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Re: The Economy (Again!)

Quick note: If we look at where the commodities are going right now, that should be seen as a baseline to start from rather than a hard and fast set of numbers. ie: Just because we're using 2x as much cloth as leather doesn't mean that cloth should be produced 2:1 with leather, we might not be using as much leather as we want because it's hard to get.

Re: Simple Ideas

CONFIG CLANEXPLICIT ON = Disables CLT. You must use CLAN <alias> TELL or CLT<#> to send a message. No more mischans!

Re: Simple Ideas

CONFIG CLANNUM ON - whenever you see a clan message, your personal clan number shows on it. E.g., (Woodbine Lyceum) [20]: Faythe says, "Blah." That'd make it way easier to answer quickly with CLT20 Blah! for those of us with a lot of clans (which thanks to the Bubbles being cheap is a lot of people now). Default to off so as not to break anyone's triggers. Can't get much simpler than this!

Re: The Economy (Again!)

My biggest fear with an economy overhaul is that we end up with a system that creates a tedious need to upkeep another layer of things. I hope the admin please make sure we do not get into that territory.

As an example, making the tradeskills more profitable might mean adding items or making adjustments so that we have to seek out the other trades more. That sort of thing just becomes tedious very quickly if you need to do it too often. Crafting or seeking crafters in other games is fun because it nets you better and shinier loot, which isn't really applicable here since those buffs come from artifacts and instead we're just trying to maintain a level of what we already have.

Re: Simple Ideas

Naevari said:
Remove the enforced delay on using consecutive PATH commands. As a Nexus user, it makes me feel really disadvantaged compared to Mudlet users with their Scentgos that work through Mudlet Mapper.

EDIT: If this would be prone to causing lag, I think it'd be neat to at least allow a second PATH command before the delay so that we can search for a room name, then PATH TRACK to its number immediately.

Though second this, what I end up constantly having is something like this:

> path track celest
> path track celestoven

as celestoven is only available while in celest. Just one of the examples where it would be lovely if we could chain path tracks or at least could do more then one at a time.

Re: Simple Ideas

being able to path to the seal caves outside of the mountain/plex would also be great!

Re: Simple Ideas

Remove the enforced delay on using consecutive PATH commands. As a Nexus user, it makes me feel really disadvantaged compared to Mudlet users with their Scentgos that work through Mudlet Mapper.

EDIT: If this would be prone to causing lag, I think it'd be neat to at least allow a second PATH command before the delay so that we can search for a room name, then PATH TRACK to its number immediately.

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Tylwyth said:
Isn't Maylea also Zvoltz's sibling?
But whatever, dream logic.
Maybe you could Idea that guy as a new divine. WHo knows, maybe someone wlil like the idea....
You're probably thinking of Mysrai.

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Tylwyth said:
Isn't Maylea also Zvoltz's sibling?
But whatever, dream logic.
Maybe you could Idea that guy as a new divine. WHo knows, maybe someone wlil like the idea....
Maylea is not Zvoltz's sibling! :)

Re: Bar Gossip

Actual footage of the bar maid listening to your secrets:
