A few things about how Wyrden (and preumably Wilde) wood interact with elevation seem inconsistent to me. They're all pretty small things, and I woulda posted em in "simple ideas" except that I imagine some of them have implications on combat balance and I wasn't sure how big a deal those were. I figured better assume people will be opinionated and make a new thread than risk clogging up the other one with discussion. Here are the changes I propose:
1. Woods should be able to SPRINT while their perspective is in the trees (after all, their "feet are firmly on the ground", aren't they?)
2. Wood should either be able to FLY while their perspective is in the trees or not at all while in the forests (after all, aren't they always surrounded by entangling branches?)
3. I'm not sure if it's already like this or not, but anything that restricts or forces movement at ground level (I've heard about icewalls as well as demesne effects that pull or push you one way or the other) should effect a wood with it's perspective in the trees.
That's why you cannot really attack a Wyrdenwood on multiple elevations, because mechanically the player is only on one. There is just an object that moves around on the other.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.