing me would be frustrating beyond belief.
  • Estarra said:
    I've been wanting to do something like this for awhile, but I also want gem of cloaking to be more useful than just simply remove your location from thirdeye. Ideas?

    I think this is a bad idea, @Estarra. It is trivially easy to get around in game. A gem of cloaking is one item that helps you hide from griefers and random attacks. Yes, if you are a combatant then you're likely to be on someone's enemy list, but that requires some effort on their part to care to track your existence. 

    It is too hard already in game to just avoid people. Imagine you've had a crap day and you just want to chill and play a bit and be anti-social. If you can't do that here, then you'lll just do something else. 
  • Shango said:
    Thing about the Gem...without it as-is...people can, and WILL, be jumped constantly each time they try to do any quests, particularly Org related ones. Given the majority of our population at peak wasn't fond of combat to begin with, wouldn't necessarily help matters much.

    I just keep the thing active all the time because I don't like being pestered for similar reasons. Being able to bypass SCENT or Scrying barriers like Mindfield by just WHO'ing me would be frustrating beyond belief.
    I think this is a valid concern. Consider org conflict quests. You've spent 12+ hours building up the wakabi. Oh, look someone's in the wakabi room. Walk in and one-shot it.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    These are just some spitball ideas. What are your thoughts if:

    1. It showed a line at the bottom that just said "There are 2 on this plane and 11 on other planes. There are 4 additional lusternians whose whereabouts are untraceable" or something to that effect?

    2. I like this one less but how about each cloaked person shows up on WHO as "A shrouded individual" with no location?
  • That "here are 2 on this plane and 11 on other planes." as it is doesn't really change my impression of the game: to me, the only people that exist at that point in time are the names I see on WHO.
    It's pronounced "Maggy'!

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