I have several friends in Glomdoring. They are not in my opinion the problem, but they are the symptom of a complex series of problems that the current admin are working hard to resolve. Glom literally showed me the ropes. I would hate to lose the friendships I have with them outside of lusty.Niwynne said:Whether it is Glomdoring's fault or not, there certainly is a perception that Glomsdoring is largely to blame for this. And the constant repetitive steering of artifact and skill discussions into scent is weird and certainly not helping to dissuade those who think there is an agenda. Just have a think about how your actions can be perceived.
There are some Glomdoring players like Xenthos who seem to be nice - he even took time to patiently explain some things when I was a bit overly critical and under the impression that everyone hated everyone here - but people are tarring everyone in Glom with a single brush.
Contrariwise, when most of the game seems to think the problem is Glomdoring, perhaps it is time to consider that...it might in some way be true. Or, something is going on that is causing that perception, and it might be as easy to fix as working out how to be perceived differently.
Xenthos said:Maligorn said:The people who are currently happy with the way things are would just keep the status quo (Glomdoring). The last few naysayers would be pushed out, until Glomdoring finishes its chokehold on the game.¯\_(ツ)_/¯Please stop being so toxic.Please take your own advice. I am in Glomdoring, and I think it is pretty obvious that I care about the game and making it easier for players to get into things; I have spent a considerable amount of time on suggesting changes (including a ton of QoL stuff), so I don't see how this kind of comment is in any way productive.
Enadonella said:It has nothing to do with Maligorn because he is irrelevant since he doesn't even play.
? No, noses were given because people asked what would be a cool whimsical artifact (they were sold for dingbats and the definition of dingbat arties was "whimsical, maybe kinda useful gnomish detritus"). It was a way to sell some artifacts, it wasn't a "Hey we really researched this out, let's add a new thing to the game for everyone to change the combat meta." If it was, it wouldn't have been sold for 150 dingbats. :PLycidas said:We were given noses because it is such a vital thing and leveled the playing field.