Miso (not the soup) said:New RP partners are a blast!
In a frantic clattering of limbs, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist charges in from the southeast. "Emergency!" she calls in an uncharacteristically panicked manner as she runs. "I have an emergency!"
Turning his head quickly to look at Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, Nelras asks, "What has happened?"
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix turns in concern, brow raised as he assesses the architect.
Alexandria tilts her head curiously at Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, inquiring, "What nature is the emergency?"
Jhura turns towards Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, lifting into the air with a flutter of her wings.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!"
Aramel jumps slightly in surprise as she looks at Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist. "Goodness. Are we falling out of the - oh."
You say to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "Oh dear. How dreadful. What can we do to assist you?"
Appearing to realise the crowd, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist plants her feet together and takes a deep, composing breath, her hands clasped tightly around her oversized - and presently overstuffed - clipboard.
Slightly shiftily, Aramel murmurs, "If it is a -paperwork- emergency, I am not sure we can really help..."
Jhura Shevat says, "Oh, I'm sure there's something we can do."
Glancing briefly at Aramel, Kethaera says, "Of course we can."
Nelras nods his head in agreement with Jhura. "Before we can help however, we need you to tell us precisely what is wrong."
"I was auditing my budget," Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist explains, nodding to Nelras. Her colours shift to a little less overly vibrant. "I do many audits, of course - per project, per annum. But to check the overarching economics of city development, I like to do larger scale studies from time to time."
Picking at the paperwork on her clipboard, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "I thought that perhaps, with the Tricentennial coming, I would audit the past hundred years."
Aramel's attitude, which had assumed an expression of guilty avoidance at the mention of paperwork, now shifts to something more interested. "Oh! I don't suppose this is about the failure of Talthos to tithe silks, by any chance?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist shakes her head at Aramel.
Aramel snaps her fingers.
"It sounds only sensible to perform larger studies," Nelras says with a calm smile. "I imagine that such a large audit must have been quite an undertaking however. Was it during that process that something went awry?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "I'm afraid it's something much worse, Lady Shevat. It oh! Oh, it's you! Oh dear."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist looks particularly alarmed as she takes in Aramel's presence. "I..ah..."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist coughs softly.
Aramel takes a quick step backward.
Alexandria glances at Aramel with barely concealed amusement, murmuring, "Why am I not surprised..."
Jhura tilts her head curious, looking back and forth between Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist and Aramel.
Musing, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Hmm? It is something to do with Lady Aramel then? Misfilings, perhaps?"
Aramel cups her face with her hands and the corners of her mouth turn down dramatically from her extreme distress.
"I am so terribly, *terribly* sorry, Lady Shevat," Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist gushes, holding her clipboard to her chest and taking a half-step forward. "What I found, it - well, I discovered a large amount of gold and commodities placed aside for a project in 496 CE. But it was never fulfilled. I only have the date, the total cost, and - and a name."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist looks at her clipboard in absolute horror. "Your name, Lady Shevat."
Nelras quietly asks Aian, "Are you sure that you have no idea what it is related to, Lead Schematicist?" He turns to Aramel with a somewhat curious expression. "Do you perhaps know what this project might have been?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Nelras, "It is classified as a private project rather than a city project, but beyond that...no, I have nothing at all. It seems that the plans never reached my office."
Hastily explaining, Aramel protests, "I -told- them that I would append the notes for the particular section of the Peace Article later! It's not my fault that I got distracted by revolting villagers - " she seems to only now realize that the subject is something else entirely, and skids abruptly to a halt. "Oh. That's not the paperwork problem I expected. I. Er."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist erratically pulsates in hues of ruby, emerald and sapphire.
Tentatively, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "That's... good? Well. Not bad, at least."
Kethaera expression lifting into a grin, asks Aramel, "What was the project for? Do you recall?"
"Not bad?" Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist cries, aghast. "Lady Shevat, it is a tragedy of bureaucracy! The plans for your project must have become lost on their way to my office."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims, "Lost! Paperwork!"
Alexandria cringes visibly, if only slightly. "For decades, no less."
Wildly, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "Over fifty years!"
Gesturing with her hands outspread Aramel , says soothingly, "Now, now. These things happen all the time. It's quite natural for things to be misplaced..."
Wide eyed, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist does her best to calm herself again. She moves one hand to pat down her utility belt, the pen at her ear, and even the bottom of the scrollcase at her back.
