Enadonella and Avurkhos were the only pre buff Nilhist I that I ever saw getting solo kills.
Enadonella put more time and effort in the arena than I've seen almost any single individual.
I think I'd say Rolsand was the person I've seen put in almost as much effort as Ena and you can really see how he's improved as well from the start.
People don't get good overnight. They put in a lot of effect for a little bit of improvement.
I actually much rather have them force us all into the same 5 classes with only cosmetic differences. Giving everyone access to -every- current skill would be hell to implement. Giving them only access to opposing org skills would be equal hell and still give a big imbalance.Aramel said:I find it difficult to believe that previous envoys who have wanted to work on tuning Glom skills have not gone to the test server and produced evidence for their claims.
I apologize if I'm blunt, but the whole point of this thread is this: balancing skills is exhausting, especially when it involves having to argue with vocal opponents who will defend Glom skills to the death. People don't want to do that anymore; they'd rather not play. And maybe this does make them quitters. People are proposing skillset availability as a solution that will let everyone have access to the skills they believe are necessary to compete, without having to go through the mentally and emotionally taxing process of hours of arguing with Glomdoring.
Edit: replace Glomdoring with org of your choice if you like. That's not relevant to the point of this post.
Might have changed but the difference was/is that Druids can only bond a single totem where a mage could feasibly bond statues throughout an entire city. I'd expect we're at the point where Seren couldn't even reliably have totems active at the important npcs let alone trying to guard all their entrances.Lycidas said:Bonded totems via a Druid can be runed to work as statues
The question is actually pretty important, this whole thing about like taking a Glom class out of the Glom synergy and fighting a Glom that's using a different orgs class outside of their org synergy (or lack thereof) implies people are talking about 1v1 but a lot of the posts read to me that it's the org synergy itself that's the issue so 1v1'ing each other seems pretty meaningless.Aramel said:I believe I have just explained in my post above why I favor skill accessibility and letting people vote with their lessons, over arguing whether or not it's OP, because the thing driving people away from the game isn't just the mechanical imbalance, it's what they have to go through to try to address the mechanical imbalance.
Anaklusmos said:The point is that Glomdoring likes to paint all critique as negative in nature, and then either cry "personal attack" or deflect topic when called out.