An uncomfortable chill settles in the air about you despite your proximity to the Flame as the gaze of Nocht passes over you.
Minute Mboagn says, "I've been sending them aloft -everywhere-."
Mboagn claps their hands together merrily.
Minute Mboagn says, "Just to make sure people know I'm around. And watching."
You have emoted: Shulamit ducks suddenly, glowing a mildly alarmed shade of silver.
You think to yourself: Do...does He not like dark chocolate?
Minute Mboagn says, "It's okay, I'm benign."
Minute Mboagn says, "Mostly..."
Throwing their head back, Mboagn let loose a crazy croaking cackle.
You have emoted: Shulamit pats Mboagn with a distracted air.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Mboagn, "You are a good child-to-be. Not scary."
Mboagn takes out a curious little pot filled with a white waxy substance. They begin to apply it onto every nook and cranny of their dehydrated pink skin.
With a satisfied smile, Mboagn tucks the pot away, their skin newly-moistened and able to withstand the rigours of heat.
Mboagn makes a happy-frog croaking noises.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Mboagn, "I'm glad you're keeping moistened!"
You think to yourself: Don't want the poor child to dry out.
Minute Mboagn says, "It's very important for skincare."
Mboagn nods their head sagely.
You think to yourself: I'm lucky crystalline skin doesn't really...dry. It does crack. But not from heat.
Mboagn's eyes widen in disbelief as they softly exclaims, "Whoa."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Mboagn, "Hm?"
Minute Mboagn says, "There's shadows behind you."
"Uhh..." you stall.
You have emoted: Shulamit turns around very very slowly, trying to peek the shadows without turning much, glowing alarmed shades of yellow.
Akali hugs Mboagn compassionately.
Akali wags her tail happily.
Akali inches bashfully over to Mboagn and nuzzles them tenderly.
Akali romps playfully about the room.
Mboagn steps down off of a fiery blue phoenix.
You think to yourself: Do I have a lantern that He'd like if He is behind me? Wait, He's all shadows. Would He dislike lanterns on principle then?
A voice creeps along your thoughts, flat and unfeeling, "I've received your offering, child... Why did you not craft a gift for one of your city's Elders? What is it you seek in making offerings to Me?"
Silvanos wipes the back of their hand across their head in relief as they mutters, "Whew."
Trying to talk to the shadows quietly and failing at the quietly, you say, "Well, I have crafted Them many gifts. I like giving gifts to others as well. Esei and Gurashi have spoken of You, so like, gifts!"
You think to yourself: Because giving gifts is nice.
Mboagn peers closely at the shadowy places.
Glowing pink, you say, "I've made gifts of my children, my sister, of many!"
Silvanos tries to peer into the shadows and fails to see anything at all.
Mboagn gets up off a ribbachi shaped bag chair.
Acknowledging your point to be true, Silvanos nods their head gravely at you.
Mboagn sits themself down on a ribbachi shaped bag chair and makes themself comfortable.
With expert precision, you assemble a plump and pretty goose lantern from a pile of vellum laid before you.
Paper flexing as though croaking, a glistening pink mugwump lantern rises into the sky, little limbs swaying back and forth.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Goose! Like Silvanos!"
Silvanos lazily draws their wings to and fro through the air, fanning them slowly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Mugwump! Like Mboagn!"
Mboagn reaches up and squeezes their nose, making a loud honking noise.
Folding their wings so they can reach them easily, Silvanos preens their wings happily, straightening out the disheveled feathers.
You have emoted: Shulamit hums softly, rocking back and forth.
Silvanos preens their wings back into impeccable fashion before pulling their neck as far forward as possible and letting out a loud "HONK" for all to hear, settling back and looking extremely proud of themself once they are good and done.
Folding their wings so they can reach them easily, Silvanos preens their wings happily, straightening out the disheveled feathers.
You think to yourself: That was literally invisible.
Akali snuggles up close to you, looking happy and content.
Akali wags her tail happily.
Cold seeps into your crystalline form as the voice presses, "And what do Gurashi and Esei tell you of Me, child?"
Silvanos quickly dusts off their wings.
Silvanos leans on you seeking consolation.
You have emoted: Shulamit shivers a bit, pondering questions. "Not much! They seem to think...scary things? Probably not. Hm. Pondering."
You think to yourself: They seem mildly concerned of giving gifts, but gifts are good.
Cold seeps into your crystalline form as the voice presses, "And what do Gurashi and Esei tell you of Me, child?"
A great brindle mastiff pants heavily, his tail wagging enthusiastically.
