You tell Adasser, an elfen guard, "What was it that you needed?"
Adasser, an elfen guard tells you, "... High Chief?"
You tell Adasser, an elfen guard, "Aye?"
Adasser, an elfen guard tells you, "May we speak?"
You tell Adasser, an elfen guard, "Aye, we may speak. Should I come to your
Adasser, an elfen guard tells you, "I can come to you!"
Hair swishing in the breeze, Adasser, an elfen guard strolls in from the south.
Adasser, an elfen guard shifts his eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Everiine nods lightly to Adasser.
Adasser, an elfen guard says, "High Chief..." There is a tenativeness to his
voice, an apprehensiveness that warbles up his throat and through his lips. "...
I wished to ask of something."
Putting his hands on hips, you ask Adasser, an elfen guard, "And that is?"
Adasser, an elfen guard blanches at your seriousness, unsure how he is supposed
to respond. Looking down, the elfen mumbles something.
You say to Adasser, an elfen guard, "Speak up, guard."
With a gasp and then a nod softly at your admonishment, Adasser, an elfen guard
says, "I wish to ask for a vision quest." He looks up at you: his pale blue eyes
trying to meet yours, to search for a hopeful expression. "As it is befitting of
a warrior of the Tribe. I-I wish to ask for one."
Everiine blinks, his mouth hanging open as if he had prepared a
response, and suddenly found it inadequate. "You... you what?" he asks, his
voice softening.
Frowning, Adasser, an elfen guard shakes his head. "It was a terrible idea,
realy," he admits, throwing his eyes back down to his feet.
Adasser, an elfen guard says, "I-I-I'll go back to my post."
Stepping forward, you say, "Wait!"
Squinting in confusion, you ask, "You want to take a vision quest?"
Turning on his heels, Adasser, an elfen guard suddenly freezes like a statue at
your command. He spins about again, nodding. "Yes, High Chief," he says. "I wish
to progress in the Tribe. To be a true warrior of the Spirits."
Adasser, an elfen guard kicks his boots against the forest floor.
Everiine puts his hand on his chin and inspects Adasser with
his piercing gaze. "None of your brothers, nor the centaurs in the service of
the tribe, have ever asked to go on a vision quest before." He shakes his head
in disbelief, the charms woven into his feathered crest clinking together. "To
be honest, you are the last warrior I would have expected to desire it."
Shrugging a little, Adasser, an elfen guard says, "The centaurs. They tend to do
their own thing - even as members of the Tribe. Centaur customs." He kicks the
ground again, unwilling to look up to meet your gaze. "The others, I don't know
much about. Perhaps they are fine with where they are." Finally working up the
courage, Adasser looks up. Blue meeting green; his eyes, though a glint of
mischief is sincerene and true, fighting to keep upon your piercing look. "Why
do you think that?"
His question is soft. And maybe a bit sad.
Folding his arms, you say, "I am sure you are aware of my opinion of your...
behaviour. I have not been impressed that you spend as much time fawning over
those who gather at your post." His silver wings flutter behind him, and he
stills them. "It has tried my patience. Based on that, I just assumed that you
would not be interested in the more rigorous disciplines of our tribe."
Adasser, an elfen guard's mouth becomes a tight, thin line as he nods.
Trying not to sound too harsh, you say, "You have not proven to me that you take
your duty seriously. This request, however... perhaps there is more to you than
I have seen."
Adasser, an elfen guard remains silent for a while, allowing your words to soak
into him. "... I will be honest. The bravado is a front. Guards need to have
some fun. Our lives, while sworn and true to our duties to Serenwilde, lack much
in terms of anything." As if trying to provide a counter-example, "You should
talk to some of the centaurs... or even those Moon Maidens."
Adasser, an elfen guard grins a bit, his smile falling away to that thin, line
once again.
Firmly, Adasser, an elfen guard says, "But I am true to our Tribe, High Chief.
Of that, I swear with all my heart."
Everiine settles his wings behind him and scrutinizes Adasser,
an elfen guard, very closely. His eyes, taking on a particularly hawkish look,
rarely blink. A gentle breeze disturbs the grasses as it meanders between the
stones, carrying very few sounds with it.
You ask Adasser, an elfen guard, "What manner of vision quest do you seek to
Adasser, an elfen guard's body becomes suddenly still, allowing you to perceive
him as you wish. Tilting his head to the sky, he replies, "I believe I must take
a guided one. I wish to seek of Sister Wolverine, or one of her band. The guards.
.." The elfen swallows loudly. "The guards, we have formed a small band to her.
When we do patrols, we swear a vow to bring the tooth and claw of the forest
upon our enemies."
Adasser, an elfen guard closes his eyes and inhales deeply, absorbing the scent
of his surroundings.
Adasser, an elfen guard exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep
from his lungs.
Adasser, an elfen guard says, "If you had your doubts before, I would imagine
you doubt me even more for hoping to seek Her."
Everiine frowns, and his silver wings flutter. "To seek the
Predator is a dangerous endeavour. There are none who are truly Guides along Her
path. My brother Turnus and I risked much when we last entered Her realm. Are
you sure that this is what you wish?" he asks.
Adasser, an elfen guard nods with deadly seriousness. "I believe it is fitting
with my oaths to the Serenwilde, and to the Serenguard," he says.
The request gives Everiine pause, and he considers it carefully.
"If this is where your heart is set, then I cannot stand in the way. But, I
must impress upon you again the danger which you and your Guide will face.
Sister Wolverine is the most discerning of the Warrior Spirits, and does not
accept fools. Though I am Chief of the Ritual, She only tolerates me," he warns.
Taking a deep breath, Adasser, an elfen guard says, "I heed your warning, High
Nodding, his mind made up, you ask Adasser, an elfen guard, "How much time do
you think you need to prepare?"
Adasser, an elfen guard looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Chewing on his lip thoughtfully, Adasser, an elfen guard says, "I believe I
should purify myself. A month?"
Everiine puts his hands back on his hips. "A month, then.
Return to your post and make your preparations. I will make mine, and pray to
the Seer and the Hunter that Their Sister does not kills us like the Foolish
Warrior of old," he says.
Nodding his head, Adasser, an elfen guard says, "I shall go then, High Chief..."
He hesitates, the subtle jerk of his body indicating he was going to move but
thought otherwise. Alighting his eyes upon you, he says, "Thank you, High Chief.
Adasser, an elfen guard turns on his heels and wanders off to the road.
With a final flick of his hair, Adasser, an elfen guard saunters out to the
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
I suddenly feel like I picked a really bad time to do my orghop thing.
Adasser, up until this point, has been despised by Ev. I tried to be harsh in this interaction, but it's a lot harder for me to act out being mean to someone's face