Yes. We do sometimes.Esei said:So! Do gods often interact or rp with each other, IC-ly, where mortals don't see? Or is that sort of thing orchestrated more OOC?
I am every height and no height. But I enjoy this question and while it is currently a non-answer, look back here in a day or two to see me have edited it to include the canon height of every Aspect I care to mention. Because what's the point of having data if I can't share?!Esei said:Another question! How tall do you imagine your characters to be? I know Czixi is about 4-5 feet tall, and Shofet-Mysrai is about that height also.
I am not touching the conlang question because other people better than me will be able to answer it, but Terentia is on the shorter end of 5 foot. Czixi and Terentia, I think unintentionally, are similar in statures.Esei said:Another question! How tall do you imagine your characters to be? I know Czixi is about 4-5 feet tall, and Shofet-Mysrai is about that height also.
So, last night I had a sleepless night, like my mind racing about this that and everything and Lusternia ended up being one of those things my thoughts went to for quite a while. Some of my experiences over the years and how I really have not played in the last two years. So, maybe to settle my mind I decided I wanted to write here, so, if you do not like a nice long read, I would suggest moving on but hi!
So, I started Lusternia back in the real early days! I believe I created Arimisia in February or March of 2005 shortly after moving across the country. I was kinda iffy about the game at first and was hard for me to make friends. My first friend ended up being Nevyn and the person he was going to marry in game, Shaylen. He took me under his wing and got me into the whole shop keeping business and anyone who knows me, knows that that was my niche in Lusterina.
A fun little story, so I stated Lusty early 2005, in April, I was literally in labor while playing this game! I was on until 2am, I had no idea. My child was my little gas pain lol. Logged off Lusty was going to go to bed but instead I went to the hospital and 3 hours later hand my little man. In October of the same year, I started collage. For anyone that does not know but really should not come as a huge surprise, I went to art school!
I really didn’t get into Artisanals until later because school was rough, very time consuming, stressful. You see, I went to one of those schools you hear about in the news, especially about a year ago when the whole school sunk entirely. I never did graduate and when I had quit is when I really started buckling down and working on my art for the game. I ended up setting a goal that I wanted to be the very best! Not sure if I am still number 1 but I was when the artisanls were discontinued there for a while. This was probably the last breaking point for me and my distancing from the game. While I know they are back, I am not sure I would ever return just for that.
There are many reasons why I distanced myself from Lusternia. Was a lot of little things, directions I didn’t agree with and then just little stabs of things that were happening in game. One of the big one was when the guilds were done away with. I had been the GM of the Ur’guard for like 5 years or something. In the final weeks, something was going on and I game up GM to someone else, so I would never get my guild honor and that hurt ☹ I put so much time and effort and anyone who and an emotional attachment to their character and this game, should know what I felt.
There was the whole thing with the aethermine fiasco. I poured SOOO much gold and credits and dingbats. Don’t get me wrong, I know that it was broke but at the time, it “worked as intended” and I was the shopkeeper to everyone! In this effort, I had bought TWO large aetherships from private individuals, one was an upgraded aethership with a lot of mines, the other had a lot of mines. I am not sure I was ever supposed to divulge this information, but I do not see where it hurts now. I paid to have my two manses merged to make upkeeping easy. I was called a bank by the divine who did this project which I thought was amusing. This was the birth of, originally called Blob and then later renamed Crown of the Empire (COE).
COE was mine and Munsia’s pride, we had HUGE dreams for this ship. Maybe I can find the map sometime, but we mapped out what we wanted, and I worked on it. The original moving of the rooms was rough as the fulcrux of the manse was not room 1 like most manses are. But once I got all the original rooms moved and put into place it was much easier. We had a district to represent each city and commune then a central castle like area. It was never finished but it was the thought.
I was never much of a fighter, but I was able to accomplish so much and I thank everyone who let me have these experiences. I became an ascendant of Magnagora for quite a while, I tried to be a good representative and I think for a while, I wasn’t too bad 😊 I also became an avatar for Morgfyre which I think was one of the hardest achievements.
Overall I have had a lot of fun, met a lot of friends that I still talk to today. There was also tragedy, the few deaths we know we can confirm, I knew two of them. I remember 2-3 months before one of them passed I messed with him telling him that he was the master of poofing and what if I wanted to do an artisanls of him. There was a tragedy that faced me IRL as well a bit over 2 years ago now. This person did not play the game but was an avid gamer. Was visiting him one weekend knowing he hadn’t been feeling well but we had a convention in Atlanta coming up and I wanted to help him get outfits sewed up and in general, be company to try and help him feel better. Unfortunately, the morning after I arrived my friend was doing much worse and I was going to take him to the ER, instead, I watched him collapse and die in from of me ☹
Everything made me grown as a person and I have a lot fond memories of Lusternia, but these types of event made me look at myself and know I needed to do more. I got out of a relationship that had been falling apart for years, I moved and basically started life over. I have been tempted from time to time to log back in but I dunno anymore. But just know, everyone here, this game was a huge part of my life for many years, I still think of you, I still love you and maybe, someday, Arimisia will return. If anyone has missed me and wants a way to get in contact, or just wants to get to know me, shoot me a message or post. Otherwise, have fun and protect Lusternia in another year of ascension! May the odds ever be in your favor!
I want to set the record straight here, as I have been the one talking to Alexandria on behalf of Celest.Vexacion said:
Very little of it feels in-character, and seeing that I've heard from multiple sources that Celest was harassing Alexandria over it, I must admit that I'm just glad it's finally happened. We've all been waiting for it to happen anyways.
Excuse me, but you're a Magnagoran. You better suck it up and kill them right back.Mirae said:I just want it to be known last night ruined the game for me a bit. I'm going to be stepping back from playing as much and stop trying in combat-related events.
The whole "Hallifax declaring the treaty with Magnagora" ending? Yes, I'm fine with. There is nothing to be said there because at the end of the day it falls to city "leaders" and the ilk as to how they want to RP/play out their roles.
What I'm not fine with is the fact that I died because Hallifax decided to sit at our Megalith on Prime (which is generally assumed a safe place) and kill members of Magnagora. I was just arriving back from bashing to finish learning some lessons, and then log off. Imagine my surprise when I show up to Alexandria, Ymuli, Aramel, and Kaizynne sitting there. I walked into the room and was KOS'd.
Our newbies were on our City Aether saying "Should I stay out of the City to avoid being killed?". Imagine if a youngling was learning at the Megalith and was slain by Hallifax's outburst. They'd probably leave too after a bad interaction like that. The same could be said if someone was at Titan and died to a bad event like this.
Overall this interaction could have been much better and left a bad taste in my mouth in regards to "Politics" of Lusternia.
Even though I was not part of it, I want to apologise you felt that way about it. Unfortunately Lusternia can get ugly some times, and it is about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's less common these days, but this use to happen on a regular bases.Mirae said:They say that hindsight is 20/20.
I can agree that it is rough luck, and I appreciate your kind words @Ciaran. At the same time though.. something like a yell "We are through with Magnagora!" or something like that, followed by a momentous raid would have been my ideal. If I had died trying to protect my city, I absolutely wouldn't have felt the way I did last night.
After having a good day at work and thinking things through, yes I was in the wrong place at the wrong time for an event of that magnitude. I was also running on little sleep, so it added to my irritation.
@Kethaera You're right, had I been in the right frame of mind at the moment, that is probably what I would've done. I agree, it is a conflict game and I understand that. I just hated that I was at the center at the moment.
All in all its an event that happened and death is nothing compared to Timequakes and such. I was just extremely unhappy that I didn't get even a small chance to defend myself.