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Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

I don't know how we'll convince you that we did absolutely the best we could do. Org brews, shoulderguns, wonderitems, karma blessings, rock candies, goop scarves - we used these, and more. We made triggers to try and get our chembombs off together. We did manual count-downs.

The "get good" argument is just incredibly disheartening when we did everything you suggested, everything we could think of, and you're still making it seem like it's a failing on our part instead of a skill being overtuned. 

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

This entire thread assumes we had any ability to act how we wanted when we wanted. In the last hour especially, most of us could not get a -single- command off anywhere near when we wanted it (even when I was almost down to 0 insanity, I had command lag anywhere from 30s to minutes at a time), much less trying to coordinate anything. The method to get Choros off the node was easy if the game didn't completely crap out. We knew what to do, and what to expect in full. It was quite directly the inability to input commands that decided it today.

Now, the bombs made it harder and more of a pressure cooker in the latter half, sure, but conflating bombs with today's outcome doesn't track. We had no realistic chance at the end because we literally could not act at that point, period. 
If you want to analyze bombs under non-ascension conditions, the +2 free racial affs make woods incredibly superior to the mage versions (and bleeding from Creeping on top that others don't get, for example), and I'll say it again, having X number of people being able to reliably room+ranged wipe with fire and forget skills is not good design. 

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

Kaizynne said:
I don't know what you mean when we "started exploiting" creeping. That was legit our strategy from second 1 of ascension. Yes, if you had 8 wildewood, it would have been the same effect on us. Brawrur, you got 26 kills by yourself as a chem doing bombs (including a few multikills). If you had 5 pyrochems doing your 10p bomb, even without affs, you would have had the same result. 

Do I think wyrden/wildewood are a lot stronger than xyzchemantics? Absolutely. I absolutely think they're more powerful with the +2 "affs" and the 2s faster bomb time. 

If you had all flexed to your respective chemwood classes, you would have had a very similar result to us. 

I understand that you are all, for the most part, unhappy with the turnout of ascension and the way things went down. I retired my old character because of an Ascension event. 

Choros definitely was not trying to talk himself up and make you all feel worse. So please don't go attacking him for that, even if it seems like he did. 

For the most part, IHC did really good. I definitely think there are things that could use improving, but that goes for both sides. 

Tl;Dr - ascension sucks, we've all been there. Could you have done exactly what we did? Yes, even without the xwood racial. You guys did really good. 

Taking this piece by piece. Doing the 10-p bombs without affs is a terrible move. Testing on myself, the 10-p bomb without affs hits me for around 25% health, no stun. One of the 5-p bombs (pyrokinetic) is stronger, hitting at around 30% health, no stun. For comparison, a dry 10-p wyrdenwood bomb hits me for around 48% health, 3s stun.

This also answers the line of thought that if we had switched to chemwood (which most of us had - I'm a mancer, normally, Ixchilgal is illuminati), we would have the same result. The only way that we would have had the same result is if we all went Serenwilde and picked up Wildewood, or if we had double our numbers in chems.

The worst part about this Ascension even is that we knew that creeping was going to be the name of the game, we raised the issues and were shot down, we turned around and invested hard to get people wonderclock-20 for timestop, we developed shielding strategies, and all of it still went down the drain. And we're still being told to get good instead of having a proper look at Creeping.  :/

Re: Lusternian AMA

Parhelion said:
Terentia said:
Outside @Lantra's great question about hearing what players like about game lore for building purposes, I am wondering, in order to think about org roleplay: What is one thing that irks you about your org's lore? What is one thing that you love about it? This isn't a question about what you would change, by the way. Simply, I want to know what are the pressure points. 

I'm disappointed in how the caste system was used in Hallifax. Early on after Hallifax was released, it was used to keep warriors/merchants from getting favors for defense or other things aside from making art, even preventing some players from advancing past CR4 if they weren't part of a special clique. There's a perfectly good way to rp the caste system being a way to make sure people understand that all parts of Hallifax are needed to make the city function, but it wasn't presented this way at first.

Personally, I see the issue of CR being tied to influence skills. I think that way of caste system could have worked out great if influence skills weren't tied to rank (and instead could be tied to influence directly and specific skills you learn at novice, master, and trans (or whatever levels is appropriate). I understand why it was done the way it was, but sadly, it just didn't work out.

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

I would like it if chems and woods don't get equated, because their capabilities are far from being equal.

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

The stuns aren't stacking. What I mean is, you don't need to stack your bombs in very short timeframes in order to achieve the stun effect of the 10-power bombs: wyrdenwoods demigods do it natively (1-aff bonus), demi+ even moreso (2-aff bonus). Even having just 1 wood will guarantee the stun effect + bigger damage; for chems, you need at least 2.

The stuns don't even need to stack, because stun stops all actions. Once the first bomb hits you, you can't heal up or prevent the rest from hitting you, too. All that's needed is for them to go off within the 3 seconds that the stun lasts. That's the time window for woods: 3 seconds. For chems, it's a fraction of a second (you need to beat autocuring).

Re: Ascension - Wyrdenwood, Lag, Bragging Rights.

Steingrim said:
At best the arguement you have is it may be easier for woods then chems. But you weren't asking for any nerf to chem stacking when it benefited you, were you?

Chems can stack and increase their radius, but not with the ease that woods can. In order to achieve the stun on a chem bomb, you need at least two chemists, both initiating their bombs close enough that autocuring won't cure off an affliction before the 10-power bomb hits. Furthermore, chem bombs are always going to be charging up in 10s, while wood bombs go off at 8s.

So I don't see why you want to bring up chem stacking when its effects are not even comparable to wood stacking. With that said, I am completely in favour of nerfing chemists to oblivion if it means we can at least tone down woods into something reasonable.

Re: Absence Thread

Mirae said:
I'm... taking an absence here. I'll be around here and there, but its probably for a good long time. Ascension was fun but highly demoralizing. I realized that things that are broken in terms of combat on each side (which as been my main focus outside of RP) most likely will never be fixed or balanced out. Between the server lag issues and a few other things, I won't discuss here... I'm just done.

Best wishes my Lusternia family and others.
I get that it's demoralizing, but keep in mind that Ascension doesn't mean that much to the vast majority of players. And combat has gotten a lot better, imo, and one way to improve it is to stay involved and keep pointing out problems. If you were having fun up until now, then just take a couple days off and let things cool down.

Re: Lusternian AMA

I think my favorite bit of lore is [redacted for order secrets] so far! But learning more about... fae. All the fae knowledge. And Lothwen Darkeye's story.

Re: Lusternian AMA

There's too much awesome lore in the game for me to pinpoint my favorite right now, but I'll update if I think of something!

What I'd love more of would be the Vernal Wars. I know there are a bunch of texts in-game that I haven't found yet, but what little I've found has always been great, and I just want to know more! More about vernal gods we don't yet know about, or to further flesh out the ones we do, but also especially more about the big ones - I love the bits and pieces I know about Kiakoda and want more.