Character breakdown



  • What's 'flyte'?
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    One of the greatest poetic forms ever created, and one that I think Gaudi should do a lot with.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Character Name: Aeral McCloud (formerly Ves'ril)

    Race: Aslaran (actually merian - dingbat hat)
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Aquamancers
    City/Commune: Celest
    Order: Terentia


    Hair: Long, black, wavy
    Eyes: icy blue/purpleish colour (varies a little)
    Height: Slightly tall for her race
    Build: slightly on the heavier side
    Defining Features: None in particular. Perhaps her slightly blue whiskers.
    Piercings: None
    Scars: Three clean scars on her neck, the fur is gone in the place


    Strengths: Loyalty, honesty, dependable for the most part.
    Weaknesses: Challenges authority, can be very rude and condescending, can have a temper.
    Attitude: Friendly
    Morals: Ruled by the same morals that other Terentians are expected to adhere to.
    Pet Peeves: Does not like people challenging her authority or backtalk.
    Best way to piss me off: Be condescending.
    Best way to get on my good side: Treat with respect


    Color: Sapphire anything (she's obsessed with the gem)
    Tertiary: Telepathy
    Tertiary Skill: Dominate
    Primary Skill: Deathsense :D
    Location: Dedication room in her manse (dedicated to Terentia)
    God/Goddess: Terentia
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): None
    Artifact (don't have to own): Magic damage rune
    Commodity: Sapphire (gem)
    Animal: Black widow. They eat their husbands.
    Item owned: Her Aquamage necklace
    Village/forest/region: Trill area. Mmm barbequed trills.
    NPC: Does Marilynth count? If not, Japhiel.
    Memory: Discovering the Crown of D'varsha
    Song: She doesn't sing.
    Drink: Does not drink - but lightwalker whiskey is cool.


    Goals: Advance in Terentia's Order.
    Amibitions: Serve as GM again eventually, get Avatar eventually. Get second trade skill.
    Nemesis: Doesn't really have one.
    Rival: Doesn't really have one.
    Best Friend: She doesn't confide in anyone. Veralidaine, if anyone.
    Idol: Japhiel
    Best personal achievement: Opening the Meliashmora
    Worst personal achievement: Not sure she has one.
    Proudest moment: Completing the Epic Quest (the first time... second time still pending)
    Most shameful moment: Leaving Celest for Mag.
    If I could make one wish: Becoming Terentia's Avatar.

    Why you should hate her: She's condescending most of the time, particularly with rude novices and rude people in general. She's also rather obnoxious with elemental lord raiding at times.
    Why you should love her: She's loyal and truly caring and takes care of her own. She's also very friendly to those who don't annoy her.
    Why you should fear her: Politically, if she wanted to she could probably destroy you.
    Why she is harmless: She's got an adorable soft side to her.
    If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Chaos.
    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • I am a little disappointed that no one pointed out that I was satirically riffing off of Heinlein's Rational Anarchy in the write up of Kaalak's political views.

    C'est la vie.
  • I'd like to see these profiles available in the lusternia's under a "community - players" section and such.
    There are some muds that have something like that...even a personal blog for characters hehe.
  • Character Name: Asatir


    Race: Master Viscanti
    Gender: Male
    Guild: Nihilists
    City/Commune: Magnagora
    Order: None


    Hair: Straight, black, neck-length
    Eyes: Black
    Height: Just above 5 feet
    Build: Long-limbed and bony
    Defining Features: Mal-formed vestigial wings and a crooked, bony tail ending in a cluster of needle-sharp spines
    Piercings: None
    Scars: None


    Strengths: Unwavering ambition, careful and calculating strategist, natural eye for aesthetics, confident and optimistic worldview.
    Weaknesses: Extremely classist/elitist, lacks compassion to anyone save family or close friends, though ironically tends to seek and thrive on the approval of others.
    Attitude: When fighting or studying: meticulous, calculating, shrewd. When socializing: polite, reserved, though rude if he believes his conversation partner is beneath him.
    Morals: He's a bit of a moral nihilist (pun intended). He believes that morality and compassion are obstacles standing in the way of power.
    Pet Peeves: Poor design aesthetic, failure to conform to viscanti culture and etiquette, sleep.
    Best way to piss me off: Insult my choice of stationery or clothing.
    Best way to get on my good side: Invite me out for a hunt or a spar, or write me a letter (but only on well-chosen paper, of course. Choose poorly and it'll make me like you less.)


