We've already seen how static 3v3 can be. I would expect 2v2v2 would actually encourage shifting because there are less orgs involved in the decision process.Devora said:The escalating costs I proposed earlier would make 4v2 unappealing in the long run. The point is more that it opens up space for a transition period, where 3v3 (for example, H/Gl/S vs M/C/Ga) can change to 4v2 (eg, H/Gl vs M/C/Ga/S) and then shift back to 3v3 (eg, H/Gl/M vs C/Ga/S). Currently, the alliance system tends to work like this - periods of 2v2v2 or 3v3 interrupted by unstable periods of 4v2 or 3v2v1 that then rearrange themselves. With a max 3 or max 2 limit, these transition periods become much less feasible, which discourages shifting alliances.Saran said:
what does a max of 4 actually look like? In the ideal even split of population that's two thirds of the game against the other third with the system mechanically encouraging it.How is that different from 2v2v2? When 4 orgs pair off together, the last 2 are stuck with each other.Saran said:
stuff like the four forcing an org pairing which is entirely unfun for the two that are stuck together.
Your idea encourages a certain dynamic in org v org conflict and provides a potential incentive for the strongest orgs to mechanically ally so they can dominate the various objectives. (Because, at the end of the day, if the strongest can capture enough objectives to offset the sharing why should they work with weaker orgs?)Kaindor said:The idea isnt designed for more dynamic combat it's designed to maintain what we have while making the slower orgs more noob friendly. I've been starting and restarting characters for 12 years and have never seen it this dead. My character was already completely self sufficient and I had been playing for about a week before I got to talk to anyone in my own city. That is what drives people away. If I had never played this game or a game like it before I would have left after twenty minutes.Saran said:2v2v2, in theory, offers more dynamic combat because you don't have two sides facing off but instead have to be aware of your two enemy groups and capitalise on the openings you can find or create.
I agree we should bring the conversation back to the topic; however, neither of these two comments actually help things. The first comment basically says "Suck it up, and go to tournaments that doesn't have an impact in the game. ", and the second comment is in my opinion a cop out to any real suggestion. It would make targeting more complex, but everyone should get a chat window if they don't have one and/or call out alias for clans. These are common on both sides. Therefore, there is very little added complexity unless you take the fact that having the current losing side actually have a chance due to numbers then in that case it would be more complex than just standing around. These two comments are literally the comments that derailed the thread.Devora said:Can we refocus on the targeting malus / targeting def suggestions?This is a cool idea. As someone who's trying to learn pvp and is intimidated by all the artied-out big fish and all you need to learn to be effective for your group, I think more competitive events that allow for 1v1 and/or lower stakes practice that still serves your commune instead of distracting your mentors away from their important duties elsewhere would be A+.Deichtine said:Maybe just look at more events with fixed numbers if theres a big issue with numbers imbalance.
Like more wargame tournament type things.Xenthos said:This plus @Deichtine's point that a malus/def wouldn't necessarily change group dynamics are great insights from folks who have seen a lot of similar suggestions come and go. Have people played other games/MUDs where the mechanics of group combat were handled elegantly?In the past this kind of thing has been brought up, but never really has taken off. In the end the suggestions end up making combat harder to get into for people, need to end up having different groups / command channels, ignore some calls and prioritize others, etc.
dih-lish-uhsTylwyth said:So, how do you pronounce Merian?
Is it like mermaid/merfolk? Murrian?
Or like Mary-Anne?