Slowly, you say, "That You sometimes show up for art stuff! That Beauty is one of Your tenets. We've been talking of cute things more. Maybe You are cute, and I can't see You. Behind the shadows."
Showing that they understands, Silvanos nods their head slowly.
Silvanos rubs their chin thoughtfully, raises their eyebrow and says, "I see..."
Without a care in the world, Mboagn sits back and sinks deeper into a ribbachi shaped bag chair.
You have emoted: Shulamit continues to rock back and forth in the rocker, looking as she rocks to try and not rock on any shadows that seem particularly solid.
The surrounding shadows convulse, grasping outwards in joyous anticipation as Nocht, the Silent suddenly materializes from the aether.
Silvanos blinks.
You get up off a dragon-winged rocking chair.
Silvanos rubs their chin thoughtfully, raises their eyebrow and says, "I see..."
You curtsey gracefully before Nocht.
Mboagn gets up off a ribbachi shaped bag chair.
Silvanos inclines their head politely to Nocht.
Mboagn squeaks in fright.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Nocht, "Hi hi Lord Nocht!"
Mboagn kneels before Nocht and touches their head to the ground in worship.
<spam looking at Nocht and things on Nocht like a creeper>
Silvanos smiles softly.
Silvanos folds their wings around your body, wrapping you in a feathered embrace.
Swollen, searing air slinks in through cracks and crevices, offering no escape.
Silvanos ponders Nocht thoughtfully, looking Him up and down.
Minute Mboagn says, "Hello...welcome to Gaudiguch..>!"
Silvanos nods their head enthusiastically.
Nocht ignores the others present, fixing His gaze upon you with an unreadable expression.
You think to yourself: Doesn't look healthy. Is He okies?
You have emoted: Shulamit seems to be thinking of saying something, but decides against it.
Akali bows respectfully to Nocht.
Mboagn sweats profusely.
Silvanos lazily draws their wings to and fro through the air, fanning them slowly.
"Wow!" Akali exclaims!
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "You are a bold one to ramble so without worry, child."
Swollen, searing air slinks in through cracks and crevices, offering no escape.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Am I? Oh!"
Tilting His head, Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Or perhaps foolish."
You think to yourself: Maybe the Silent doesn't like rambling.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Very very likely!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Many people have said I am very foolish sometimes."
You have emoted: Shulamit tilts her head slightly. "I don't feel foolish. But I guess I wouldn't!"
Silvanos ponders the situation.
Flatly, Nocht, the Silent whispers, "It will get you into trouble you cannot escape one day, I imagine."
Mboagn perks up, ready to valiantly, if uselessly, defend you.
Looking slightly worried, you say to Nocht, "Maybe! Until then, I just...go onwards, and try and learn!"
Throwing her head back, Akali takes several powerful inhales through a flushed dragon snout.
You have emoted: Shulamit pats Mboagn gently.
Acknowledging your point to be true, Silvanos nods their head gravely at you.
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "But for your gift, and your ties to dearest Mysrai, that trouble will not be with Me."
Nocht, the Silent whispers, "My thanks for your... interesting offering."
Nocht, the Silent has bestowed His divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 2 months.
Glowing a cheerful pink tinged with a smidge of grey, you say, "Oh! That's good! I like not being in trouble!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Oh."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Oh!"
The surrounding shadows wane, falling back in despondent melancholy as the form of Nocht, the Silent dissolves into wisps of shadow.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Sparkly!"
You have emoted: Shulamit turns around and around, looking at herself.
<looking at self spam>
Shadows cling adoringly to her, reluctant to surrender their grasp on one with the truefavour of Nocht, the Silent.
Mboagn waves to the nothing in the darkness.
Silvanos blinks.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Oh, they cling!"
Minute Mboagn says, "He is so scary."
With a trilling chirp, Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, Herbal Connoisseur says, "That was...interesting."
Mboagn sits themself down on a ribbachi shaped bag chair and makes themself comfortable.
Swollen, searing air slinks in through cracks and crevices, offering no escape.
Mboagn flops back into the comfort of a ribbachi shaped bag chair.
Still turning around, you say to Mboagn, "Was He? I think He was succinct, but not cruel."
You think to yourself: They flow around!
Minute Mboagn says, "All the Big Ones are terrifying."
You have emoted: Shulamit stops spinning around, sitting down suddenly in a dragon-winged chair.
You sit yourself down on a quaint desert themed rocking chair and make yourself comfortable.
You think to yourself: Dizzy.
Silvanos acknowledges the point with a grave nod of their head.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Mboagn, "They can be! They can also be very amazingly neat and good!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "For differing values of good."
