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  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    One can only hope. Winnae was one of my favorite people.
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I wonder if I can communicate on forums with only GIFs.
  • Hmm. A bit conflicted about Cthazoth's future. Sure, bashing as a monk is fun, but I hate the idea of pvping as one. On the other hand, Geomancer, I have no idea how mage bashing compares to monk bashing. Atleast pvp seems more fun. And I just got a tattoo needle.
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • I've done a ton of Vernal quests already, but still no rares... and still not even halfway on some of those curios.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Cthazoth said:
    Hmm. A bit conflicted about Cthazoth's future. Sure, bashing as a monk is fun, but I hate the idea of pvping as one. On the other hand, Geomancer, I have no idea how mage bashing compares to monk bashing. Atleast pvp seems more fun. And I just got a tattoo needle.
    My own experience tells me that nothing compares to Monk bashing. Mage isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but it's still not as quick as Monk is (no raze, not as much DMP).
  • Ssaliss said:
    Cthazoth said:
    Hmm. A bit conflicted about Cthazoth's future. Sure, bashing as a monk is fun, but I hate the idea of pvping as one. On the other hand, Geomancer, I have no idea how mage bashing compares to monk bashing. Atleast pvp seems more fun. And I just got a tattoo needle.
    My own experience tells me that nothing compares to Monk bashing. Mage isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but it's still not as quick as Monk is (no raze, not as much DMP).
    Yeah, but... I dunno. Monk doesn't appeal as much anymore.
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • Why not delay the choice until the Geomancers get their new specialty and abuse the strength of monk-bashing until then?
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Heh, maybe. But is there even any news about their new specialty? Or have I just missed it?
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • Cthazoth said:
    Ssaliss said:
    Cthazoth said:
    Hmm. A bit conflicted about Cthazoth's future. Sure, bashing as a monk is fun, but I hate the idea of pvping as one. On the other hand, Geomancer, I have no idea how mage bashing compares to monk bashing. Atleast pvp seems more fun. And I just got a tattoo needle.
    My own experience tells me that nothing compares to Monk bashing. Mage isn't bad, don't get me wrong, but it's still not as quick as Monk is (no raze, not as much DMP).
    Yeah, but... I dunno. Monk doesn't appeal as much anymore.
    Frankly, I'd follow Kiradawea's advice on this one. Geos will get a pretty huge change coming up soon (or at least that's the hope), so stick to Monk for a while and get a better feel for it. Make sure it's not just a temporary slump (I don't know how long you've been feeling like this, of course) and at that point, you can make a more informed decision on which spec to go for (i.e. Geomancy or Geochemancy).
  • All right. Will think some more on it. Maybe see how many days after the new spec I reach 80!
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • If you're not yet level 80, I will really urge you to stay monk for now. The ability to put in a raze in your regular attack is great, especially since I'm guessing you don't have a beast trained with aggressive, something that'll be highly helpful for bashing as the non-physical classes. If you do not have damage shift, then monk also has an advantage in less wasted criticals, though once you get damage-shift that becomes much less of an issue.

    When it comes to bashing though, I'm afraid you'll find no class to be particularly more fun than others. It all comes down to hitting the bashing attack macro until the opposition is gone.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • I will soon have a beast trained with aggressive, heh! But yes. I will stay as monk to eighty, atleast.
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • Good. The beast attack isn't all that helpful for actually killing the enemy any faster, but the ability to break shields is very valuable for casters who would otherwise have to wait.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Kiradawea said:
    I've done a ton of Vernal quests already, but still no rares... and still not even halfway on some of those curios.
    It's hit-and-miss with the rares- I ended up with way more rares than I needed, and traded them for other things, but for the Waystation ones I generated ~200 pieces and ended up self-generating a whopping two rares.

    With Icewynd, I similarly generated an over-abundance of rares.

    It's kind of annoying, but it's how the quest things are set up.  You will tend to either get way too many or way too few.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    Monk bashing isn't as incredible as it used to be. Hard to tap weaknesses with just blunt and cutting (sometimes neither depending on which monk guild you are in).  Caster bashing tends to be much better than monk bashing before high 90s with crits start kicking in, and with tune, it's much, much easier to tap large weaknesses for the full benefit. The only major advantage is that monks have raze. Monks can be tankier, but forcefield with the right race (faeling, for instance) is plenty tanky.


