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Re: Bartle Taxonomy

Disclaimer: answered this based on how I play other online games/MMOs, not Lusternia specifically.
Your Bartle Gamer Type is: gofS

Your dominant subtype is known as the Hooligan.

The gofS Hooligan will rarely back down from a challenge, he likes to push
himself to the limit and expects a similar attitude from others. When he
encounters an obstacle he is likely to focus on something else and return to it

The gofS Hooligan enjoys the occasional lazy day just hanging around with his
friends. He is not the most studious but is well aware that having the right
knowledge will go a long way.

The gofS Hooligan prefers a lively world full of opportunities where he has to
make uneasy alliances to rise to the top.

Re: Bartle Taxonomy

So far I am loving the archetypes presented here! Some have similarities but some are very unique! With that said, I am joining the bandwagon!

The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology

You are 80% Explorer

What Bartle says:

Explorers delight in having the game expose its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the-way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. Scoring points may be necessary to enter some next phase of exploration, but it's tedious, and anyone with half a brain can do it. Killing is quicker, and might be a constructive exercise in its own right, but it causes too much hassle in the long run if the deceased return to seek retribution. Socialising can be informative as a source of new ideas to try out, but most of what people say is irrelevant or old hat. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.
You are also:

60% Socialiser
40% Achiever
20% Killer 

This result may be abbreviated as ESAK

Your Bartle Gamer Type is: aSnG

Your dominant subtype is known as the Artificer.

The aSnG Artificer performs his actions as part of a larger scheme and will work hard to achieve the goals he believes in. When he encounters an obstacle he will examine it in detail until he has it figured out, learning in the process.

The aSnG Artificer enjoys striking up a conversation when he comes across an interesting stranger. He is generally easy going but can be a force to reckon with when someone rubs him the wrong way.

The aSnG Artificer prefers a complex world with fascinating physics that he can shape and form through creativity and perseverence.
75 Scientist   
75 Architect   
59 Opportunist   
59 Networker   
56 Friend   
50 Griefer   
47 Hacker   
25 Politician   

I am amazed at how incredible accurate the tests are, this is sooo me...

Thanks @Mboagn for introducing Bartle to us!


Where's the sobbing reaction for forum posts


You gently run your hand absentmindedly over the surface of Troka's Cast Iron Cornucopia of Fantastic Delights, which begins to radiate a scintillating light as it transforms into Maendwen's Diamond Cornucopia of Appalling Feasts.

Peep chili herofetes are canon now

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

In another Maylean shoutout, much appreciation to @Elexia for providing her own much appreciated theology crash course.


For those who may have missed it otherwise:

Your bug #26729 has been resolved: Whilst this is not a sentence we thought we'd ever be typing, the base beer pattern is no longer secretly a scantily-clad woman whose description contained the contraction "you're" and was thus causing some confusion. Yes, really.

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

Livestream sooooon. They are fixing bugs.


Re: Announce Post #3064: Policy Change: Sexual Harassment of New Players

So yay for this change and the statement. Thank you <3

Announce Post #3064: Policy Change: Sexual Harassment of New Players

Newbies are the lifeblood of Lusternia, and we take protecting them very seriously.

It has been brought to our attention that in recent months, a number of new players have been approached for sexual roleplay early on in their time within Lusternia. Many of them have been made uncomfortable by this, but not known what to do about it, or whether this is normal for Lusternia.

We all know that people use Lusternia for sexual roleplay, and if done in private, with the full and active consent of all invovled, this is not inherently against our Terms of Service or rules.

However, it is important to remember that players new to Lusternia do not know what the game is like and thus may not be able to fully, actively consent. They do not know what is expected of them, and experienced players inherently have more power than those who are new. When you ask a new player to do something, as an experienced player, your voice carries weight and must be used carefully.

As such, we have added a line into the newbie intro, at the point where the player enters into Lusternia proper, explaining that the Issues system exists and should be used if any player ever has trouble with another person in the game.

In addition to this, we have added an honours line to players who are new to Lusternia. This line reads: "recently stepped through the Portal of Fate". If you see a player with that honours line, you should NEVER approach them for sexual roleplay. You may respond if they approach you.

This line will disappear when the character has been in Lusternia for more than 50 cumulative hours (i.e. the point at which they can no longer receive a mentor). The Scroll of Laurels will not hide this line.

This ruling has been added to HELP HARASSMENT. We will consider any breach of this rule to be an act of sexual harassment, and will punish it accordingly.

Thank you.