Cautiously, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Have you any idea where it might be? Maybe we could help you look."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist purses her lips, deep in thought.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "If they never reached me, Lady Shevat, then the only option is to retrace the path of a structural planning request form."
"Surely," Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, with a mild tinge of desperation, "it must have been lost somewhere along the way."
Jhura Shevat says, "Well then, what would the normal path for such a form be?"
With a nod to Aian Lerit'r, Kethaera says, "Then we will track it down. Hopefully it is not to late the fix the problem."
The faintest expression of quiet desperation crosses Aramel's face as she asks, slowly, "What is a structural planning request form?"
Murmuring under her breath, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Really, Lady Aramel..."
A strange noise escapes from Alexandria's mouth as she glances at Aramel again.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist blinks in confusion, turning her head to the side. "The form you must surely have filled out, Lady Aramel, for this problem to have arisen." She turns then to Jhura and explains, "For the project to have reached the point where it is logged in my ledgers, then it must have received a second signature. From there, it would have landed in the office of the Comptroller General, for its final signature."
Jhura nods to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, glancing towards Aramel. "Then that would make the best first step, I would think."
"The year 496," Nelras murmurs, half to himself. "I wonder if there was some particular upheaval that year which might have led to it being lost."
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix ponders the situation.
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix says to Nelras, "That was during the invasion of the Kaelye and their...unique biome, Quintessence."
Jhura Shevat says, "That would certainly explain why such a thing may have been misplaced, I think."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "I... see. Perhaps the Comptroller General will have the form, and we can avoid having to fill it out again."
Aramel's eyes raise to the heavens as a look of hope flashes across her face.
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says to Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix, "Of course, that would certainly go some way towards explaining it. I must imagine that people were all very much concerned with that."
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix nods his head.
Kethaera nods her head at Nelras.
Quietly, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Not that that should excuse it..."
Aramel scowls miserably at Kethaera.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "I feel partially responsible for this, Lady Shevat. If only I had done a large-scale audit sooner! That this was lost for so long is deeply, tragically embarrassing."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Perhaps we shall all go and pay a visit to the Comptroller General?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist nods her head at Aramel.
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Of course."
<Aramel has some difficulties with geography>
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Whoops! Wrong door."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "My apologies, Judge."
Jhura chuckles long and heartily.
<Back on course>
Aramel curtseys gracefully before Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex.
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says, "Hm?"
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex tilts his head curiously at Aramel.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist hangs sheepishly at the back.
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says, "Yes? What is it?"
Kethaera urges Aramel onwards.
Taking a deep breath, Lady Aramel Shevat says to Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex, "We seek your expertise and records on some missing paperwork."
"Ah." Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex sits up a little straighter, placing his quill down and leaning forward. "Of course. Please explain the specifics of your query."
"Perhaps, in the labyrinthine depths of your cabinets, you might remember a..." Aramel she pauses briefly, glancing quickly at Aian Lerit'r, Lead wSchematicist as if for a reminder. "Project structure planning form?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "Structural planning request form, Lady Shevat."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex raises an eyebrow at Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist quickly returns to her spot behind everyone.
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Yes, thank you. That."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "From the year 496."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex stares implacably at Kethaera.
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says, "I beg your pardon, Emissary?"
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Yes, thank you, Emissary. Also that."
Looking mildly affronted, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says, "No self-respecting Hallifaxian would lose paperwork for fifty-six years."
With a fixed smile, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Perhaps it got lost at the bottom of a drawer somewhere."
Jhura Shevat says, "We've been told there was something of an upheaval around that time, the Kaelye?"
Jhura Shevat says, "So it's likely that people were somewhat distracted."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "I did not mean to imply you were at fault, Comptroller, but that is all the information we have presently. Perhaps you can confirm it was not lost, after all?"
Begrudgingly, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex pushes his chair back and moves to the back of the room. He selects a crystalline disc from a stack towards the back of a shelf, and moves to one of the machines. "Ah, that. The city was beset by tremendous storms that year, I believe."