    Color: Black, Red, Yellow.
    Tertiary: Tarot
    Tertiary Skill: Hangedman
    Primary Skill: Barbedtail
    Location: Magnagora's Library
    God/Goddess: None, yet. He hasn't felt a strong need to devote himself to anyone besides Duke Ashtorath, though he's been considering pledging to Drocilla or Raezon.
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Esca is the only Heresiarch he's ever known.
    Artifact (don't have to own): Ummm? Idk
    Commodity: Wood
    Animal: Clockwork Serpent
    Item owned: His Symbol
    Village/forest/region: Presidio
    NPC: Ashtorath
    Memory: His first pact
    Song: Doesn't know any
    Drink: Mana potion


    Goals: Advance within the nihilists and become a formidable combatant
    Amibitions: Trans Necro, his own bookbinding cartel, Demigod.
    Nemesis: None yet?
    Rival: Xyphyr, kind of
    Best Friend: Elodres. Of the few people he regularly chats with, Elodres is the only one who doesn't handily outrank him.
    Idol: Leisane
    Best personal achievement: Trans nihilism and deep pact with Ashtorath
    Worst personal achievement: Haven't really had any big screw-ups yet.
    Proudest moment: When Ashtorath killed him after their pact and he was reborn as a lich for the first time.
    Most shameful moment: None yet
    If I could make one wish: Ashtorath names me Prophet

    Why you should hate him: Because if you aren't a viscanti living in Magnagora, he probably definitely thinks he's a thousand times better than you, and to him you may as well be a commodity or plaything.
    Why you should love him: He probably won't kill you on sight even if he hates you. He isn't the type to jump into a fight unless it's a huge battle or a friendly spar, or he's already reasonably certain that he'll win. Plus he'll talk to anyone, even people he can't stand, because he likes to socialize.
    Why you should fear him: Once he sets his mind on something, it stays set until he's done it. If that something happens to be killing you, well...
    Why he is harmless: He's still got a long way to go before he's a real threat to anyone.
    If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Forced-participation gladiator fights to the death every single day, with the defeated parties sacrificed to the Demon Lords.
  • So many people in here are not listing a nemesis/rival.

    Is this still a conflict game? Are people forgoing heated competition to take up the mantle of snuggling vegetation?

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    My rival is myself.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • A wise choice. Good post.
  • Asatir said:
    Proudest moment: When Ashtorath killed him after their pact and he was reborn as a lich for the first time.
    I remember that. Good times.

  • Ixion said:
    So many people in here are not listing a nemesis/rival.

    Is this still a conflict game? Are people forgoing heated competition to take up the mantle of snuggling vegetation?

    My rivals/nemesis' keep disappearing, along with my best friends. My last rival was @Arcanis and look how that turned out :p@Kethaera, @Delandes, @Valonah @Daem. All gone! Just needz moar people who are worthy to be called such
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Definitely the mantle of snuggling for me.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Haezon said:
    My rivals/nemesis' keep disappearing, along with my best friends. My last rival was @Arcanis and look how that turned out :p@Kethaera, @Delandes, @Valonah @Daem. All gone! Just needz moar people who are worthy to be called such
    Just because they are not in the same org doesn't mean you can rival them. Surely you can out-(thing you are good at and they are not) them from anywhere.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    edited November 2014
    Given Name: Selenity
    Family Name: Siar'luin (pending)

    Race: Elfen
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Spiritsingers
    City/Commune: Serenwilde
    Order: None... yet. But looking into two sleepers.


