Even just a clue is plenty! The difference between 'hey can I talk to you' and 'hey can I talk to you about my order tasks' is huge. As long as it actually tells us the area of the question and isn't too general - such as 'can I ask you some questions' - then you've done plenty.Aeldra said:Reading this, I am reminded I am at some point guilty of not taking opportunities myself at times and offering tidbits as to what I actually want or need from a divine, though I do realize it's mostly through me still getting super nervous with interacting with godroles, I probably should try to be a little more concise in prayers etc as to what I do seek and require. Thanks for those insights and the reminder. <.<
Klaxon said:That isn't convenient. Now the issue makes sense. The problem is, if my script crashes, or I code something new and have to reload my script, that table gets blanked; I have to relog just to get Char.Status again.Kali said:It should send it when one of the variables held in it updates, like gold (held, in bank), race, etc - I would store the information received clientside for reference when needed, and just update the stuff whenever you get a new gmcp.Char.Status thingie sent by the game.
Thank you.
Terentia said:I think part of my answer is alluded to in the question! I am ambivalent to visibility. @Eritheyl mentioned in the other thread about imagining the onslaught of player interest and excitement when you go visible, and from my experience, that isn't really the case. At most I get a couple "Hail Lady" on CT or on OT, but that's about it.
LEGASPTerentia said:. So you could ask Terentia about Her relationship to Meridian, for example, and I can sort of talk around it, but I may not have yet fully written out stories between her and him (and this is more just my slowness in doing that kind of work--some of my colleagues in the Havens can easily draw out complex stories or scenes with gods and histories very fast!).