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Re: Absence Thread

I will be taking an extended absence beginning once certain arrangements have been made.

I am disappointed by a great many things in and related to this game recently, including some undertones which have not been offset despite attempts to do so, and unfortunately what enjoyment I had left in Lusternia has been soured to a high degree.

@Nocht, I am sorry, I would still like to come back for the thing, so please let me know if and when it is time.

Try to enjoy yourselves.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Belated rave to @Drocilla for rp squeezed in before ascension, and the growing activity in the order.

All the family activity that's been growing from old faces showing back up, and new ones being brought in, looking at you @Sapphira, @Vella, @Silvanus, and Zau.

And lastly <3's for the visions. Which pretty well captured an ultimate power Uzriel and I'm sure won't go to his head or inspire future plans.

Now that all of the Ascension insanity is over with, I'm looking forward to focusing more on roleplay without all the constant competitions around the corner.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

All retirements have been pushed through at this point. 

We were waiting to confirm them as retirement is a permanent decision and we wanted to make sure that people were not making any decisions they would come to later regret. We do regret that this decision led anyone to retire.

Additionally - we feel this thread has run it's course, so we'll be closing it now.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

I know I could rave all day about how great the Divine are but also I must give praises to @Lief because I MISSED you so much. 

Re: Letters of Note

I come Gaudiguch, sleep flame, rest pyramid. I wake tell seek peep
No peep chilli at market.
Tonatiuh tells complain Coraline.
I write Coraline complain no peep chilli.
This letter peep chilli complaint.
Kind regard,
Ariap the Old
Orange blossom stationery is holding:

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

One last thing I want to say here - 

When we first announced this - Parhelion received a lot of grief almost to the point of retirement and I announced that those of you that may have contributed to that should be ashamed of yourselves.

Two other players announced here that they also were going to retire. Unfortunately, they did not change their minds. The people that decided to react with 'LOL' to them asking their retirements to be finalized should feel ashamed of themselves as well.

This is the toxicity and OOC hatred we need to get away from - we all play this game to get away from reality and escape, whether it be mastering of combat and coding or to enjoy the RP and flavour of our beautiful world. This is a conflict game, and conflict is inevitable, but we can still maintain a level of respect and decency towards each other, which will only serve to enhance and grow the game overall.

Even if you disagree with their reasoning for retiring, we shouldn't be 'laughing' them out the door. We can do better than that.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Jaspet said:
Can someone push the button that lets my retirement go through? I can't put this burnout mess behind me until someone does the thing that lets me leave.
I would also appreciate if the admin could finish the retirement process on Ciaran. It would help grant some finality and closure.

Edit: Thanks <3


These are the visions you're missing (from the timeline where Malarious ascended):

As you peer through a timewarped scar, you observe a black-furred aslaran accompanied by a towering black wolf, a path of death and carnage following in his wake.

A black-furred aslaran stalks through the desert next to a towering black wolf, tracking some unknown target. The aslaran leans to the side and intones the word 'Doom' before the pair launch into action.

As you peer through a timewarped scar, you see a mass of followers surrounding a giant stone megalith. The constant chanting of 'Reaper' comes to your ears as your vision settles on the black-furred archlich standing in the center of the crowd with his arms raised up, basking in the adoration.

Great Pyramids dominate the skyline as a giant party takes place, the people all dancing in a haze of weed smoke. In the center, you see an aslaran with black fur nodding along with the heartbeat of the crowd, behind him a large black wolf laying in rest.

If you missed any others I can post those here too, a ton of people worked to write them so very happy to make sure they get seen!

Re: Lusternian picrews!

So, making Vexacion is hard because she's a viscanti and has very dark, dark purple-red skin, right? But she's also a lot of fun. Need more claws, though. This comes from


If only he had probed it, and saw it's not...made with weevils, but for weevils...

a platter of weevil delight
A platter filled with what appears to be various types of wood has been dropped here.
Piled high with what appears to be various woods found around the basin,
this petite gold platter has been made from copious amounts of marzipan.
The almond confection has been carefully shaped, each piece dyed a
different shade, ranging from pieces of dark mahogany wood to maple and
even exotic blue and purple woods. A few pieces have been dipped into
chocolate before being carved with a wood grain pattern, resembling
small pieces of dark ebony wood.
Picking up one of the wood pieces, you gingerly bite down on it. You are
surprised to find your teeth sinking in easily, the sudden taste of
sweet almond marzipan flooding your mouth as you continue to chew. Each
subsequent piece appears to ultimately be marzipan as well, the soft,
almost chewy sweet easily eaten. As you finish the sweets off, you
ponder the small platter thoughtfully before also taking a bit from it,
mildly surprised to find that it seems to be harder marzipan covered in
edible gold leaf.
Carefully sniffing at what appears to be a platter filled with wood, you are surprised to find it smells of almonds, chocolate, and honey.
You curiously nibble on one of the pieces of wood, finding it to be sweet marzipan instead.