My favourite part was actually near the end, which the others present can probably guess.
I am really glad not to have backed out - @Nelras and I talked about it after it became clear it might have been a bad idea (IC, totally great idea OOC) and decided we were okay with however it went anyway.
I am working on cleaning up the log to post, but there was a lot going on so it'll be a bit yet!
Clearly audible above the murmurs and applause of those gathered, the sound of clapping can be heard from the side. Slow, measured, tinged with steel and gaining in volume with each clap.
"How... very... touching," a lilting, smoky voice enunciates and the clapping stops.
A velvety indigo fog roils through the crystal wards of Hallifax. The fog carries a soft, intoxicating scent that promises dark triumphs and pleasures alike as a presence manifests somewhere within the city.
The cinerous mists about the gardens stir and bleed to a vivid indigo hue in the vicinity of the voice, dispersing slowly to reveal the radiant figure of Drocilla leaning languidly against the air itself. Her hands are gathered before Her, armoured hand frozen mid-clap upon the other palm.
We've now implemented the Artisan changes. We have taken into account your suggestions regarding smalltables, kegs and desks, and you'll find the added bonus that tables are now, in fact, actually tables.
Here is a copy of the changelog for the login challenged: