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  • (Quote) Did they not send you home with a ton of opiates? That was my experience, but that was 10 years ago.
  • I've begun socializing again, after a few years without it. Some coworkers live a block away from me and play Magic every morning when we get off. Going to try to talk them into starting up a WoD game.
  • I still have an hour until my "lunch" break and I've done everything I need to at work. Normally this would be a good thing but tonight I'm struggling to stay awake. I'm not sure if bashing would keep me from falling asleep or if I'd just die repeat…
  • (Quote) That's why I'm here. Lusternia's combat system, as it is, is incredibly daunting. For me, it's beyond "this is going to be hard to get the hang of" and fully into, "I'm not going to try." I've played every IRE game at one point …
  • (Quote) QFT. It seems every other day I've got 30+ elders to carve.
  • I'm asleep for most of the US day. Glomdoring is really empty for me the majority of my free time, especially towards the end of work/just after getting home. I can relate.
  • I haven't seen much (any) use of covenant-members' ability to promote novices and guildfavour those on the other side of the guild. Some way to share certain help files (advancement, specifically) between guilds would help with this, as I'm assuming…
  • I, personally, would rather see no others in the guild than there be a mystery person off-plane that doesn't reply to anything said on GT for hours.
  • No, but I'm obviously far too tired to get out what I'm thinking, which could in fact be a terrible idea given how tired I am. Thus, I'm going to drop out of this conversation.
  • (Quote) I realize it wasn't clear in my post, I was trying to convey there being a difference between Night Ebonguard and Crow Ebonguard, that the individual EG would go with whichever totem they followed.
  • There's a jump from "guild consolidation" to "destroying RP" that I fail to grasp. Yes, these guilds have a lot of lore and history behind them. Why can't they have a lore and history that evolves? I feel like suggestions are being made that what's …
  • (Quote) I can't express how absolutely disgusting that is to me. And here I thought mucus was the only thing that revolted me.
  • A few years back my ex and I were in Texas visiting my uncle on our way to the west coast. The day before leaving to continue the trip, the AC went out in our car and we didn't have the money to fix it. Driving through the southwest with no AC in mi…
  • I answered for myself, not my character:

    Chaotic Neutral Human Ranger/Sorcerer (2nd/2nd Level)

    Ability Scores:

  • Blacktalon has been pretty empty - I think other than GM/GA/GC being able to advance, we've only got @Svorai. When I first started again it got lonely and made me …
  • Novices! Oh, man, novices! I've had two of them asking me a bunch of questions, even apologizing for asking. Haha, no really, I like being helpful. Thanks @Eyste an…