I missed the FIRST arrival, but after exchanging some food and talking with
@Tsakali via tells, we decided to pay His realm a sneaky secret visit, and it turned into the re-emergence of the Urchin in Ivory! And and and there was a party and a food fight and damn it was just an overall good time!
The First World seems a little gayer as the childlike voice of Mysrai echoes in a thousand sing-song voices, "Ya-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"Thanks again for letting Gurashi be a part of the fun! It was a blast! A hoot! An honor!
Much love for
@Mysrai and
@Crumkane and
@Shulamit and
@Coraline and sooooo many good beans.
Also you should go read
this log from Shulamit, which happened today, whereas the logs I posted happened last night. A continuation!