Stepping forwards, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "It was likely that the importance of the specific form in question was reconsidered, given the events of the year in question. One can only assume that, between the ongoing events affecting the Basin and the political matters that were beginning to make themselves known at the same time, it was then not reconsidered in a prompt manner. Fortunately, it was caught during an audit as it ought to have been and we are now able to, with the benefit of your expertise, correct the situation."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex places the disc within one of the machines, directing the harmonics within it to charge and resonate the disc itself. His back to all of you, he adjusts several dials, modulating the sound and lights on the machine before him. "Full date and name?" he intones, with a little less disdain this time.
Leaning around the group, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "22nd Avechary, 496."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Well, it appears to be filed under my name, so search for 'Shevat, Aramel'."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex nods his head.
After a moment of searching, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says, "The document reached my office, but it was not passed to the -."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex stares blankly at the machine for a moment. Then, raising one hand, he reaches for a drawer and selects from it a particularly thick ledger. Flicking back in the notes, he raises a single eyebrow. "Comptroller General," he reads aloud, his disdain returning at once, "I regret to inform you that due to the loss of your regulation paperweight and the inclement weather, today's incoming paperwork was lost. Out of - the window."
Jhura Shevat says, "Oh dear, that is... Very unfortunate."
"Would you excuse me one moment," Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex he says, with a forced smile. He steps through the group to the doorway, and snaps, "Jukak! See that Administrator Volosea is fired immediately. You may direct her to me personally for an explanation."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist covers her mouth to prevent a wordless noise of alarm from escaping.
Jhura winces in pain.
Nelras thinks to himself: Fired, over losing a piece of paperwork during all of that, and so many years afterwards?
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "I... don't suppose there's any hope that any paperwork would survive after fifty years out a window?"
Kethaera brings a hand up to her mouth, possibly to hide a giggle. "Very unfortunate, yes," she says.
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex turns on his heel, marches over to the desk, and drops the ledger rather too forcefully upon it. "Former Administrator Volosea's...'note'...explains that much of the paperwork was recovered in the guildhall of the Grand Aerie. Evidently, your form was not amongst those recovered."
Stiffly, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says to Aramel, "You have my office's apologies, Minister."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "If I might, Comptroller General, those were certainly some difficult times for us all. Might I enquire as to the performance of that particular...Former Administrator in the years since?"
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Hmm. But it must be somewhere?"
Drily, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex says to Kethaera, "Frankly, it will be a miracle if it has not decomposed, Emissary."
Hopefully, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Perhaps someone stashed it under one of the vases in the gallery of transient art. I am given to understand that this was a particularly challenging form to fill..."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "It is, of course, your office to run as you see fit. I have no desire to interfere in that regard. I would simply ask that you consider their performance, rather than a single note made decades ago that they have likely forgotten about by now."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex turns then to Nelras, raising an eyebrow. "Mediocre at best. She will be better served in a less demanding caste."
Nelras nods his head.
In a low whisper, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "You would have to get vertical planning permission again, Lady Shevat. It's particularly difficult to attain. You have to have an Aeromancer sign off on the atmospheric conditions."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says to Aramel, "I think that may be too much to hope for. If nothing else, refiling it out might be good practice..."
Aramel cups her face with her hands and the corners of her mouth turn down dramatically from her extreme distress.
Quietly, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "Of course, Comptroller General. I assume that the paperweight has long since been replaced?"
By way of reply, Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex reaches for a beautiful gemstone paperweight, styled to resemble a miniature Primary Generator. He holds it for inspection, then places it back upon the paperwork it is currently securing against inclement Lyraan windstorms.
Nelras thinks to himself: I suppose that she did write said note and, ultimately, I do not have any desire to interfere with the running of this office. It still seems a rather unfortunate outcome.
Alexandria nods her approval. "Quite suitable."
Pointedly ignoring Kethaera, Aramel says to Nelras in a strained voice, "Perhaps we can ask Aelaoili if he has seen it? It must be somewhere."
Shaking her head with an air of exasperation, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Lady Aramel, there is no sense in delaying the inevitable."
Comptroller General Jai'rok Eepex pulls his chair back out and lifts his quill. "If that will be all..."
After considering this for a moment, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says to Aramel, "I suppose there is no harm in asking him, but I doubt that he would not have returned it if he did have the paperwork in question."
<To the Aerie guildhall>
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to you, "Chairman, you walk with terrifying efficiency."
Jhura chuckles long and heartily.
Jhura Shevat says, "If you ever want to get somewhere in a hurry, mother is definitely the person to ask."
