There is still <redacted> from <redacted> in the <redacted> after a different npc gave Uzriel a lobotomy and then <redacted>. Any more details on this wholesome content are on a need to know basis.
I asked the lucidian engineer who facilitates a mini-quest within Hallifax what his name was once during some event, and the admin controlling him came up with one on the spot. Later I found, at the end of his desc, they added a nametag with his new name on it on his uniform.
Duethielle Ladrennbenn is an elfen of radiant olive skin and snow white hair, which is kept out of the way in a long, drooping braid that reaches down to the back of her legs. She wears a light, airy tunic of pale rose and loose, billowing pants of midnight blue limned in silver. Her bare skin has been inscribed with emerald tattoos in spiralling shapes of plants, vines, birds and forest creatures, which run across her cheeks and down her neck, over the collarbone and onto her chest, her back, her lithe limbs, even to the very tips of her fingers and toes. She hums softly off and on, her clear blue eyes glittering with flashes of joy. A musical bracelet of blue and white violets hands from one of her wrists.
I love when PCs affect NPCs just like they affect us.
The wisdom tooth that had up to this point, despite being shattered, hadn't been hurting, is now hurting. I tend to downplay pain, I've had a few root canals (brush your teeth yo), and one was infected. It hurt, a lot. But I thought "oh, other people have had worse pain!"
Other people can have pain. So can I! It is not a zero sum game. Or something.
In short, I'm going to be real sparse as I eat ibuprofen and wait for the appointment where I make another appointment for the actual wisdom tooth removal.
If you need me, I actively use the IRE Helper App, and now that it actually displays my new Lusternian messages, I can read them and respond. I'll probably be pretending to understand Historical Houses.