"Heh heh heh" Silvanos chuckles.
Minute Mboagn says, "Maybe so."
Silvanos nods their head sagely at you.
Minute Mboagn says, "But if you ever get in trouble with one of Them, mother-to-be, just tell me and I will burn what needs to be burnt!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Mboagn, "It's okies. I've never been hurt by any of Them."
You think to yourself: Except Lady Viravain punting me into the Moonheart Mother Tree, or Lord Lyreth breaking my chest.
"Wow!" Akali exclaims!
Silvanos looks dubious.
Comprehension flashes across Akali's face.
Minute Mboagn says, "Okay good. Because I doubt my abilities to do harm."
With a trilling chirp, Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, Herbal Connoisseur says to you, "You got painted once."
Mboagn wipes the back of their hand across their head in relief as they mutters, "Whew."
With a trilling chirp, Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, Herbal Connoisseur says, "And the *trout*."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Silvanos, "That's not trouble!"
With a trilling chirp, Rajakumari Silvanos Lunarose, Herbal Connoisseur says, "TROUT."
Akali wags her tail happily.
Guiltily, you say to Silvanos, "Okay trout was."
You ponder Eritheyl thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
You ponder the situation.
Eritheyl wags his tail happily.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "We need to speak. Somewhere quiet."
Eritheyl's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "My favourite place for quiet times."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded asks, "What's the matter?"
You have emoted: Shulamit sighs slowly, letting a long low breath trickle from her mouth.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "You know of the Liar and their sleep, yes?"
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Only vaguely. Neither They nor Theirs have said much to me, save for the brief words I shared with the Saint...though I didn't know it was the Liar of which we spoke until well after."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Only vaguely. Neither They nor Theirs have said much to me, save for the brief words I shared with the Saint...though I didn't know it was the Liar of which we spoke until well after."
Tilting her head ever so slightly, as though very tired, you say, "Can you remember what the Saint said? Or the vision? Or...whatever it may be."
Eritheyl nods his head.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "I took very careful notes."
Looking chagrined, you say, "I should do that sometime."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "'The thieves speak of one who has been laid to rest in deep sleep by the Thousandfold, whose latent psionic ability bleeds into their dreams. From their dreams, to us'."
Murmuring, you say, "Explains why the thief knew what he knew."
Eritheyl tilts his head curiously.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "That was all?"
You tilt your head and listen intently.
Gently, you say to Eritheyl, "Eri?"
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "The thing of most relevance, at least. I went on to ask her if we should consider these visions an omen of bad things to come, but she was enigmatic as ever."
Very quietly, you say to Eritheyl, "It might all be relevant. They were hurt. Liar is sleeping. Only parts and shifts."
Eritheyl nods solemnly.
You have emoted: Shulamit glows a soothing ivory colour, letting it wash over Eritheyl in waves.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "'The world is full of threats, this is well known. This one could well be a threat for a great many reasons, but much could be said of the Beloved themselves.'"
You have emoted: Shulamit listens closely, hands folded in her lap in front of her.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "'And when the worst comes, we shall know that it is just another step after all we have endured, and enjoyed, in our service'."
You think to yourself: a relieving thing to hear. We will get through it all.
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "This was the first and last I spoke with any of the Beloved about the visions. Aside from that...those who see more, hear more, have not shared with me. I am something of a pariah these days."
Morosely, Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "From Sacrosanct to scum. How the world turns, and we with it."
Your design #30194 of a strawberry daiquiri cocktail was approved.
Eritheyl waves his hand dismissively.
Glowing a sad shade of off-white, you say to Eritheyl, "We have all been lowered. I hope you do not think I have been ignoring you. My mind gets so tangled and onto one track..."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "You? Never. I am simply torn over the many ways my path has changed, and perhaps grown irrevocably long, on its way to Them."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I know you can find your way. You are smart, and cunning."
Eritheyl smiles softly.
Slowly, you say, "Allow me to tell you what happened just...a smidge ago."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "A bit slowly. My mind is disordered from it."
Eritheyl offers his full attention, nodding in an unhurrying manner.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I awoke to Esei and Gurashi sitting with the Liar while they slept fitfully."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They being the Liar."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Not...not Gurashi or Esei."
Eritheyl nods his head.
You have emoted: Shulamit waves a hand around, confused at herself.
Sparkling grains of sand whisper and frolic across the floor, dusting every surface and settling into every crevice in sight.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "We sat, and saw some things, but mostly warmth as we kept them company."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "After some time, Esei left hurriedly, and Gurashi rested easily, soul safe."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Almost as soon as I was alone with them, They appeared."
