I do not feel the need to transcend Dramatics just so I can play a minigame. At the same time, Psychodrama is quite neat, and I would like to enjoy a full gestalt without having to spend such a honking amount of lessons just to be actually competitive. I think tweaking Psychodrama so that maybe SeventhGestalt comes (much) earlier in the skillset would see Ikon Tournaments much more paid attention to/attended. Does this sound reasonable? Did I do Ideas right?
EDIT: It's totally okay to spend honking amounts of lessons to be competitive in hunting/combat, but not for a minigame. Though I do understand this is tweaked to noncom Influencers who would have no issue with transing Dramatics instead of their secondary/tertiary.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Nine ikons doesn't feel like enough to me, I can't imagine playing with less!
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."