You say to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "No sense in delaying to watch the scenery."
<Aramel was leading but I wasn’t arguing!>
Though evidently surprised by the sudden appearance of people, Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit wastes no time in dipping into an elegant bow.
Aramel curtseys gracefully before Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit.
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says, "Good afternoon! To what do I owe the pleasure of such august company?"
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit takes in the architect's presence, frowning slightly. "I did not think we had ordered an extension to the guildhall."
Bowing politely in return, Nelras says to Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit, "Good afternoon. We have come to you with a rather unusual question, but I believe that there are others here who might better explain the details."
Brightly, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "It is about architecture, actually. I don't suppose you've got any old architecture papers stashed anywhere?"
Tapping a finger against his lips, Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says to Aramel, "There was an artist some years ago who was working on a decoupage piece, demonstrating the efficiency of Hallifaxian structural progress by enveloping a miniature model of the entire city in old blueprints."
Dryly, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Should they exist, they would be fifty-six years old."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist erratically pulsates in hues of ruby, emerald and sapphire.
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Enveloping it in - no, never mind. I will not comment on that."
Aramel coughs softly.
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says, "Fifty six? Goodness me, you are searching for something quite ancient, I think. Although..."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit ponders the situation.
Kethaera thinks to herself: Such a waste of time. What's wrong with filling out the form again?
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says, "I do have a memory about that old, an exceedingly odd day. I was strolling through the guildhall, attempting to ensure the plants were not drowning in those strange Kaelye storms."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit laughs warmly, gesturing to the distance. "When all of a sudden a flurry of paperwork came flying at me. Strange thing - your request made me recall it."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "I should hope you dodged out of the way, of course."
With a wry smile, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "I am afraid that was the result of a missing paperweight, it appears."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says to Aramel, "Madam, I am a sworn servant of Hallifax. Naturally, I attempted to grasp as much of it as I could."
Kethaera nods her head at Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit.
Jhura Shevat says, "Naturally. The paperwork in question may have been amongst that storm."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit purses his lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as he carefully gathers his thoughts.
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Do you remember the substance of those documents?"
Alexandria laughs quietly, nodding in agreement. "Of course you did. One couldn't do anything else."
Aramel opens her mouth briefly, then glances nervously at Kethaera and closes it again.
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says, "I returned all of it, of course. Much of it was financial paperwork. Though there was one particularly large piece, which had become rolled up - I'm afraid it had such velocity that there was no catching it."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist's ears perk up with a sudden interest.
Jhura Shevat says, "Do you recall which direction it may have sped off in?"
Holding out her clipboard, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit, "Was it perhaps this big, Lord Skysoarer?"
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "Indeed it was."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit ponders for a moment, then gestures off in a direction vaguely to the south - perhaps southeast. "It has been some time, but I think perhaps that direction?"
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says to Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit, "Might I ask if it was seen to leave the gardens? Given your description, I find it rather likely that it ended up with the swans, otherwise."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says to Nelras, "Oh yes, Quintessence, it quite handily cleared the gardens."
Aramel winces almost imperceptibly. "In that case, it could be anywhere."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says to Nelras, "I daresay it had enough speed to go all the way to the company towers."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist gives a pained sigh.
With a sideways glance to Aramel, Kethaera says, "There is an obvious solution to all this."
Loudly, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Well, I suppose it isn't out of the question that it got snagged on a stray spire somewhere. We could perhaps check the towers, just in case."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says to Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit, "To the company towers, you say. I suppose that there are towers where it might have landed, but either it would have been found by now or would have blown from the city completely."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist nods her head at Aramel.
With faint hope, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "Ironically, Lady Shevat, the most obvious tower in that direction would be the Beryl."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Most likely. But surely if anyone found it they would have turned it in..."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist creases her brow in a frown.
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit says, "I should certainly hope so, Emissary."
Resigned, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Well, we can check the tower all the same."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Well, perhaps they are simply forgetful of paperwork. That is quite understandable."
Kethaera frowns at Aramel.
"Indeed," Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit sighs, bringing a hand to his heart, "I have always retained a faint hope that that poor scroll survived its tragic journey. It was, after all, raining very hard that day."
Her smile growing increasingly fixed, Lady Aramel Shevat says to Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit, "Thank you for your time, of course."
Aelaoili Skysoarer, Cultural Pundit bows respectfully to Aramel.