You think to yourself: Too many They and Them, hm.
Eritheyl tilts his head curiously.
Glowing an alarmed shade of red before settling on a milder almost pink, you say, "They were hurt. Badly."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Oh..."
Breathing slowly, you say, "Wound on Their side. They did not notice me much. Only slightly."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Forgave me for speaking Their sister's name. When I should not have. Don't...speak Her name."
Eritheyl nods solemnly to you.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And fed the Liar as they slept milk, honey, and...a smidge of poppy."
You have emoted: Shulamit shifts her eyes suddenly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I recognized the smell from when my children teethed."
Comprehension flashes across Eritheyl's face.
Speaking hurriedly, you say, "But they slept. And They were very hurt, bleeding through the bandages They had on Their side."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And then the Shofet left. But."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "We saw visions. Which now make sense."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "As you've just said, a key part."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They, the Liar, are strongly brain things."
You have emoted: Shulamit waves a hand, confused.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Showing that he understands, Eritheyl nods his head slowly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Mental...things."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "We know part of the Liar's name. It's...uh, naturally not the Liar. I guess. Makes sense."
You have emoted: Shulamit blushes heavily, hands shoved into her gown.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "I remember this, from right before my smiting."
Eritheyl glances askance.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "You. Know their name?"
You have emoted: Shulamit turns very slowly to Eritheyl, eyes wide.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
The first rumbles of a distant eruption reverberate through every surface, causing the very foundations to shiver and quake.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Only that little part that they let slip."
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "What was it."
Hesitantly, Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Ash, was it not?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Ahhh. Yes. We both know."
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Do not say the other name accidentally."
Eritheyl nods solemnly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Very bad no good things."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "We must find the other part. That is but a fraction."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "A piece."
Eritheyl sucks thoughtfully on an opalescent othala rune stud.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "The other part is...something from long long ago they have not been able to let go."
Concerned, you say, "There will be a storm though. It is on the horizon. Once we know."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It *will* come."
You murmur softly to yourself.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But, we can not weather it until it comes and passes."
Eritheyl nods his head at you, showing his acceptance.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "Until then I feel terribly useless, just sitting and watching."
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "It gives me terrible anxiety, and you're the first to really, openly speak about it all."
Eritheyl frets over everything that might go wrong.
Clasping your hand tightly, you say to Eritheyl, "You are not useless. You knew part before us! I should have asked you first."
Sparkling grains of sand whisper and frolic across the floor, dusting every surface and settling into every crevice in sight.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "Be strong. Glow brightly. Until it comes to pass, we can only be glimmering for the Liar and the Shofet both."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "I should speak with...others who are awake."
Eritheyl nods his head affirmatively.
You have emoted: Shulamit looks up briefly, as though trying to see who might be awake.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "Or we could sit longer, if it is calming."
You have emoted: Shulamit glows a soothing shade of ivory.
Eritheyl Ryseni, of Ways Discarded says, "It is, very much so. This is the thing I missed the most in my slumber, having other Beloved to lean on. Everything is so different to me now."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Eritheyl, "It has changed so much, and will change again. But we will be malleable, like gold, and flow with it."
Eritheyl inhales sharply, puffing out his chest with a sense of renewed purpose. "You're right," he affirms, his tail kicking into a little wag.
You have emoted: Shulamit smiles brightly at Eritheyl, shades of pink and sapphire creeping into the ivory.
You have emoted: Shulamit sits with Eritheyl quietly, alternating between soothing shades.
Alary creases their brow in a frown.
You glance about uncertainly, your body turning a hazy shade of grey.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It's...about that, a bit."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Anyway, this is private."
Comprehension flashes across Alary's face.
You nod your head emphatically.
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "More news on the Liar or the gem?"
You have emoted: Shulamit plops down, attempting to glow soothing shades of ivory as she orders her thoughts.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Yes! Them! Friend Liar! Beloved Liar!"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Aye, do tell then?"
Alary strokes your head in consolation.
Glowing mottled random shades, you say, "! Me and Esei and Gurashi were watching friend Liar sleep, right?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Then Esei disappeared into shadows like Esei likes to do, and Gurashi went to sleep with their soul safe, and then."
You have emoted: Shulamit glows alarmed shades of orange.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Then..."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Then the Shofet appeared! And They were hurt! On Their side! There was bandages, and blood!"
Alary creases their brow in a frown.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And I think They were trying to hide the hurt. But not very well. I saw!"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Oh..."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But They ignored me, but also forgave me for saying Their sister's name accidentally."