    Hair: White
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 4'9"
    Build: Slender
    Defining Features: She has stupidly long white hair in bun-pigtails.
    Piercings: Not yet
    Scars: Not yet (hopefully remains that way)


    Strengths: Eager to help others, friendly, and willing to give all she has for others...
    Weaknesses: ... even if she isn't sure how to do what she's taken up, extreme dedication to the Serenwilde to the point of death, not very sure/confident in herself.
    Attitude: Again, friendly, but can come off as standoffish.
    Morals: Tell the truth always. Unless it's an enemy or someone from a city. Then just don't speak if it may be an important topic. Also show respect to those who have titles.
    Pet Peeves: People who favor family over others in the same organization, people who are disrespectful to elders, people who are disrespectful to those who have earned titles (Order heads, Seneschal, etc.), and braggarts.
    Best way to piss me off: Bring harm to the Serenwilde, Moon, or the Fae.
    Best way to get on my good side: Be interested in the book she wrote, speak about poetry, sing, offer to teach her, ask to be taught by her, be emotionally available.


    Color: Pale pink, white, silver, green.
    Tertiary: Glamours / Illusions
    Tertiary Skill: Colour Burst / Illusions
    Primary Skill: Ancestral Watch
    Location: Serenwilde's Library, Winterfell, and hopefully someday her manse once it's pretty
    God/Goddess: Just one?... tied for Auseklis or Charune, but Lisaera is next after that.
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Niina?... only one she's seen so far!
    Artifact (don't have to own): Manse shop
    Commodity: Leather
    Animal: Cats
    Item owned: Lyre
    Village/forest/region: Serenwilde
    NPC: Miakoda (formerly tied: The Lunseer NPC, The Voice of Trialante)
    Memory: Discovering Arien and Inzaias are her parents
    Song: The one she wrote. But she may have another favorite one in the future.
    Drink: Peppermint creme tea


    Goals: Keep Serenwilde safe, make her family proud, make sure Serenwilde is happy.
    Amibitions: Actually learn to be able to live up to the role she's taken, Guardian of the Arrey Arrane.
    Nemesis: None yet.
    Rival: Emmaline.
    Best Friend: Maybe Erebos, maybe Renion?
    Idol: Maligorn.
    Best personal achievement: More important than becoming Arrey Arrane, she was very on top of making sure nighthawks were found and butterflies returned during the event with Lisaera.
    Worst personal achievement: Wrote a book on writing poetry and only wrote one poem since its completion.
    Proudest moment: Bringing Lisaera important books.
    Most shameful moment: Moving too quickly to get to a resurgem, causing her brother's corpse to vanish and him to need to pray to be brought back to life.
    If I could make one wish: Charune or Auseklis would reappear, take her in, and lead her to be more confident in herself.


    Why you should hate her: She's a guild champion and has no idea how to fight. WTF is she doing as a champion then. Also, Serenwilde zeal, ugh.
    Why you should love her: She's willing to hear you out even if she doesn't agree with you, and will usually do her best to rephrase things - several times - so that you can understand her, and so she can make sure she understands you. Also, she will sometimes come up with random names for things, and if you can get her to stop being cautious, she's a bit cute.
    Why you should fear her: People like her. A number of them outside of the Serenwilde.
    Why she is harmless: She doesn't know how to fight.
    If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Her to relinquish her rule to a council of wise elders, she knows she doesn't know enough to rule anybody and would not want that responsibility.
  • edited November 2014
    Let's pretend I'm still Dracnari for this
    Given Name: Drakius
    Family Name: Bloodthorn

    Race: Dracnari (Human now)
    Gender: Male (despite some titles)
    Guild: Templars
    City/Commune: Gaudiguch
    Order: Mysrai


    Hair: I AM A REPTILE (was)
    Eyes: Yellow
    Height: 6'7"
    Build: Big Bad John
    Defining Features: N/A
    Piercings: N/A
    Scars: N/A


    Strengths: Wants to murder anything and everything to gain circles, typically understanding, observant
    Weaknesses: Wants to murder anything and everything to gain circles, can be very cocky about his own strength
    Attitude: I treat everyone with respect, even silly Serenwilders who get lost in Mysrai's realm. Overall Drak will laugh with you and joke around unless there is a call for seriousness
    Morals: .Don't be an idiot, don't be a liar, don't impose yourself and harm others Freedom
    Best way to piss me off: Being a dick to people who didn't know better,
    Best way to get on my good side: Don't be a dick


