Rofl, leaving Lusternia because of a third party messenger application is pretty radical. Why wouldn't you just... delete discord?Deichtine said:
Agreement made, it was wonderful having civil discourse. While I will yield that the charm being altered may lower and bring things more in-line, it is not the magic band-aid and I think we both agree on that. So we'll leave that there.Xenthos said:I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, because you flat-out acknowledged that some people considered an artifact standard must-have (and thus possessed it) vs. others who did not (and left it on the shelf). It's pretty apparent, to me at least, that nerfing fixing said artifact is going to most negatively impact the people who own it, and most positively impact those who don't but have to fight against it.
I don't understand why this is so hard to understand.Anaklusmos said:That is just the tip of it. Bleeding will still kill you by itself because it hits your health - 0 and dead. All the other synergy types are second class primarily because they require a lot of factors to actually result in a kill.
For @Deichtine: dustaffs by themselves will never kill you. Bleed will.