Metal Concert in Belfast?

Heeey guys and gals. So, I know this is something of a long shot, but! I'm going to my first concert soon, and I figured I may as well see if I could wrangle up some more folks to go with!

So yeah. Slayer (The old, famous metal band) are playing in Belfast, Northern Ireland on June 29th at 8PM, with tickets at 45 pound. I, am going to be there, and staying over because screw travelling back at stupid o'clock. A pal of mine that I haven't seen in yeeeaaars is gonna be going, Anita from Lusty is likely going, and y'know. Me. Would any of you UK/Ireland based Lusternians be interested in attending the concert? Heck, if those of farther afield are crazy enough to do so too, you're welcome too! I know the chances of this are veeerrry slim, I just figured I'd see if anyone would be tempted, and if anyone is, we could organise a little get together and have some buddies for the concert 8D 


  • Please come, don't let me be stuck with these two!! *flees* (pleasedon'thurtmeee)

    But seriously. It will be awesome!
  • Bit far for me or I'd consider it. Slayer never was a favourite though. You guys have fun!
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Afraid I wouldn't be a big metal fan. Could be tempted by a meet at the Longitude festival in Marlay Park in July though if there was interest!
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