Hello! I'm Sulwh.

While I am enjoying the quests, and the exploration, and the creatures (I wish I could say I liked the hunting, but that's more of a necessary evil kind of thing), I find myself loving the roleplaying interactions the most. Obviously, Lusternia is not an RPI MUD, and some people might not like roleplaying in general, soooo I understand if not everyone will respond to roleplaying attempts! So far the vast majority of my roleplaying experiences have happened organically, like Sulwh serenading
@Shulamit with a ballad about chocolate in front of the roaring Eternal Flame just yesterday.
I have been trying to make it easy for others to interact with Sulwh by throwing out roleplaying hooks. For example, I have read the lore and histories here on the website, and I understand them from a player perspective. But...I have been trying to gather the information in-game, so that people can apply character and organization biases! Are there any other in-game roleplaying opportunities that I am simply missing?
(P.S. Roleplay at Sulwh, anytime, anywhere! Even if he looks busy
especially if he is 