You fret and worry over everything that could possibly go wrong, glowing a shivering shade of silver.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And They fed Liar with some liquid that was milk, and honey, and a smidge of poppies."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Did They say anything about it? We've not heard comforting things on Their many states of late."
You have emoted: Shulamit looks around guiltily.
Glowing confused shades of maroon, you say, "Comforting of what? No. They were not comforting. Well. A smidge."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "See, They fed the Liar the liquid, and said they, the Liar I think, had good friends. And then They left. They were made at the orange thief for giving us part of the Liar's name!"
Glowing very brightly, almost painfully bright, you say to Alary, "We must find out the rest of Liar's name! Since it isn't Liar!"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "What parts did we get?"
Warmth flickers across your body, buffeting you with waves of heat until fire crowns your head in a brilliant halo.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Also, they're uhm....mentally strong. Psychic? No? Mentally brain things."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Part of their name is the first part of the name we must not say, so be careful."
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "It is Ash."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But we don't know the other part yet!"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "We know about the milk of the poppy, aye. And The Shofet has been ... shall we say a little unstable from what we've heard."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Ah, that we already knew, aye."
Glowing shades of silver and green, you say, "We must find the other part. The rest. We...we know what it's related to."
Alary creases their brow in a frown.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Buuuut."
You have emoted: Shulamit glows concerned shades of silver.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Once we know their name, the storm will come."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But the storm can't come and pass until we know. And it's better for it to pass, instead of looming eternal."
Alary tilts their head to the side, frowning slightly.
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "And where di you hear those words?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "The rest of their name is, ah! One they can't let go. Even if they were given up so very very long ago. Do you understand?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "What, of the storm? Or part of their name?"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "All of this."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "When we were with the Liar."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Ah."
Alary murmurs softly to themself.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "We were there, comforting. And then friends left, and I was alone with friend Liar."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "More information, but not enough. Never enough."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And then They came, and saw things, and heard things."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "This storm, have you heard anything further on it?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And friends came back, and saw and heard more. Alarming."
You shake your head.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Just that it is there. Looming. But can not come until we know."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It's scary, but! We will survive. We must. We have."
Alary squints their good eye, reaching up to press a first against it. "Damn." They twitch a little, muttering something under their breath for a moment.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Alary, "Are you okies?"
You wrap a comforting arm around Alary, glowing a soothing shade of ivory.
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Aye .. aye we have weathered similar situations, and it all ties back into a great many things."
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Things are like, uhm."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "You have given us some more pieces to this puzzle, yes. Not enough that we have a picture, but enough that we have more ideas on where to go."
You have emoted: Shulamit glows a dull grey shade as she thinks.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Sebitti."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Aye."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They're like the...confusing."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Oh! I hadn't thought of that piece. See, you are smart!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I just bring the pieces to light!"
Your eyes bug out as you boggle in amazement.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "I bring them to light."
Your eyes bug out as you boggle in amazement.
Alary chuckles long and heartily.
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "We're all pieces in this, Beloved Shulamit."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Yes yes! And we'll figure thingies out, yes!"
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "We will, because we must."
Alary gives you a peck on the cheek.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Okies! Oh! Lord Nocht was hurt, yes! I think. Maybe They took the hurt into Themselves though. Odd. Maybe?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Alary, "I must go on things? You are busy too! But I had to tell you, yes."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Hm. Possibly. We have heard They have been assisting Lord Nocht."
With a rumbling undertone, Blade Betwixt Ebon Veils, Alary al-Saaoud, the Culture Creature says, "Thank you, tell us if you hear or learn any more."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Gurashi said He of Silence said that They had given Him some liquid for the pain."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Bet it's the same liquid, maybe...less poppies."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Oh! We are at the portal."
The body of Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo appears in a flash and his soul descends to fill it, causing the previously expressionless face to fill with emotion.
Gurashi quickly bends at the waist to offer a polite half-bow.
Gurashi beams broadly at you.
You have emoted: Shulamit blinks slowly, looking over at Gurashi before gasping deeply.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Gurashi! Things! Worry!"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks, "Eh?"
Gurashi looks about in confusion.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "You left, and then! Things!"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks, "...t-things?"
You have emoted: Shulamit flaps her hands, looking confused as though trying to remember something that happened only a bit ago.
Bizirik, the leothin trots in with head high, butting Gurashi gently with her head.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They came! They came, and were...scary! And hurt!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Very hurt!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "On Their side? Bleeding!"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "W-what? What? Who? Whoa was?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "The SHOFET."
Gurashi flails, reaching out. "The Shofets??"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "The shofets are hurt??""