Aramel takes a deep breath in the cool, damp air of the gardens, before exhaling fluidly. "All right," she says.
Jhura Shevat says to Aramel, "I'm sure we can resolve this. Though... You may want to start consolidating whatever you can remember about the original submission."
Kethaera nods her head at Jhura, showing her acceptance.
<They go to the Beryl Tower part of the city>
Looking about, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "There must be someone around to ask for help, surely."
Aramel glances furtively around before hissing to Jhura in a whisper, "Hush, dear. I... don't remember anything."
Lady Aramel Shevat whispers, "At all."
Utterly unaware, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist points upwards and says, "Oh, look! An administrator!"
Kethaera thinks to herself: This is why you make a copy.
Ashira tells you, "Do you have a moment to chat?"
Jhura murmurs "Oh dear."
You caress the thoughts of Pyromaniac Ashira Mes'ard as you whisper, "I am attending to a paperwork emergency within the city at present, though I expect I will be available soon."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "We could go and ask, at least."
Ashira tells you, "When you are available, I have some research I'm working on that I believe you could assist me with."
Jhura nudges Aramel suggestively.
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Of course. Perhaps we will be fortunate."
A city administrator peers about herself unscrupulously.
Lady Aramel Shevat says to a city administrator, "Ah! Greetings. I don't suppose this is your regular office?"
Eyes narrowed, a city administrator says, "It is."
You caress the thoughts of Pyromaniac Ashira Mes'ard as you whisper, "I will be around for quite a few days yet, so I will contact you as soon as this matter is finished with."
Ashira tells you, "Much appreciated."
Brightly, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Excellent! Then you are just the person we are looking for. I don't suppose - some fifty-six years ago - you picked up some paperwork that fell from the sky and landed in your tower?"
A city administrator steps backwards, jerks one hand up and holds a finger out imperiously. "Finally!" she snaps. "I told that Captain to take this matter seriously, but did anyone listen to me? No! The city's under threat, who knows how long they've been infiltrating us through our architecture!"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
Cautiously, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "They... what?"
Nelras glances at Aramel with just a hint of a smile before asking the administrator, "Who has been infiltrating the city, exactly?"
Kethaera says, her brow furrowed, "You mean to say you did find it?"
Glancing about skittishly, a city administrator scuttles in closely to Aramel and explains, "There are Illuminati spies. Everywhere! You can't trust anyone!" She peers unscrupulously into Aramel's face, a little too close to be polite. "I found it, though. Their coded messages! Fantastical blueprints, they looked like, but falling out of the sky? Obviously a Gaudiguchan trap."
"Tsk, tsk," a city administrator says as she waggles a finger and scolds the world.
Jhura Shevat says, "Um, may we see these blueprints, if you still have them?"
A city administrator peers at Jhura unscrupulously.
Alexandria's face takes on a solemn cast, and she speaks soothingly to a city administrator. "It is a terrible shame this matter has not been seen to sooner. Thank you for taking it so seriously. We will need to see these blueprints, of course."
Aramel glances around at her companions, before squaring her shoulders. "Excellently done," she says. "We will have to take the paperwork in as evidence before the Board."
At your interjection, however, a city administrator straightens her spine and, incongruously, salutes. "I handed them into Captain Ironwing in the Ministry of Peace, Chairman."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "Thank you for your diligence. We shall speak with the Captain at once."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist seems utterly lost for words, her mouth still hanging slightly agape.
Solemnly, you say, "Naturally. We will be seeing to it. Keep this in confidence, citizen."
A city administrator nods her head sagely at you.
Kethaera thinks to herself: I almost wish she'd just destroyed them.
Jhura leans close to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist and whispers. "I think it's best to just accept it for now."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "All right, onwards!"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist turns to Jhura and nods, eyes wide.
Kethaera nods her head at Aramel.
Nelras thinks to himself: While there are many ways that one might go about infiltrating the city, I doubt that any of them would result in paperwork falling out of the sky.
<They go off in search of the Captain, with little success>
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Hmm. Where's the Captain?"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist blushes furiously.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "I'm sorry, I must have gotten lost."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "It's all right, so have I."
Jhura Shevat says, "Oh it's fine, I think we are t-."
Jhura gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "Oh! Captain Ironwing is in the Sentinels' halls."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "I can't seem to find this Captain Ironwing anywhere."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Oh."
