It's one of the ways Lusternia differentiates itself from the other games and is, when it's working right, a selling point of the game.Devora said:Noob question. Is there a particular reason to design classes from different orgs in the same archetype with mechanically different skillsets?
This seems to be common and it seems like it would make much more sense to have 5 to 8 thoughtful, synergistic, well balanced skillsets, and then just change the flavoring but give each archetype the same mechanics. If there's genuinely a different skillset for each class, that's crazy. That's up to 30 skillsets needing to be balanced within and against each other. No one can expect that kind of wizardry from a handful of staff.
Or so I would think. But again, noob question.
I've spent time helping Serenwilde and Hallifax players understand their skillset build up and get kills with it. I'm always willing to help people understand their skillsets if they are having trouble with them. If you or anyone else needs help, if no one in your org is helping you send me an ooc message and I'll do my best to help you out. I've never turned anyway away when they ask for help.Niwynne said:The gist I am getting from the past few days on here, is that a siginificant amount of people have either left the game or are leaving because of Glomdoring's dominance. They have said so themselves. Even if this is somehow one big misconception, it doesn't change the fact that people did actually leave because they felt Glomdoring was oppressive.
And from what is going on here, no amount of 'But guys, if you actually did X' coming from Glomdoring players is going to change anything. Even if it is a valid argument, even if Moondancers really are the best class in the game people do not believe you, and you, Glomdoring players are not convincing them otherwise.
This game is slowly dying. Glomdoring neesd to do something drastic if it wants the game to continue to exist. Is it fair on them that it is at this point? Well, we could have another seven pages of argument about it and I doubt anyone will change their mind. What can you do? I don't know. I'm just a little Aquamancer who can see when people are hurting. You're the ones who are expert at combat. Do something. Anything. Anything that stops this.
For those that took that decision good for them, I stayed away from lusty for 4 years for exactly the same reason. When you are at that, point, there is no amount of work the admin can do to make it any better at that moment in time.Saran said:Esoneyuna said:Aramel said:Here is my counterpoint to him:
For me personally, Esoneyuna, I did what you suggested. I moved on from Lusternia and spent my time on other games. So did many players who retired. The problem here is that Lusternia, as a community, would prefer not to lose its players to other games, and this thread is, directly or indirectly, an attempt for players to give voice to why this is happening. And speaking about why you leave a game that you once loved is, by definition, negative. Policing and gaslighting people for being "negative" when they have very real frustrations accumulated over months and years is not a good way to have an honest conversation, which this game must do if there is to be a turnaround.
There is a difference between critique, and being consistently negative. It was also directed more towards behavior on clans, discords, tells, IG conversations etc than it was to this topic.I am going to leave here a post made by @Enya on the other thread, which I think is important to keep in mind before we start telling people who are unhappy with the state of the game that the problem is their attitude.
I mean, we could also dig up all the stats that show how many positive experiences the admin need to create for players to start cancelling out the negatives because, in theory, they're meant to be trying to make something people want to play and invest in.
We also do have players that are taking on the personal decisions to get more positivity in their lives (i.e they left Lusternia)
And as far as critique goes, you only get to expect that if you've demonstrated it's worth peoples time. Seriously, one of the most repeated things I've seen is players complaining, offering solutions, admin ignoring those solutions and asking for solutions which they still don't implement.
I realize your numbers dwindled. Gaudiguch has been getting more interest from people who want to fight, but at the same time the combat leaders and the experienced combatants have been a lot more sparse due to real life stuff. I have been trying to get Gaudiguch to go solo, or just with Celest depending on who is around to domoth. I have been having 3 issues with this.Vatul said:Magnagora has a small population that still actually cares about combat. And therefore, there are only so many people who can encourage this desire to fight against very heavy odds.
I sympatize, and while I do not agree that this is due to glom players specificly, I do hope things get fixed so all orgs get players again.Vatul said:We have with Serenwilde and Hallifax tried to encourage them, and they us when it comes to combat as a whole. Magnagora has assisted Hallifax and Serenwilde when their populations were low when claiming things have been difficult. Again, Mag now has only a small population that cares about ALL -conquest- mechanics, that includes pvp events.
I know the feeling. I have played in an undersiege celest, an undersiege Serenwilde, an undersiege Hallifax for long periods of time. One thing I like about Gaudiguch is that our stance is vortex entities are not important, go defend if you wish but if they die the party goes on.Vatul said:The rest will not respond to a lot of initiation on the opposing side, simply because of a sense of hopelessness and other things listed on the forums. You would consider them 'non-coms' and opposing sides will label them whatever they like, because they no longer run to the call of a demon attacked on Nil, or an Aspect struck. It depends on who you ask as to how they feel about this. This conversation as you've seen no doubt are cyclical.
Please don't ever force anyone to pvp, even in different climates.Vatul said:Before when we were allied it was even smaller, Magnagora was even less populated. Our population grew, but that didn't change anything about our combat mechanics, or how people felt. There were a bunch of new people we tried to encourage, but they didn't stay. We can't force them to make a choice to step up for pvp, especially in this climate.
One person disrupted your alliance with Glomdoring yes, Magnagora's council and citizens decided to let that person do it though so it does not result to just one person being responsible.Vatul said:One person disrupted the alliance, and it led to this reputation of Mag not treating their alliances properly. This has been mentioned before.We have never thrown our weight around for as long as I've been playing to my knowledge. Whatever you call it, there's no big bad wolf energy in Magnagora, and there hasn't been for years IRL.Our relationship with Glomdoring before that pivotal moment seemed cordial, but there were a lot of OOC factors that broke the RP involvement which seems pretty common nowadays.