    If your question is "which is better," I would say geomancer. Pre and post demigod.


    There's not much indication that the new primary will impact bashing much. It'll probably be worse than geomancy if aquachemwhatever is any indication.

  • Assuming he stays Illithoid, which I'm guessing from how he presented himself in the self-presentation thread, I'm inclined to think he'll find monk bashing to be better, simply due to the weapon advantage. While he can get a huge ego from Illdrain, it again makes neccessary that he picks Telekinetics, which is a good idea but may not be what he wants.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • ... I am weak and just went back on all I said. I guess I already made up my mind?

    sawry guys.

    ((it probably helps I wasn't really comfortable in the Ninjakari. and i missed mage bashing))
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.

  • Cthazoth said:
    ... I am weak and just went back on all I said. I guess I already made up my mind?

    sawry guys.

    ((it probably helps I wasn't really comfortable in the Ninjakari. and i missed mage bashing))

    Heh, what's there to apologize for? It's your character. Your choice. Nothing to be sorry about. Enjoy your new staff.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Lusternia's monk bashing isn't as good as it is made out to be. If you're an illithoid, then your bashing speed is the same, if not slower, as neutral eq casters. DPS is roughly the same because Lusternia monks don't get the split-attacks of the other IRE monks. And the advent of mob resists has evened the field for all the classes. At lower levels, maybe not as much, since the best bashing spots are still too difficult for some caster classes.

    Once you hit the higher levels and can bash pretty much anywhere, (and have damageshift), caster bashing can arguably be faster, assuming you know where to hit. Damageshift does more for mages than for monks, because a monk that crits and kills on his first or second attack will have the second and/or third attack wasted, the damage doesn't go onto the damageshift. Whereas all unused damage for a caster is always damageshifted if you crit. Minor, but still adds up. Tuning for mages especially makes mob resists much better. Also, most denizens that are weak to either of the physical types is strong to the other, so 3 out of 4 monk guilds in existence don't get much of anything out of mob resists. Mobs who are only weak to one, or who are weak to both are rare. Any weaknesses to physical damage in mobs are also up to moderate at most.

    Monks do get more dmp, and as an illithoid you'll definitely be tanky. A tk illithoid mage, however, is nothing to scoff at in terms of tankiness. Just clearing up some common misconceptions about monk bashing.

  • Cthazoth said:
    Hmm. A bit conflicted about Cthazoth's future. Sure, bashing as a monk is fun, but I hate the idea of pvping as one. On the other hand, Geomancer, I have no idea how mage bashing compares to monk bashing. Atleast pvp seems more fun. And I just got a tattoo needle.
    Monk bashing is great so long as you go about it as a -basher- and not a PKer.
  • I still say specced Cantor bashing is in the top 3 best, though, but hey... I'm biased.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    Kiradawea said:
    Assuming he stays Illithoid, which I'm guessing from how he presented himself in the self-presentation thread, I'm inclined to think he'll find monk bashing to be better, simply due to the weapon advantage. While he can get a huge ego from Illdrain, it again makes neccessary that he picks Telekinetics, which is a good idea but may not be what he wants.
    Nope. Illithoid bonus to monk is negligable.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    @Cthazoth Dunno if anyone answered you on new Geo spec, but the future visions show a geomancer who has replaced half of his body which machinery. Like a...steampunk cyborg. Steamborg?

    One of the Traitor Gods went full-on machine actually. Thrax. Hm.

  • Less Machine, more Golem. He was a living suit of super-armor.
  • THAX?
    If it's broken, break it some more.
  • Less Machine, more Golem. He was a living suit of super-armor.
    With much of his insides replaced with Agnomenon's tinkery machinery. More robot than golem, really.
  • I'm still bloody impatient. SO curious to see how some of this will work out.
  • TurnusTurnus The Big Bad Wolf
    Eventru said:
    Less Machine, more Golem. He was a living suit of super-armor.
    With much of his insides replaced with Agnomenon's tinkery machinery. More robot than golem, really.
    I am sure he said in his best growly afterwards voice: I didn't ask for this.


    The original picture of Turnus is still viewable here, again by Feyrll.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Inscribing runes one at a time is painful.
This discussion has been closed.