<Off to the Sentinels GH>
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Right."
Captain Irima Ironwing gives the world a smart salute.
Lady Aramel Shevat says to Captain Irima Ironwing, "Greetings, Captain. I trust you are well?"
You incline your head politely to Captain Irima Ironwing.
Captain Irima Ironwing says, "Very much, thank you ma'am.
Kethaera inclines her head politely to Captain Irima Ironwing.
Saluting in return, Nelras says, "Captain Ironwing. It is a pleasure to see you well."
Captain Irima Ironwing takes in the group with a steady gaze. "How may I be of assistance?"
Slowly, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "We are following up about a reported case fifty-six years ago. You may remember it as one where a city administrator was convinced that Gaudiguch is infiltrating us through architectural blueprints."
The faintest crease appears in Captain Irima Ironwing's brow. She reaches up and lightly pinches the bridge of her nose. "Ma'am, if that administrator has been badgering the Board, I can only apologise. I should have been clearer in shutting down her ridiculous conspiracy theories."
With a shake of his head, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "Leaving the theories aside, she has actually proven to be quite useful. We are looking to track down one of said blueprints."
Aramel makes a placating gesture. "No, of course we aren't being infiltrated by blueprints, much less blueprints that never saw the light of day. But in the interests of - er, paperwork - I don't suppose you have the original case report filed away? And the attached evidence, of course."
Raising an eyebrow, Captain Irima Ironwing says, "Evidence? We keep real evidence here, ma'am, not rubbish. That was a perfectly normal structural planning request form, if a slightly waterstained one. I sent it to the Senior Administrator's office to be properly taken care of."
Stepping forward, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "That would be where forms go for their first signature. The juniors take care of the first, then the Senior Administrator the second - though why she wouldn't have returned it then to you, Lady Shevat, I don't know."
Aramel thinks to herself: I shouldn't have bribed that novice to fill in the form for me... otherwise I'd have some idea of what it actually was.
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Still, this is good news, of a sort... Hopefully she has an explanation, or the document in question.
Captain Irima Ironwing nods her head.
With a bare hint of strain, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "We shall have to ask the Senior Administrator, then."
Captain Irima Ironwing says, "At worst, Emissary, it would have been returned to the original submitter."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Thank you, Captain."
Captain Irima Ironwing gives the world a smart salute.
Captain Irima Ironwing says, "Of course, ma'am."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Indeed, you have been most helpful."
Lady Aramel Shevat says to Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore, "Good morning, Senior Administrator."
Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore glances up from her paperwork in surprise. "Ah… Chairman. Emissary, Quintessence, Minister. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Lady Aramel Shevat says to Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore, "Good morning, Senior Administrator."
Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore says, "The city administrators are generally timely with their reports. However, when the Over City is without proper quantities of power, delivery can be lax. A charitable plea may convince them to allow you to assist."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "We are looking for some misplaced paperwork. It should have been some schematic blueprints, forwarded to you by Captain Ironwing some years ago. Around fifty-six, though plus or minus a few months, I suppose, depending on how long it spent in the Ministry of Peace."
Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore listens carefully, then nods. "Of course, Minister. If it passed through my office, there will be a record of it." She calls for a junior administrator and murmurs a series of instructions to the young trill, who flutters out with purpose.
A few minutes later, the administrator returns, bearing a bedraggled, rolled up set of plans that he hands to Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore before departing.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist gives a short gasp of elation.
Aramel slumps slightly in relief.
"Oh, no," Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist sighs, her elation quickly fading. "Those...those look *terrible*."
Briskly, Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Never mind the niceties. Are they legible?"
Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore gently turns the plans over in her hand, taking in the yellowed parchment, the watermarks. "In a manner of speaking," she says at last, shaking her head sadly. "It would seem your plans have been through something of a war, Minister."
Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore gives a bedraggled set of architect's plans to Aramel.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist rocks onto the balls of her feet, barely restraining an evident desire to look over Aramel's shoulder.
Alexandria purses her lips thoughtfully, glancing at the plans with apparent concern and a hint of disbelief.
"Oh, I remember this now," Aramel says suddenly. "We were discussing the possibility of creating sub-islands in the air for personal dwellings, using the same energy given by the Primary Generator. It was so long ago..."