    Color: Ebon and blood red (so generic)
    Tertiary: Tracking
    Tertiary Skill: Bond Listen (nosy bastard)
    Primary Skill: Cleave this! Cleave that! Muhaha
    Location: Any manifestation of the Eternal Flame
    God/Goddess: Kalikai if She was active
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): I have yet to see mine log in >.>
    Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling Cameo
    Commodity: Fruit
    Animal: N/A
    Item owned: All. That. Templar. Armour.
    Village/forest/region: Shifting City and Mount Zoaka
    NPC: Orange thieves
    Memory: That one time Mysrai spoke to me but it went over my head
    Song: N/A
    Drink: Fire mead


    Goals: Demigod before age 100
    Amibitions: Surpass my mentor
    Nemesis: N/A
    Rival: N/A
    Best Friend: I'd like to say Eritheyl
    Idols: @Eritheyl @Iari @Altrea @Alaryaannnnnd last but not least @Kurut
    Best personal achievement: Finally stopped being an idiot and figured what cures what by memory instead of letting reflexes always tell me
    Worst personal achievement: N/A
    Proudest moment: Templar RP
    Most shameful moment: Nearly a....rabbit... (I swear I d/c'd)
    If I could make one wish: To have unlimited dingbats and credits


    Why you should hate him: Be warned, if you say you have time for questions I will swamp you
    Why you should love him: Apparently he is a half decent being
    Why you should fear him: He wants to murder everything to empower himself
    Why he is harmless: He can't murder anything to empower himself
    If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: All this is gonna stop, y'all gonna play nice or y'all gon' die :)

    The playa you love to hate
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Revision on mine. Selenity's favorite NPC is now Miakoda.
  • Haezon said:
    My rivals/nemesis' keep disappearing, along with my best friends. My last rival was @Arcanis and look how that turned out :p@Kethaera, @Delandes, @Valonah @Daem. All gone! Just needz moar people who are worthy to be called such
    Aww... I miss all those people too. Especially Kethaera.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • Kethaera said:
    Aww... I miss all those people too. Especially Kethaera.
    Come back to us please!
  • Figure this is as good a way as any to unveil the new Ery...

    Given Name:
    Family Name: Feyranti

    Race: Elfen
    Gender: Male
    Guild: None, hopefully soon to be Shadowdancers
    City/Commune: None, though eyeing Glomdoring
    Order: None


    Hair: Smoky black matted dreadlocks
    Eyes: Brown, if he ever takes off his mask
    Height: Close to 6 feet.
    Build: Thin, with bony joints and lean muscles
    Defining Features: The fact he pretty much always wears a mask
    Piercings: None
    Scars: Several


    Strengths: He has basically zero risk aversion because he feels he has nothing to lose. So he's willing to do literally anything to get what he wants.
    Weaknesses: His past still haunts him, and he is fairly obviously emotionally damaged. He can act polite and fake it, or he can be downright manic, but running just underneath the surface is a strong current of darkness and a desire to lose what capacity for feeling that he still retains.
    Attitude: Varies from downright manic to polite and reserved to neurotic and paranoid, depending on his mood, although all are tinged with hints of his 'true' state of mind, if one looks close enough.
    Morals: He would let the entire basin burn if it resulted in a net gain for himself, but he's still enough of a pragmatist to realize that he needs others to survive.
    Pet Peeves: People who try to break his facade.
    Best way to piss me off: Ask him how his mother is.
    Best way to get on my good side: Accept him as he chooses to present himself


    Color: Black, Red
    Tertiary: Hexes
    Tertiary Skill: Paranoia
    Primary Skill: Squirrel
    Location: The Aetherplex
    God/Goddess: None
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Doesn't have a favorite
    Artifact (don't have to own): Manse shop
    Commodity: Silk
    Animal: Crows
    Item owned: His mask
    Village/forest/region: Glomdoring
    NPC: Yokai
    Memory: He doesn't have any unspoiled good memories.
    Song: None
    Drink: Alcohol


    Goals: Become a Shadowdancer. He hasn't thought much further ahead than that yet.
    Amibitions: Get himself re-established and start moving forward.
    Nemesis: Several.
    Rival: None.
    Best Friend: He doesn't have any close friends.
    Idol: Zalana, though he'll never admit it to her or anyone else.
    Best personal achievement: Earned two city favours and an order favour for a poem.
    Worst personal achievement: Mysrai giving an unflattering review of said poem to the whole basin.
    Proudest moment: His first sermon.
    Most shameful moment: His mother's reaction to his departure.
    If I could make one wish: Closure.


