Completed Curios for Sale or Trade

Message me about trades here, or in-game!

Hair curios 15 credits each!
Brittle White Hair       
Powder-Blue Pigtails
Wild Pink Hair               
Electric-Blue Hair 
Purple Mohawk      
Spiked Blonde Hair  
Curled Blonde Hair              
Neat Green Hair         
Black Hair Pulled In   
Shadowy Mane         
Rainbow Hair        
Decorated Dreadlocks
Blond Pigtails
Black Hair Dyed Purple   

Magic Curios 15 credits each!
Wooden Soldier 
Glaring Eyeball
Steel Wrench

P.S. It was asked, and yes, I will take Dingbats too!

Currently Playing in: The doctors office. One more needle and I might just lose it again.


  • I am looking for a beard curio! I have several bits, if someone wants to trade one of my hair ones, or can trade with me.. I can help you out seriously.

    Currently Playing in: The doctors office. One more needle and I might just lose it again.
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