Gurashi boggles at you.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Yes! Hurt! It was scary! On Their side."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks, "On Their side? What was it? What did see?"
You have emoted: Shulamit touches her side, as though remembering the bleeding.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It bled! But!"
Gurashi looks about, as if expecting to see blood stains upon the floor.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They fed friend Liar a soporific. Made of honey, and milk, and a smidge of poppies."
You think to yourself: Like I fed my kids as children, but smaller doses.
You have emoted: Shulamit looks around shiftily.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I remember something similar."
Gurashi stares, confused, antennae raised in alert.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But They bled more, when They fed it to friend!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And They were mad at thief, maybe, or me, someone was naughty. Both of us?"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "...Them feeding Friend Liar the... sporifs, hurt Them?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Soporifics...oh. Right."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "What did the wound look like? Said it ... bled but?"
You think to yourself: Not everyone knows the word.
Gurashi stares at you blinking, obviously confused.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Soporifics are things to put one to sleep."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks, "Why are still trying to make Friend Liar sleep? Did They say?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "So maybe They were making friend Liar sleep more?"
Gurashi glances over to the Liar, even more confused.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "But why."
"Uhh..." you stall.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They did not say much."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Just...naughty, and that they, Liar, had good friends."
You have emoted: Shulamit stops glowing quite an alarmed shade of red, soothing to a pink colour as she finally calms down, having informed her friend of everything
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "What... are we supposed to do? Thought it was all about helping them wake up... but, the Shofets wants them to sleep... but the Shofets is hurt, now?"
Gurashi looks about in confusion.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I think he was a good friend. I think he was also naughty."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "Did he tell you his name?"
Gurashi looks very distressed at this.
Very very sadly, you say, "No."
Gurashi slumps down dejectedly.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo whispers, "... so... then..."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I think we should still wake friend Liar. Putting off one's emotions is only putting them off."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "But but but but."
Eyes filled with fear, you say, "Shofet is hurt!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Who do you call when a divine is hurt?"
Gurashi tilts his head, gaze softening as he frowns.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "I don't want Them to shard."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "It is ...distressing."
Gurashi reaches out, nodding reassuringly. "Know how are feeling, Friend Shulamit."
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Or worse."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Or worse."
Gurashi nods his head emphatically.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "Do not worry. We will get to bottom of it."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
You think to yourself: It's good to have friends who are smarter than me to figure things out with.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "So, step by step... after I left... the Shofets came?"
Gurashi tilts his head and listens intently to you.
Gurashi tilts his head and listens intently to you.
You have emoted: Shulamit's eyes scatter around, as though trying to remember.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They came! And sound...scary. Scared? Were holding the liquid."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And bleeding!"
You fret over everything that might go wrong.
Gurashi nods, listening closely. "Ah, Friend Shulamit! Friend Shulamit!"
Gurashi flails about helplessly.
Encouragingly, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "Look at me!"
Gurashi chitters at you with energetic clicks of his mandibles.
You have emoted: Shulamit turns towards Gurashi, looking at them confused.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Looking!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They said...forgiven. Hopefully for thief, but think for me instead."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "Mister Keeper Meleris taught me this thing - it is called mindful breathing? It is where you breathe, and it helps you feel calm and stuff. We can do that if want. I would be very scared if saw what you saw Friend Shulamit."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Fed Liar the liquid of milk, honey, and poppies."
Gurashi nods his head sagely at you.
Gurashi tilts his head and listens intently to you.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I smelled it on their breathe after They left."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Wound on side worsened."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Gurashi, "Where was Lord Nocht hurt? Did the Shofet take His pain into Them?"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks you, "Did say anything while giving Friend Liar the thing...?? You said something about friends?"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "...a-ah... I don't..."
Gurashi glances aside guiltily.
You crease your brow in a frown.
You have emoted: Shulamit frowns as severely as possible a lucidian can frown.
Very, very softly, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "The Lord Silence is not feeling too well either ... He said that the Shofets gave Him something to help ease the pain of His ..."
You purse your lips pensively, glowing a thoughtful shade of dull grey as you carefully gather your thoughts.
A flurry of blackthorn petals arrives from the down, thorny vines sprouting within the floral cloud and twining together to form the body of Esei, riding Dusan, the coruscant.
Shadows pour out from the down, heralding Dusan.
Gurashi quickly falls silent.
Esei gives Gurashi a friendly squeeze.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Hm. HM."
You purse your lips pensively, glowing a thoughtful shade of dull grey as you carefully gather your thoughts.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Then They looked down over the city, and said naughty, at...the thief maybe, but hopefully me, and then said...good friends. They patted my cheek."
