EndGame Proposal
A proposal to adjust endgame mechanics to make them more worthwhile, more engaging and overall more fun. We want to lower the gap between Ascendants and Demigods as well as leave goals to achieve for those that hit endgame, should they choose to keep going but nothing so strong that they feel they need to keep going.
Demipowers and weights
RP Powers
Separate the following powers from the weight system. These powers will have an initial essence cost to purchase and another cost to change but will not cost any weight.
- CustomShout
- CustomZap
- CustomLook
- ChoiceShout
- ChoiceZap
- ChoiceEnter
- ChoiceLook
- ChoiceTeleport
- Typecast
- Masquerade
- Sparkler
Custom Powers will cost 4 million essence each time you activate/change
Choice Powers will cost 200k essence each time you activate/change one.
Typecast, Masquerade, and sparkler will have the same costs.
Other Powers
Open up all the powers to allow everyone to choose from. No more 'Ascendant' only powers. True Ascendants will still get their domoth powers inherently and Sealbearers will be allowed to choose one power weight-free still. Additionally, we will adjust the weights from 50/100/150 to 50/75/100 to close the gap. Accompanying this change in weight allowance will be a review and weight/essence cost adjustment of the remaining powers
* Wondercrystals will be permanently purchasable at 50 million apiece.
DemipowerReviewMore Engaging Endgame
Remove the essence cap and instead allow players to use essence to purchase levels. Starting at 50mil, each level will scale up 10mil. Every 5 levels will grant one 'perk' point for the demigod to choose from a list. These powers should be nothing crazy but noticeable. Allow a player to reset perk points for an essence cost - like 25 million.
- Omniscience (drains personal essence) - 2 points
- Permanence - will not lose your current level.
- Ability to transfer demigod essence
- Start with a 25% loss on transfer and additional perks reduce that by 2.5%?
- 0.5% crit bonus (cap at 10 perks - 5%)
- 5 extra weight (cap at 10 perks - extra 50 weight)
- ability to choose\unlock a restricted race (nagasith/sileni/gnome/fink) - 2 points
- A 3/16 universal damage buff at the cost of a -3/-16 universal resistance debuff - 2 points
- A 3/16 univeral resistance buff at the cost of a -3/-16 universal damage debuff - 2 points
- A 4/16 health regen buff at the cost of a -3/-16 mana regen debuff and a -3/-16 ego regen debuff - 2 points
- A 4/16 mana regen buff at the cost of a -3/-16 health regen debuff and a -3/-16 mana regen debuff - 2 points
- A 4/16 egoregen buff at the cost of a -3/-16 health regen debuff and a -3/-16 mana regen debuff - 2 points
- A 4/16 health buff at the cost of a -3/-16 mana debuff and a -3/-16 ego debuff - - 2 points
- A 4/16 mana buff at the cost of a -3/-16 health debuff and a -3/-16 ego debuff - 2 points
- A 4/16 ego buff at the cost of a -3/-16 health debuff and a -3/-16 mana debuff - 2 points
- More ideas for perks are welcome.
Anti-Grinder option
Introduce a passive essence gain mechanic. As you become older and wiser you gain essence over time. Players will gain essence for non-idle time playing in the game at a rate of 100,000 essence/hour of playtime. It'll be awarded on the new game year. This number comes out to ~100 million essence over the course of an RL year playing at a rate of ~3 hours a day (3 hours a day would be 333 days)
Let us know your thoughts and feelings. We do have more content in the works as well in addition to this proposal, but that must remain a secret for now!