Powder of ibn ghazi

edited December 2013 in Ideas
Questing is fun. Real fun. One of my favourite things to do in Lusternia.

Unfortunately, some locations are extremely *bad* when it comes to making the hidden probeable objects visible in the room long-desc. Sometimes it is due to a small adjustment like pluralising an object, or having to singularize whatever you're probing. Sometimes it's playing the synonym game. And sometimes you have to infer that something exists in the room. This... is honestly not fun. Therefore I shall propose the creation of the Powder of ibn Ghazi.

An artifact pouch that once an ingame day fills with this powder, revealing everything hidden in the room. Every probeable object, every chameleoned beastie and every yesod'd person (to keep the theme with the original stuff). Having this would make it more advantageous to actually probe and check out everything you come across, but you don't have to pull out a dictionary and sacrifice a goat to the dark lords in order to find all the hidden objects for quests.

So yeah... can we please have this? Pretty please? With sugar frosting and whipped cream on top?
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.


  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Haven't you proposed this many times before, in the artifact ideas thread?  Or was that someone else?
  • Yes. And?
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Kiradawea said:
    Yes. And?
    If they didn't code it in for auction-or-dingbat-usage, it seems rather unlikely now while working on the overhaul (there's still an entire month of Envoy reports sitting out there too).

    It's definitely unfortunate, but priorities are on that right now (as I was told today while asking about those very same Envoy reports).

    I do think the best way of pushing for it is continuing to do so when they are asking for ideas, as time is going to be allocated towards that project.
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