You have emoted: Shulamit touches her cheek gently, the crystals there looking a bit roughed up.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Gurashi tilts his head curiously.
Showing that he understands, Gurashi nods his head slowly.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to Esei, "The Shofets is hurt."
You think to yourself: Lord Nocht and Shofet Mysrai are hurt because of Lady Maylea? But They use to like Lady Maylea. Why would...
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to Esei, "So are trying to figure out how to help Them too."
Esei blinks.
Esei creases their brow in a frown.
You sniffle softly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Bleeding from Their side."
Gurashi folds his arms awkwardly over his chest. "Divine business is very... big business."
Esei scratches their cheek thoughtfully.
Confused, you say, "Business?"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Is always important."
Comprehension flashes across your face.
Gurashi nods his head sagely.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Everything gods do is important, because they are gods, and that makes it important."
You have emoted: Shulamit sits up on the pillows, actively trying to sit upright.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
You have cured sprawled.
Gurashi stares blankly at the Liar.
There is nothing but silence to greet you as the Liar continues to float just off the ground, face captured in fitful sleep.
Softly, Master Esei of the Ascending Dusk asks, "Have They tried to stem the blood?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Covered in bandages."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Not...not doing the best of jobs to hide it."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I think They were trying."
You fret over everything that might go wrong.
Dusan, the coruscant paws the ground and shuffles about impatiently.
You think to yourself: Should they know then? But they'd see if too, if they were here, since they have eyes.
Hesitantly, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo asks, "Did it seem to hurt Them...?"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Pain! Woe!"
Gurashi winces in pain.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Stumbling!"
You sniffle softly.
You think to yourself: I love Them and love Liar and want Them both to be safe.
Gently, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Am sorry, Friend Shulamit. That must have been hard to see. And it must be hard for Them."
Gurashi tilts his head, gaze softening as he frowns.
You sniffle softly.
You murmur softly to yourself.
A hot wind blows through the window, filling the air with the sweet scent of honey. A protective, assured feeling comes over you as a mind that is not yours begins to brush against your own.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I use to be a healer, when I was a wiccan. Bards can't be, no no."
Gurashi suddenly inhales deeply, lifting his gaze.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "And even then...I don't think a mortal could heal a divine."
You have emoted: Shulamit sniffles at the air, eyes still leaking slowly.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Master Esei of the Ascending Dusk says to you, "Unfortunately, I cannot..."
"How many were missing?" The voice hisses out and speaks in a raspy guttural tone, and you sit on your knees, staring forward without offering any sign of emotion or hint at your feelings. The Emperor would not like that. "HOW MANY SLAVES?!" The whip cracks before the man has a chance to respond, and he falls to the ground, grabbing at the deep furrow digging through his chest, directly across the sternal mouth.
A cold, clammy hand presses at your neck and you do your best to stifle down the stiffening that instinctually rises. "Ash, dearest." The voice directs itself at you, sickening sweet and territorial, possessive. "What do you know about this, my pet?"
You glance about uncertainly, your body turning a hazy shade of grey.
"I know nothing, my Emperor. I do not speak to the others, like you have ord--" The grip tightens, and your words falter in your mouth as he squeezes at your throat.
You have emoted: Shulamit touches her throat, looking alarmed.
"I do not tolerate my slaves to lie to me, mongrel." The grip tightens, and your eyes swim as you do your best from falling over. He'd just whip you if you fall over. "There's runes that are good for corrective behaviour, though, and we can hide them around your muzzle. You're lucky, they won't ruin your pretty face."
You open your mouth but say nothing.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Is."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "That."
Gurashi looks at you, his eyes wide.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Is that your name, friend."
You look at the Liar and begin to perspire as you imagine all the things that might go wrong.
There is nothing but silence to greet you as the Liar continues to float just off the ground, face captured in fitful sleep.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo whispers, "... you mean."
The grip tightens, just barely enough, and you draw in a ragged gasp before whispering with tears in your eyes, ""
Whispering, glowing a soothing ivory shade, you say to the Liar, "Is your name Ash? Or is that a cruel name they gave you? One of many?"
A sickening laugh sends your tears spilling over the lids of your eyes, your spine shivering as he begins to gently run his fingers through your fur. Count the bricks. That's what the old ones said. Just count the bricks.
Esei's eyes are hard, jaw clenched as their stare alternates between Gurashi, you, and the Liar.
Gurashi's antennae twitch.
The mind falls off suddenly, leaving your mind entirely your own once more as the hot wind vanishes - leaving you with a noticeable chill on the back of your neck.
