Affliction Messages and general Mudlet/Lua questions

edited June 2014 in Mechanic's Corner
I'm currently tampering a bit with @Tulemrah's Medic! system to that it can work with (or at least with some of) @Chade's free Bashing and Influencing system. I have a few questions when it comes to how the Lusternia client works (since I can only get so far with the HELP files). Instead of pestering the same guild mates over and over and over until I am enemied from the city, I figured I could ask here and see if anyone would be willing to throw me a bone or two.

1) With CONFIG AFFMESSAGES ON, will I always receive the affliction message regardless how the affliction is acquired?
Example is with the Medic! system, it seems to handle acquiring gaining afflictions via the "flavour' text the game gives you. Ie:

Exact Match: You open your eyes and yawn mightily.
Exact Match: You leap up and attempt a graceful swan dive...right into the solid ground.

Would all of these come with the message:

You are afflicted with sprawled.

Or, more simply put, is there a situation where I would be at a loss if I scrapped all those previous affliction acquisition messages in favour of the "You are afflicted with blah" messages?

2) Are all the different afflictions have the same AFFMESSAGE? Ie:
You are afflicted with sprawled.
You are afflicted with ablaze.
You are afflicted with brokenleftleg.

or do some of them have different ways of phrasing it? Ie
You are afflicted with sprawled
You are ablaze.
You are afflicted with brokenleftleg.

For anyone reading this and for anyone who bothers to reply, thank you for your time. I'm sure I'll probably dump more questions into here if anyone is willing to answer them =)

edit: title


  • You will always get an affmessage if you're hit with an affliction (unless it's very well hidden). This will take one of two forms: "You are afflicted with <affliction>" if it's a known affliction (i.e. it will always be the same affliction for that attack), or "You are afflicted with an unknown affliction" if it's a semi-hidden affliction (you get a message that you've been hit, but the affliction given is at least semi-random).
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