    Why you should hate him: No matter what he says or how he acts, he doesn't care about you very much.
    Why you should love him: He started out bright eyed with the best of intentions, before things soured. There might still be a speck of decent person somewhere deep inside him.
    Why you should fear him: He has literally nothing to lose.
    Why he is harmless: He has literally nothing.
    If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: A swift, confused resignation.
    The drone, the whistle, the thundrous sound;
    It seared their eyes, it shook the ground.
    One hundred thousand voices lift,
    While ashes like dirty snowfall drift.

    The clouds of purple glowing gas,
    The tiny sun is rising fast.
    Your star...
    Is on the rise.
  • Interesting stuff to read. Too bad I am lazy (and it's 4:30 am), so I will never do it.
    ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ sᴀʟᴛ! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂                                ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`

  • Taevyn said:
    Interesting stuff to read. Too bad I am lazy (and it's 4:30 am), so I will never do it.
    Do it and I will. :P
  • edited January 2015

    Character Name: Ventidius De'unnero


    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Guild: Geomancers

    City/Commune: Magnagora

    Order: Drocilla

    Title: The Iron Magus.


    Hair: None, would be coloured copper/rust

    Eyes: Metal spheres inscribed with runes that roll around in his head.

    Height: 7'1

    Build: Emaciated, malnourished, lumbering. freakish

    Defining Features: All of his skin has been boiled pinkish red like a lobster, he has no eyes, he has a spike stuck into his brain, his heart has a window to it, one hand is red, the other is metal, most o f his skull is metal, he has black blood. He's… unique.

    Piercings: None, unless the spike counts as it pierced his skull.

    Scars: His body is one giant scarred example… of scars.


    Strengths: Lots of willpower, is very guile, strong, stubborn

    Weaknesses: He lacks in quite a few areas of knowledge, has a short temper sometimes, and is stubborn.

    Attitude: A quasi-Nihilist. He doesn't see much hope for the future, but believes he should make the best of it. Very reflective and meditative. Fanatical when it comes to Drocilla and Geochemantics, but mostly fanatical about survival

    Morals: None, although he will not mock those with true strength and respects survivors (Celest doesn't count)

    Pet Peeves: His own weaknesses and failings.

    Best way to piss me off: Insult Earth or Victor von-Lochli, and to further extent, mention the alternate ruined future.

    Best way to get on my good side: Prove you will do what it takes to survive.


    Color: Brown

    Tertiary: Runes

    Tertiary Skill: Othala

    Primary Skill: Geochemantics.

    Location: Victor's train on earth.

    God/Goddess: Drocilla. Being in her presence makes him feel pretty and handsome.

    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Tanin

    Artifact (don't have to own): Ashtorath doll

    Commodity: Iron

    Animal: Alligators/crocodiles, an example of evolutionary perfection in a killing machine.

    Item owned: Magnum Blastworks

    Village/forest/region: Angkrag

    NPC: Victor von'Lochli

    Memory: The accident which caused his ugly look. He doesn't mention it, much.

    Song: Imagine Dragons - Warriors. Ingame, he has a mantra.

    Drink: Crude oil.


    Goals: To survive.

    Amibitions: To outlive everyone and become a scion of the Taint.

    Nemesis: No one in particular.

    Rival: Dinae

    Best Friend: Tanin

    Idol: Victor von'Lochli

    Best personal achievement: Became 80th circle.

    Worst personal achievement: Died 8+ times to the snowmen on Frosticia. Necromancers refused to give him a lich seed for a while.

    Proudest moment: Accepted into De'Unnero

    Most shameful moment: None, yet.

    If I could make one wish: To be a real boy Become a Divine.


    Why you should hate him: Possibly the ugliest thing in the Basin and also tortures people.

    Why you should love him: Shares his experiences and thoughts.

    Why you should fear him:  Torture technician, way beyond Magnagora's standards.

