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Re: The Errant Seedling

Alarin said: made Gurashi cry? Where's my pistol! D: Lol.

Gurashi made Gurashi cry - Rhalkyr just spoke the truth in a less than gentle manner.  o:)

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

Saran's right about the balance between different ways to make gold. It's not just gold you're considering, there's also experience, daily credits, karma, esteem... Whereas with trade, you're only gaining gold. So I think it's entirely fair if you make a little more gold trading than the other methods, to make up for all the other stuff you're not gaining from your time and skill investments.

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

All of that sounds good as written including divorcing the trans skills from the trade skillsets. That said:

1) I'd prefer the current low/highmagic locked trans skills and herofete (everything but armour bonuses) be made available to all and limited to 2? active at any time. Perks, demi weight, free, don't care how beyond not losing access to the abilities.

2) I renew the plea for armour skills (splendours, tattoomaster, and masterarmour) be made inherent to classes that use them. My lengthy reasoning was in the other thread, but it would be imbalanced to just keep them gone. Make them the new class baseline, add those skills to class locked skillsets, or whatever other method. Don't care how, just that they continue to exist for those classes.

Re: Shop Changes - Economy

A big hope on my end would be that the way enchanting works gets a bit of an overhaul here. I would really love if instead of enchanting jewelry items directly, you make an item which can be pressed onto the jewelry (by anybody) to apply the enchantment. The time it takes to fill a cube could also really use some love as well.

Edit: I meant to put this in another thread, that was more relevant but eh, it'll still get seen here.

Re: Economy Changes Overview

As for aethertrading being removed, I want to highlight large issues here: It was both a source of goop and gold for a good deal of people who went to use it and especially for new players it was an easy way to get their hands on some basic artifacts that would get them started on PvP as well (relatively cheap way to get a nose, etc ). It also allowed people to get their hands on consumable's more reliably and as such those buffs saw a a lot more use. I suspect that with goop effectively being removed as a renewable resource, you'll see a huge plummet in the use of aethercandies, aetherbuttons and the like and they become once again a thing only to be used by the richest few percent of the playerbase... I feel this is not something that you would want and would suggest considering a replacement mechanic that still allows people to gain goop (just as they can gain dailycredits).
I also agree with Aeldra on this, aethertrading was basically one of my only ways to potentially gain IG currency for things like gnomeweapons and other aethergoop only items, since I can't really spend money on Lusternia. It would be really helpful if there was a daily-goop system, so that people can still purchase combat items. Either that, or allow most goop-only combat items to be paid for in credits.

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

I'm very excited for these changes! My one big question is this. If I have artifacts for a trade that moves to Mercantile, let's say Herbs for example, and I choose not to keep Herbs as my Mercantile skill, do I get a full refund on those artifacts?

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

This looks awesome. I'm really excited for it!

And I just want to say a really big THANK YOU to the producers for listening to player feedback and putting so much thought and care into this. It must be a fine line to walk between keeping old players happy with their investments and what they're used to, and still making sure the game is healthy and thriving for new players. 

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

Uilani said:
@Uzriel That might be an option provided that you can only use it if you do not mention the origin of the bone you are using in a design. That is to say, if you say something is made from taurian bones, it would need to use a taurian corpse. And if you say something is made from magpie bones, it would need a magpie. A bone commodity cannot be a way to circumvent decisions made in treaties - if you agree not to hunt elfen and then elect not to break that rule, you do not get elfen bone wands.
Oh I didn't want to imply it as a way around it. In the elfen chair example, I would use bone as the commodity and still throw in an elfen to make my elfen bone chair, it just feels weird having 200 wood and one elfen in that same bone chair.

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

I love these changes! There are no suggestions for improvement from my end, because everything looks perfect to me. I am excited for how this will pan out!

Re: Economy Proposal 2.0

Something I've mentioned on discord but want to mention here so it doesn't get lost.

Bone as a new basic commodity would be a great addition. It could make sense in either agriculture (livestock bones) or prospecting (digging up bones). Would love to design things that are all bone instead of wood with a single elfen.