A post about tree chopping. This is something me and my axe need to respond too.
IMO I don't think a case has been made in the first place for any change. Just because chopping trees is annoying (which I found out actually is when I m…
It's a game. If you are not enjoying the grind, don't do it. Simple. I need you here back in the real world, so you are not allowed to get burnt out on lusterina.
(Out of combat for a while so no idea of the state of play and if this has changed) However if room effects are being looked at, demesne effects are the really over powering effects. These should be addressed in parallel rather than creating anoth…
Alternatively a simpler solution is just to reduce the effect of the pits. Remove broken legs from pits, reduce stun time or reduce climb time.
....yeah I won't be around much either. If you see Lavy online ask her for her daily box count. Unless she says, "Everything is packed", tell her to get back to work.
Sorry Lusternia you bore me. I log in and nothing is happening and nobody is around. See you once you get exciting again. P.S. It's you, definitely not me.
Is there a way you can delete all your messages in one go? I will delete all mine straight away if there is and remove 10,000 of the system. Only reason I have cleared them is because deleting one at a time is annoying.
I hope I get proven wrong. These changes lack a plan and are changes that are being done on the hope that they work. I suspect we have 6 months of still flapping around to make very little change.