    Why he is harmless: Rarely anything but passive-aggressive

    If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: A lifeless world where only the strongest survive, with no rules, and no leaders.

    To sum it up, Ventidius is one ugly bastard with problems.

  • Character Name: Svana Damascene

    Race: Taurian
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Templars
    City/Commune: Gaudiguch
    Order: Mysrai


    Hair: Long and black, held in a tail with bones strewn throughout her hair
    Eyes: One red, one replaced by a citrine gem
    Height: Tall
    Build: Muscular
    Defining Features: Covered in scars and open wounds, hands are covered in burns
    Piercings: Too many
    Scars: All over her body


    Strengths: Fiercely loyal, willing to go out of her way to help citizens and allies
    Weaknesses: Quick to anger, extremely crass
    Attitude: Grumpy
    Morals: Mysrai first, everything else comes second. Willing to do anything for her Patron, no matter ther moral ambiguity.
    Pet Peeves: Stupidity, swearing
    Best way to piss me off: Hurt my novices, attack me, or attack the Beloved.
    Best way to get on my good side: Common courtesy


    Color: Yellow
    Tertiary: Paradigmatics (Long history of Tracking, though)
    Tertiary Skill: Shift Goodluck
    Primary Skill: Bear Standard
    Location: The Chamber of the Lidless Eye in her manse
    God/Goddess: Mysrai
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Chade
    Artifact (don't have to own): Pneumatic lampwork hookah
    Commodity: Wood
    Animal: Bovines of all varieties
    Item owned: A shifting, living poppy
    Village/forest/region: Undervault Tunnels
    NPC: Sebitti Silkenhand
    Memory: First kill
    Song: She thinks songs are stupid
    Drink: Anything alcoholic


    Goals: Have the best stock of poisons
    Amibitions: Stay retired forever
    Nemesis: Forests in general
    Rival: That one tree by the other.
    Best Friend: @Altrea
    Best personal achievement: Killing off the entirety of the mag opposition at the entrance to Ixthiaxa during a revolt (as a pureblade tracker) while two other Gaudis influenced and won the village
    Worst personal achievement: Dying to Haiden that one time
    Proudest moment: Watching @Iari grow up, and into a position of power
    Most shameful moment: Trading in 8k credits and 4k+ dingbats worth of artifacts and spinning it all away at the wheel
    If I could make one wish: Can we put 10,000 credits as a wish on this thing?

    Why you should hate her: She's irrational, angry, violent and crass.
    Why you should love her: She'll do what she can to take care of you and help you out if she feels you deserve it
    Why you should fear her: Terrible issues with self control and anger management. If she ever comes back into power, she has nearly 100 million essence to waste on raiding.
    Why she is harmless: Very few arties/trans skills at the moment. She's not all that dangerous
    If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Best not to think about that.
  • Character Name: Syridean Dawneye

    Race: Aslaran, with the newbieincarnation left.
    Gender: Male
    Guild: Hartstone
    Commune: Serenwilde
    Order: None

    Hair: fuzzy
    Eyes: Amber
    Height: 5'6"ish
    Build: Difficult to tell because of thick fur, but likely somewhere on the lean end of stocky. No body fat, but not exactly toned.
    Defining Features: Snow leopard rosettes.
    Scars: None. surprisingly most of his near death experiences that weren't outright lethal were with forces that don't damage the body. Drowning, suffocation, internal bleeding, etc.

    Strengths: Stubborn, patient, and fair-minded, with a quick wit
    Weaknesses: Stubborn, somewhat flighty, often melancholy when broken bonds are brought up.
    Attitude: Calm and demure, very laissez-faire. Fast-thinker with an affinity for wordplay and puns.
    Morals: Extremely family oriented. Dislikes liars, bullies, and hypocrites. Scrupulous and fair.
    Best way to piss me off: Pick on those weaker than yourself
    Best way to get on my good side: Protect those you love.

