Best Of

Re: Real World Raves

56. 56 Hours. Hate most everyone.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Thank you to @Viravain , for the absolutly unexpected surprise this morning.

It made my day in so many different ways and I can only look forward to what will come of it with delight and wonder.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Thank you @Maylea for providing answers, even if they're not the ones Selenity was hoping to hear.

Thank you @Jolanthe and @Lendren for the RP at the tree, and giving Selenity the little kick in the butt she needed.


(Ironhart Collective): Galaphyrae (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "In staging."

(Ironhart Collective): Galaphyrae says, "He has foregone this venture."

(Ironhart Collective): Zagreus says, "So he did not wish to venture forth."

(Ironhart Collective): Eritheyl (from a temporal rift) says, "He should have gathered his party."

(Ironhart Collective): Eritheyl (from a temporal rift) says, "Everyone knows you must gather your party -before- venturing forth."

Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Eritheyl Ryseni, "//i understood that reference."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Eritheyl whispers, "// <3<3<3."

Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Eritheyl Ryseni, "//and I hate to find that missing party member cause they got stuck behind a pebble."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Eritheyl whispers, "// LOL."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Eritheyl whispers, "// pathing directly into a tree with no recourse, rest in peace."

Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Eritheyl Ryseni, "//now I want a giant space hamster for a pet, sorry Squibbles and Aurene."

Caressing your ear, the voice of Eritheyl whispers, "// yesssssssssss."

Re: Mudlet Code Snippets - post any useful ones you might have here!

So, since I had to switch to Mudlet because of the OSX Catalina update awhile back, and had no desire to try and get demonnic's chatbox working (nothing against it, I just felt it was overcomplicated for my needs), I decided to build a chatbox out of the newish Adjustable Container stuff in Mudlet. It's simple, not tabbed, but it fits my needs perfectly. Been using it for a few months, had zero issues.


Installation Instructions:
1. Create the Windows folder and 3 scripts specified in Scripts Layout below, pasting in the relevant section of code into each.
2. Restart Mudlet.
3. Move and resize to your liking (click-drag top to move, click-drag lower right to resize). You can optionally right click and hit "lock" to lock it in place and remove the green borders.

Scripts layout:
Windows (Folder)
   |- Chat Window
   |- GMCP Chat Hook
   |- GMCP enable chat
Windows code
win = win or {}
Chat Window code
function win.createChat()
  win.chatparent = Adjustable.Container:new({name="win.chatparent"}) = Geyser.MiniConsole:new({
    x="0%", y="0%",
    width="100%", height="100%",
  }, win.chatparent),0,0,255)

registerAnonymousEventHandler("sysLoadEvent", "win.createChat")
GMCP Chat Hook code
function win.handleCommChannelText()
  local text = ansi2decho(win.stripMXP(gmcp.Comm.Channel.Text.text)) .. "\n"

function win.stripMXP(str)
  return str:gsub("\27%[4z\3.-\4", '')

registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Comm.Channel.Text", "win.handleCommChannelText")
GMCP enable chat code
function win.opencomms()
	sendGMCP('Core.Supports.Add ["Comm.Channel 1"]')

registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Char.Name", "win.opencomms")


Re: Simple Ideas

I think it'd be neat to have grimkeep time award curio pieces for a set which transports you to the guild on ethereal

A Cryptic Expedition: or its not graverobbing when its family

After a discussion with a novice about the demon lords, it was time to finish up a small personal project Uzriel had been working on. Helping him were members of his family (@Sapphira, @Vella, Ayrisa), those in the Demon Lord discussion (@Kailanna, Saviya), and a certain Iosen by invitation. Special thanks goto @Drocilla for being amazing and coding in the steps in advance for us to roleplay around.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

The Grimkeep shop and shopkeeper are awesome! Yusss.

Of course the endzone is neat too. I'm excited to see what other secrets there are.

Re: Thanks for the RP (Version 1.0 Alpha)

Eve said:
Thank you @Viravain. You scared the heck out of me before my morning coffee. 
The pleasure is always mine when my victims commune members enjoy their time with me. 

Re: Real World Raves

Feels like I'm beginning to see the light at the end of a long tunnel. :)