Orael said:Just to hopefully clear the air here - part of the reason for this thread is we can determine what the players in general want, so we can aim our goals appropriately.
There has been a lot of requests here to make things more active/engaging but then on the flip side, people want to have the option to not engage in the economy at all (mostly by having non-decay, self-sufficiency etc). Those seem pretty polar opposite goals.
Here are a few more questions that could use some answers in general.
1) Is the economy actually a problem for everyone or just a certain subset of players (like newbies etc)?
2) Should trading and economy be pushed as a viable gameplay route (ie, Merchant players that can make money as their IC identity and role)
- Is this currently an option?
3) Is there a route to allows players to both engage or not-engage as they see fit (ie Opt-in?).
- Is this a worthwhile path?
4) Would a better option just be just to nuke the economy and not even worry about it and only fix the commodity issues and call it a day?
- This option would be along the lines of just making basic supplies available in a shop. People can choose to have shops, but they'll have to understand that literally nobody has to or will engage with them outside others that choose to. The only worry about a glut of things would be to preserve db space rather than any economical issues?
Xenthos said:I'm curious why your two viable paths exclude:"Increase commodity availability and address tradeskill gating" - why don't you see that as viable? Sure, you could add things in where people can craft things and sell them off to gold to npcs as an alternative to hunting or whatever, but I'm not sure why you're only presenting two options that both require a lot of work when it feels like the simplest solution is just put it back to the way it worked for years, while potentially adding a few other outlets / reasons for trades along the way.
No, and after hearing what some people thought dreamsauce was, I have no desire for it now.Alarin said:
So... did you ever get that crocodile or dreamsauce, @Ianir?
The work you three put in for Celest makes me damn glad I decided to come back. I look forward to seeing what you all have in store for us next!Terentia said:Team TLC (aka Terentia, Lantra, and Carakhan) wrote up a little something about our thought process for the Celest guild touchups. We hope it is informative!