Nelras tells you, "I was not expecting for those to be found. I do hope that they can be used, for Aramel's sake."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Oh dear..."
Nelras tells you, "You...know how she can be, where paperwork is concerned."
You caress the thoughts of Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath as you whisper, "Indeed. I am surprised she had such difficulty remembering the details. Typical mother, though."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips as he glances at you.
Clipboard clutched to her chest, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist's lips move in some unvoiced series of thoughts as she examines the plans.
Kethaera thinks to herself: Although, knowing Aramel, could they have looked much better to start with?
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist straightens up with a determined expression. "Lady Shevat," she pronounces, "I believe that it would be an honour to attempt to finish these building plans." She plucks the pen from behind her ear. "Nay!" she corrects, brandishing the pen, "a *challenge*."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "It does sound like quite an intriguing project, for all the difficulties in locating it."
Aramel seems to relax a bit, clearly having been braced against more paperwork challenges. "You can do it, then?" she asks, hopefully.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "I'll even run and get the third signature for you myself."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Senior Administrator Hilelsa Clarramore's lips.
Emissary of Order, Kethaera smiles and says to Aramel, "Quite a relief, hmm?"
Nodding once firmly, Alexandria says in an authoritative tone, "Very well. We look forward to seeing the outcome of your efforts. It should be quite interesting."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "Indeed it should be."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Oh, lovely. I suppose I wouldn't be in the Comptroller General's good graces at the moment, so it may be for the best."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist holds out her clipboard for the plans, nodding.
Lady Aramel Shevat smiles impishly and says to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "Though I suppose none of us are."
Aramel places the plans on Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist's clipboard, clipping it very firmly in place.
No sooner has the poor, wartorn parchment been secured upon Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist's clipboard than she blusters from the room in a flurry of activity, already calling for administrators to attend her as she does.
In a flurry of activity that serves as a testament to Hallifaxian efficiency, a whole herd of decorators, builders, and other such craftspeople from the lower classes cascade through the city.
Soon, the sound of construction can be heard from the bridge near the Diamond and Ruby towers.
Lady Aramel Shevat asks, "Shall we go and see what they are making?"
Kethaera nods her head at Aramel.
Jhura Shevat says, "Sounds like a wonderful idea."
<Everyone goes to the entrance of the new castle>
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist is ushering the last of the lower castes out as you enter, a brilliant, sweaty smile on her face.
Jhura beams broadly at Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist.
Jhura Shevat says to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "Wonderfully efficient."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says to Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "Certainly the work was completed efficiently once the paperwork was located."
Nelras nods his head at Jhura.
Lady Aramel Shevat asks Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist, "My compliments on your progress. Is everything quite complete, then?"
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Quite so, your work in all this is commendable, Schematicist."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist holds up a hand for a moment's pause. She produces a handkerchief from her utility belt and wipes her face, flushed vibrantly with delight. "There. My apologies, everyone has worked very hard. Yes, I believe it is all done. There were one or two parts we couldn't quite make out, so perhaps in time we'll manage to make sense of those and build them."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says to Aramel, "Don't worry - additions to existing buildings are a much simpler process."
The corners of Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist's mouth turn up as she grins mischeviously.
Aramel coughs softly.
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "No aeromantic assessments required, I should hope!"
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist shakes her head. "You're technically limited on how high you can extend, but frankly, you'll reach the limit on what we're capable of building before you hit the atmospheric limit."
Jhura chuckles long and heartily.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist takes Aramel aside and quietly murmurs a few instructions about manipulating the glowing brazier before you.
Alexandria smiles brightly, clearly admiring the results. "Excellent work, Lead Schematicist. Thank you for your prompt attention once the matter arose."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Of course. And I am sure it will all look wonderful."
Smiling, Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist says, "I'm glad to have helped, ah. Fix a rather old problem. If it's alright with you, I'm going to go and take a rest now. Perhaps finish my audit."
Lady Aramel Shevat says, "Of course. If you find any other errors, please don't hesitate to contact... the Chairwoman."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist nods her head.
Jhura chuckles long and heartily.
To the assembled Hallifaxians, Aramel says, "Would you like a tour, perhaps? It is not every day that we rescue a project from the depths of bureaucracy."
Alexandria's eyes begin to roll upwards slightly, though she manages to return to a neutral expression after a brief moment.
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist bows deeply and makes an escape down the staircase.