Gurashi and Xenthos are very sorry for breaking the aetherplex please forgive us.
(Orael wasn't there but you can't draw one without the other I guess. By the way their descriptions are hilarious. Go look them up.) [edit] I got the date wrong, heck!!
Lief Myeras-Silvermoon says, "This final song I will sing without accompaniment, and I call it 'Joy'."
An adorable little seal pup raises his head high and releases a string of high-pitched barks: "ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF!" Looking quite pleased with the sound, he lays back on his belly with a satisfied expression.
I just think if there's systems that can justifiably reward dailycredits, they should. But I guess a lot of the things that do give dc's arent usually rewarded by orgs, and a lot that of other stuff is, so it breaks even.
As far as quests go, since they're a low priority anyway, I think it would be a better use of admin time to add more quests to the quest system, rather than looking at what's already there and going "xenthos can get 11 credits in 2 minutes, time to nerf".
I think another thing might be looking at scholars/bards/pilgrims and seeing if there's any way to change that somehow. They're not only for daily credits, but also the daily achievements, there's a finite amount of them, they give power and culture, they're super easy to collect even without dogs, and there's literally no reason to not get all of them in a run except to be nice to other people who might otherwise lose their streaks. These guys are loaded, and depending on when you play, it can be impossible to find any. Otherwise it would be a great and easy way for newbies to get exp/gold/dailycredits. Not sure what a solution would be there, though.
Here's another good one to ask: Are you balancing around a person who is doing the quest in the prescribed manner (going and doing things in the order asked, one step at a time, trying to puzzle it out) or around the speedrunners who gather everything ahead of time and just turn it all in at once because they've done it a hundred times?