    Color: Blue
    Tertiary: Telekinesis
    Tertiary Skill: Forcefield
    Primary Skill: Meld (<thing>CAST WATCH is the personal favourite)
    Location: A designer's studio.
    God/Goddess: Lyreth
    Guild Master: Jinx
    Artifact: Collar of the Beastmasters on Stell, or parafilament purse.
    Commodity: silk
    Animal: Stell, his hippogriff.
    Item owned: A vibrant collar of spun gold and prismatic crystal
    Region: Aetherspace
    NPC: Jal Czigany
    Memory: sitting atop the hotel in New Celest with Garick and Tomir, his husband and son.
    Song: Orcs of Angkrag, a silly song he wrote in his younger days when someone sent the orcs after Angkrag.
    Drink: Raspberry Tea

    Goals: The Dawneye tribe reviving
    Amibitions: Marriage again, and lots of adopted babbehs
    Nemesis: The house of La'Saet? That was a long time ago though.
    Rival: Marie? See above, much longer ago.
    Best Friend: His sister @Pectus
    Idol: Lyreth
    Best personal achievement: GA of Aquamancers
    Worst personal achievement: His stint as GM of the Cantors, I feel like it got nothing good accomplished, and ended up just leaving Syri (and me) bitter with Celestian politics.
    Proudest moment: Being told by a divine he did not follow (and one who he'd had the impression disliked him) that he was doing well, and was "Good for the Light."
    Most shameful moment: His branding from Magnagora, because he killed a novice with firewalls inside the city.
    If I could make one wish: To remarry and revive the Dawneye tribe, bringing it to the Great House stage.
    Why you should hate him: He's a 'wishy washy cuddler'
    Why you should love him: He's got enough spine to stand up for you when you need it and enough heart to comfort you after.
    Why you should fear him: It's always the quiet ones that know how to cut deepest.
    Why he is harmless: He's jus' a big ol' puddy tat.
    If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Fabulous hats, plenty of puns and poetry, and lots of soft, fluffy things.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited January 2015
    Character Name: Tremula n'Lochli

    Race: Viscanti
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Cacophony
    City/Commune: Magnagora
    Order: Drocilla


    Hair: Long, white, and full, now worn in a braid due to curios!
    Eyes: Violet, one with seven pupils. (Six surrounding the middle one)
    Height: Around 6'4" or so.
    Build: Petite
    Defining Features: Cloud of Taint that constantly surrounds her
    Piercings: L/R ear.
    Scars: None.


    Strengths: Loyal to those she puts in high regard (i.e. Pectus, Lavinya, Drocilla), full of sass, a dedicated teacher to novices.
    Weaknesses: Temper problem, and she comes off as a giant bitch.
    Attitude: Bitchy, let's be honest.
    Morals: They're up in the air most of the time. Her loyalty goes to Drocilla first, then to Magnagora, then to her spouse. She's always willing to give people second chances, even if she doesn't feel they've earned it.
    Pet Peeves: Uppity serfs, having to repeat things over and over.
    Best way to piss me off: Serenwilde. Rinse and repeat.
    Best way to get on my good side: Be polite, and a enerally kind person.


    Color: Orange.
    Tertiary: Illusions!
    Tertiary Skill: Weave Improved
    Primary Skill: Perform Refrain Supporting
    Location: a fragrant garden before the Theatre of Bloody Threnodies
    God/Goddess: Drocilla, but Viravain draws second!
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Lavinya
    Artifact (don't have to own): The pyramid bix.
    Commodity: Silk
    Animal: Spiders
    Item owned: A webbed wedding band of platinum. (She really does love Pectus)
    Village/forest/region:  Rikenfrieze, I think.
    NPC: Jinlu Ilithya! Always nice to see another scholar, especially one who likes tea parties.
    Memory: Seeing Drocilla for the first time with her new eyes. She almost cried.
    Song: A lullaby that she can't quite remember fully.
    Drink: Red wine.


