We keep Ixion around for many things. Cooking has never been one of them.Kethaera said:
I don't know what other characters you've played or how familiar you are with the whole crapshoot that is the Inner Sea/SOD and the quests contained therein, but the whole thing needs to be nuked and drained into the Undervault.Khnemu said:Razzafrazzin' Ladantine status razzafrazzin Sea of Despair razzafrazzin rabble rabble. You kill ONE sea wolf in the Inner Sea and suddenly you can't path in or out of a third of the Basin by area and can't get amnesty because His Imperial Corpsiness is undead.
Saran said:If you're issuing about someone shouldn't that be an issue <person> rather than yourself (which is more for questions)?
This. Alarin tends to buy gifts for people whenever I have not sticky goop that I honestly won't use in the immediate future. I'd like to do it more.Shango said:Also if sticky goop could go away so it's just one pool, that'd be great. It's hard to buy nice things for new people with most of my generation being sticky...even if it's good motivation to pick up cooking and pump out candies for people.