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Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

I've always thought of Carakhan as MUCH larger than some other people. I've thought of her being somewhere near 20 feet at least, considering how bloody large everything in the ocean is. As the person who was the literal 'Sculptor of Waves', I can't imagine Her being any less grand, imposing, and pants-wettingly large as the ocean itself.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Terentia said:
Carakhan said:
I typically picture Carakhan as being on the towering end in the 10-12 foot range. Apparently I need to revise my mental picture of Carakhan, Lantra and Terentia. I somehow missed how short Tere is.
Terentia's description (of which there have been two other variants--her original desc and the one where she got beat up by the Dreadform) all describe her as having a "diminutive frame." Which I take to mean that she is on the shorter side!

I find it so interesting that everyone assumes the Elders were giants. I ultimately land on how @Ghibli describes it, that Divine bodies and figures are fluid to their whims, but I think I have a very strong Xena: Warrior Princess fantasy where the difference between the gods and mortals is in terms of "power," not stature.
Oh, I definitely think size is very much mutable. I just think Carakhan defaults to taller than mortal sized. Some of it may be partly because of the image of tae with the first furrikin.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Thax said:

(No, but the thought of diminutive Thax made me laugh too much not to share it with you all)

Images of a robotic Veigar here.


Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Esei said:
Another question! How tall do you imagine your characters to be? I know Czixi is about 4-5 feet tall, and Shofet-Mysrai is about that height also.
You can also put me in the camp of those who assumed that Elders were of superhuman and/or mutable size, with even the short ones still being larger than an average mortal (See: Meridian being a threat the Soulless while still being able to pass as a mortal). As far as Thax goes, I've always imagined him as massive and hulking, the Gregor Clegane of the surviving pantheon. But if you ascribe to the changeable size theory, that now that raises questions...can Thax still alter his size? Is zingavium capable of changing size too, or is it immutable? Is he stuck in massive form, or small form, or what? Hmm...





Thax's armor was crafted by Clangorum and amended by Agamemnon, two deities whose splinters are known for being in a very specific size category... is it possible the armour was made in their image?

(No, but the thought of diminutive Thax made me laugh too much not to share it with you all)

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

I've always imagined the size of Divine to be fluid; in their typical interactions with mortals, they mirror our heights as described above. But I recall a number of fights between Divine that included world emotes with them being clearly visible to everyone in the Basin -- in those instances I picture them being absolutely massive.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

I typically picture Carakhan as being on the towering end in the 10-12 foot range. Apparently I need to revise my mental picture of Carakhan, Lantra and Terentia. I somehow missed how short Tere is.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Here's a fun behind the scenes tidbit: The fae language does have its own set of documented linguistic rules that admin follow for consistency, and we do keep track of our existing fae vocabulary. I'm not as versed on fae as other members of the Havens, so I'll turn to admin like @Viravain or @Nocht for when I have a question on how something should be phrased in fae.

As for height, am I the only one who imagine Elders as towering above mortals? Pfft, why would we share their puny height? (If everyone else is mortal-size though, Lantra would likely be over 6ft. I imagine her as a tall lady!)

Re: Pretty Parrot Mafia!

While it is super late for me, I would like to chime in before bed in that i think Portius can be quite devious in his mafia games duplicitous simplicity. One-shot powers, swapping win conditions, and more that I've seen from watching (and my flawless win steak) means that he could easily throw in a wild card like a serial killer while making the rest appear normal. 

This is obviously just more speculation, but I am tentatively agreeing with Nelras that it could be worth factoring in. A one-shot town vigilante or SK would be just the right amount of chaos for a game this size. 

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

I always visualized Divine closer to heights of 10-12ft (possibly due to Nocht often using the term "little one" -- Rancoura is around the 7ft mark in demidivinity).

Also, I too love the Fae language, and would love to see more revealed! Please? (@Nocht, you're definitely not overusing it in my opinion, at least from what I can see)

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Lantra said:
As for height, am I the only one who imagine Elders as towering above mortals? Pfft, why would we share their puny height? (If everyone else is mortal-size though, Lantra would likely be over 6ft. I imagine her as a tall lady!)
Not at all! This is why Czixi (and other short Elders) throws me off so much. I picture Elders being 7-8 feet tall. Maybe 6ft on a short side. But to see an elder that is tiny just looks odd. I can't help but think 'why are you short. Did something go wrong in the past.'