Bold of you to assume I have survival instinct.Mysrai said:I believe that's your survival instinct kicking in.
This is definitely something we're trying to do as and when we're able, and has already happened in some places!Sapphira said:While all these things are awesome, I would absolutely settle for the occasional random npc popping in to say hi without the need for big events and competitions! More rp!
Whoever it is that is amusing themselves with resolution text in fixed bugs gets extra hearts from me, I always read and get a kick out of them. One of mine before (not listed inchangelog) involved forcefeeding geomancer cookies.Aonia said:A huge rave to the veritable army of divine and ephemerals who helped create that truly epic changelog (2040), with a focus on fixing quest bugs! We started with 104 bugs in the game categories and ended with only 35 remaining. Whew!