    Goals: Get Pectus' approval. Literally for anything.
    Amibitions: Avatar of Drocilla
    Nemesis: @Pectus
    Rival: @Taevyn or @Kaiel.
    Best Friend: ...wait, does she have any friends? I think @Esca would be the closest to a best friend, even if he is Trem's cousin. @Tierce, too!
    Idol: @Lavinya
    Best personal achievement: Got two order-favours from Fain for a ritual that she wrote as she was performing it. My powers of bullshittery are unmatched.
    Worst personal achievement: Got chasmed by her grandda for being stupid when she was a little kid.
    Proudest moment: Getting demigod from Drocilla's truefavour, then having the sky painted for her as her silhouette was put up in the sky in stars.
    Most shameful moment: Getting killed by @Elanorwen not even ten seconds after taking Beauty, because I paused my system to do my blessings and was scrolled up to see which one did what so I didn't accidentally fuck up. Scrolled back down and realised I was being murdered.
    If I could make one wish: Drocilla wearing that winter cloak Trem designed, or giving it to the Nightingales.

    Why you should hate her: She's a giant bitch.
    Why you should love her: She's a giant bitch towards the people you don't like.
    Why you should fear her: She'll hold a grudge for ages, and while she isn't the strongest, she's close to and related to really good combatants.
    Why she is harmless: She's not very good at combat herself. She's sort of that girlfriend in the mob. You could hurt her, but as soon as she gets back, you'll have scary people coming after you.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited January 2015
    Character Name: Subotai Ysav'rai

    Race: Dwarf
    Gender: Male
    Guild: Minstrels
    City/Commune: Gaudiguch
    Order: Crumkane


    Hair: Fiery red, braided by Thayan. A lot of dice and coins have had holes drilled in them and threaded into his hair.
    Eyes: Chocolate Brown, wears a monocle.
    Height: 5'2
    Build: About as wide as he is tall.
    Defining Features: Constantly smells of whiskey and fruit.
    Piercings: None yet.
    Scars: Missing the tip of his left ear, bitten off by a fink in Newton.


    Strengths: Would give you the shirt off his back, always willing to help a friend, always down to cause trouble.

    Weaknesses: Constantly flirts even if he's not interested. Also, will do almost anything for donuts. #homer

    Attitude: Upbeat and carefree, and has very little respect for mortal authority. He says what he wants, does what he wants, and so long as he doesn't hurt someone, he doesn't see an issue with it.

    Morals: What's that? Follow the One Law.

    Pet Peeves: Uppity serfs, people who malign Crumkane. People who don't tip.

    Best way to piss me off: It's hard to piss Subby off. He's pretty easy going, and the only people who have ever pissed him off ended up being Mazed.

    Best way to get on my good side: Be nice to novices, ask for food, submit recipes, compliment my food.


    Color: Caramel is a colour, right?
    Tertiary: Glamours
    Tertiary Skill: Maze
    Primary Skill: Shotnote
    Location: A bubble close to Crumkindivia. (his aethershop Candycane)
    God/Goddess: Crumkane, and Yomoigu if Crum isn't available.
    Guild Master/House Head (all time): Persayis
    Artifact (don't have to own): Spatula
    Commodity: Sugar
    Animal: His eaf. He didn't make it, but it was a gift from Synkarin.
    Item owned: an ivory keg of lascivious poses
    Village/forest/region:  Mount Wend.
    NPC: Crumkane's gingerbread giraffe.
    Memory: As a young templar, he declared and decapped Caerlyr while Cae was causing trouble outside Mag. When Caerlyr cursed him out and challenged him to a duel outside the Plex, Subby waited until Caerlyr declared and hit him before Subby just walked away. Goodbye, status.
    Song: His dwarf song. You know.
    Drink: whiskey to get drunk, thick and creamy caramel tea when he's drinking for pleasure.


    Goals: He's achieved most of what he's ever wanted.
    Amibitions: Avatar of Crumkane, though he'd never actually come out and admit it.
    Nemesis: @Eritheyl, who he has a lot of disdain for. Eritheyl left Crumkane's order when Crum was gone for a bit, and Subby has never forgiven him.
    Rival: None, really.
    Best Friend: Melusine, Persayis, Altrea.
    Idol: None at the moment.
    Best personal achievement: Designing a desk with a pole on it for dancing. Don't ask.
    Worst personal achievement: Getting pissed off when Crumkane took off, and quitting for a short while.
    Proudest moment: Being appointed to Crum's Inner Circle.
    Most shameful moment: Not proposing to a certain someone before someone else managed to do it ahead of him.
    If I could make one wish: An apiary in my manse.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Yay quoteboxes.
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