You have emoted: Shulamit takes a long blink, glowing a steady, even shade of sapphire.
You have emoted: Shulamit whispers something exceedingly softly to the Liar.
You think to yourself: "You have a new name, friend. You are our friend and always will be".
- - -
You should say something. Right? Right. You're the oldest, you should set a good, cheerful example. Right?
You have emoted: Shulamit coughs suddenly, glowing an embarrassed pink colour.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Esei tilts their head and listens intently to you.
Still blushing, you say, "We can't lose hope. Things might be confusing, and weird, and hurty, but we keep going."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "They kept going to get here, so we must keep going to help them. Both of Them."
Gurashi nods quickly. "You're right," He gasps, "No, Friend Shulamit, are absolutely right!"
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "Do think Friend Liar - their name... one of their names - is Ash? Mister Thief ..."
Thoughtfully sapphire, you say, "I think it was a name given to them."
Gurashi trails off briefly, then resumes. "They did not respond when you asked..."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I do not think it is a true name."
Showing that he understands, Gurashi nods his head slowly.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say to Gurashi, "Well. I don't think they liked it when I said it."
You purse your lips pensively, glowing a thoughtful shade of dull grey as you carefully gather your thoughts.
Your eyes are drowned in a brilliant blue as your link to the Shofet flares into prominence, revealing a world where the sky and the ground are one. You stumble forward, the glass-like ground you walk upon cooling your scarred and blistered feet. You wish you could stop to watch the clouds that crawl above and below, but you know that you must keep going until you find the Veil. They would see you too easily here, and you are starting to get so hungry. An unfortunate rumble plays in your stomach, startling you back to reality as your link quiets at last.
The Liar's head rolls this way and that, a sad smile on their face that falls away nearly as quickly as it came.
Esei purses their lips, deep in thought.
Gurashi's mandibles twitch as he voices a soft, curious chirr.
"A half of a whole, My Shining. You are so close, yet their name eludes you yet."
You have emoted: Shulamit places her hands together, as though trying to put pieces together.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Then... will not call them that..."
You think to yourself: Many things elude my, oh Great One.
You think to yourself: Me, even.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Did not know they had another name - do not see what is wrong with being called Friend Liar."
Gently, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "It is cute."
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "I think. It is a nickname. Part of a whole."
"You have earned this half, even in the following of a secret stolen being given away. Others know, you could seek out answers among My Beloved...or you may sit here, and suffer with them, through the pain and anguish, until you discover it amid their memories."
You purse your lips pensively, glowing a thoughtful shade of dull grey as you carefully gather your thoughts.
Gurashi exhales a plume of smoke and a bit of flame and nods, his chin rising as if to a challenge.
Showing that he understands, Gurashi nods his head slowly.
You think to yourself: Both are...oh so tempting. No! No sarcasm! Very bad!
You think to yourself: Bad self. Bad.
"The name given to them by a mother who sold them. A name that was all that they had for years. The last piece of a life they are scared to leave behind. A name that is meaningless, and yet so full of meaning. It must be liberated."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to the Liar, "Friend Liar! You are so wonderful, and full of so many mysteries..."
You have emoted: Shulamit blinks slowly, straining to remember something from long ago.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
You think to yourself: I must think hard. I've seen that. Heard that memory.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to the Liar, "Know the Shofets just gave you more sleeping stuffs so you will probably not wake up right this second..."
With a laugh, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to the Liar, "You are most interesting person that know!! And know a lot of peoples."
"You do not yet know. But you will. You must. For you are My Shining beacon, and it is you who will guide My Beloved to the purest self they can be."
You have emoted: Shulamit jolts from her memories, trying to follow a long line of thoughts into a rabbit hole.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Slowly, you say, "I should speak with other Beloved."
Gurashi glances to you, turning his adoring, albeit ranting attention away. "Ah... should we leave?" He asks awkwardly.
Warmth flickers across your body, buffeting you with waves of heat until fire crowns your head in a brilliant halo.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "You may stay, and keep them company."
Gurashi nods his head sagely.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo exclaims, "Will not leave them!"
"When you know. When you are ready. Then will I give you the power of waking. The power to call My Liar from their sleep. To wake them, and face the terrible storm to follow."
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says, "Not like before."
You think to yourself: Storm...
You think to yourself: Better to weather the storm than watch it on a horizon forever.
"When you know. When you are ready. No sooner."
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
Faintly buzzing, Gurashi An'Ryshe, the Crescendo says to you, "Will keep them company promise."
Gurashi nods his head sagely.
You think to yourself: I probably do not understand, but I'll try.