Long shot, but can we have the worn appearance of body jewelry amended slightly? Right now earrings default to "through his left ear" and such, which makes posing difficult...particularly if you're angling at being ear-less. Obviously it could lead to some weirdness where people use posing to have all sorts of not-pierceable areas pierced, but is that such a bad thing? I just want to put things in my horns instead
Talking about my being related to 95% of the playerbase, and this pup, he's just a gem:
"Look, I don't know how it works, I'm just going by what the chart says," @Nepenthe declares, unfurling a scroll that charts the interrelatedness of all citizens of the Basin. The end of the scroll falls to the ground and continues unrolling to the west and out of sight.
Nepenthe snickers and releases the scroll, allowing it to dissipate in a shower of colorful sparks.
you guys RPed so much my text editor is breaking when I try to clean a day of logs. You made a text editor engage the fans. Seriously. Edit: I had to resort to a command-line tool to split it first.