Currently, the primary mechanical benefit of establishing a Major Great House is that it is possible to earn a Council seat if you are able to raise your honour higher than any other city-aligned House. Also you can give a culture boost to your city/commune by becoming the Most Honourable House. Unfortunately, there isn't much conflict in those areas. The reason behind that lies in the fact that accumulating hundreds of thousands in honour is extremely time-consuming. In fact, one family has been at the top of the rankings for well over a real life year, and there have been little if any changes in which families hold the Council seats.
Now it's understandable that creating a family and raising it to prominence should be a long term project, but there is a lack of short term goals on the mechanical side. In addition to that, Houses are nothing more than glorified clans without many of the functions of being clans. So there are two separate perceived problems.
1. The race for honour is too drawn out and linear to truly inspire passion.
2, The ability to shape the identity and unique character of a House mechanically is more limited than a clan.
Even though these are two separate issues, I believe that it is possible to kill two birds with one stone. I want to offer two possibilities for exactly how that can be done, but let's start with a quick look at the differences between houses and clans.
Write to the log
has a newsboard
has an aether channel
Has no bank account
create orghelp files
delegate powers
create org structure
create project group
create org summary
This disparity between Houses and clans is one reason why most Houses have a family clan in addition to the actual House, but what if you didn't have to have a clan? What if you could purchase improvements for your family? Now imagine if the possibilities extended beyond just clan powers. For example, what if you could purchase a family emote? Or specific RP flavored family traits? Hell, what if you could purchase a bank account which would allow credit deposits for purchasing things like family Homesteads? It's in the cost where one solution can spread to cover two perceived issues.
I see two different possibilities in that area. On one hand, it could be simple and each upgrade or improvement would have a significant honour cost. That would add a minor strategic element to the honour race. Then on the other hand, the cost could have two components. The upfront cost would be in gold, but each purchase would make obscurity hits more likely and honour lost from them more significant.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
At certain honor thresholds you unlock perks, but you have to buy them with gold
The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."
You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!