The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "What are the names of the last two known members of the sileni race?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Taimon and Lira"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Lira and Taimon"
Maligorn is correct!
Ayisdra is correct!
The Grand Inquisitor benevolently adds 1 points to Kiradawea's score.
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Rivius: Silenio and Silenia
Kiradawea: Lira the Songstress and Taimon of
Subotai: Our Baker, who art in the Havens: Crumkane be Thy name. Thy kingdom's yum, thy pastries done, I can smell them from here. Give us this day our caramel topping and forgive us our hunger, cause we gonna feast real soon. Deliver us from gluttony, because greed sucks. Forever and ever, amen.
Dakhamunzu: Loriel and Tan
Iytha: Glory be unto Avechna
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "What is the full name of the one who has been capturing harlequins from the Meliashmora of Imperial Secrets in order to stave off a life-threatening illness?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Slegi Vleemgol"
Maligorn is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Portius: Sleghi
Ventidius: Alodale
Rivius: Mr. Catcher
Shuyin: Morrible
Iytha: Sileria?
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "Let us try something a bit more difficult.
Perhaps these easy questions are simply escaping your mind."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 3.
NEW QUESTION: "What is the full name and title of the one that Mugowumpois killed to demonstrate the process of reincarnation?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Ayalala of the Sweetberry Tribe"
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Ventidius: Bob
Rivius: Dog
Arcanis: Ayalala
Tanin: Boo boo wiggle
Marcella: Killy the Brave
Kiradawea: Ayalala
Irillia: Ayala
Iytha: Glory be unto Avechna
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "As I have said earlier, if the question specifically states the full name and/or title, I wish you to provide that."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "What is the name of the formation used by the Elder Gods known as the Breaker of the Cosmos?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "The Daath Sequence"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Daath Sequence"
Maligorn is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Ventidius: Dynara
Eritheyl: Da'ath sequence
Rivius: Daath
Ssaliss: Finger of fate
Marcella: Da'ath
Ixion: Risk it for a biscuit
Ayisdra: Daath
Iytha: Da'ath squence
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "As the Book of Aslarn states, it is the "Daath Sequence." Those of you who have included apostrophes are, unfortunately, incorrect. Remember, spelling counts."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 4.
NEW QUESTION: "What day, month, and year did Expedition Cosmic Hope take place?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "13 Gorgani 543"
CORRECT ANSWER: "13th of Gorgani, year 543"
Kiradawea is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Rivius: Estar 69
Maligorn: 15 Gorgulon 102
Tanin: 1st avencha 200 ce
Rheatsis: 18th of Methril in the 543rd Year of the Imperial Empire
Iytha: 13 Gorgani
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says to Rheatsis, "That date is the day of the proclamation which sets the date for the Expedition. You were very close."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
NEW QUESTION: "Under what moniker was the Vernal God Tosha known as?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "The Meditative"
Portius is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Irillia is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Meditative"
Dakhamunzu is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: The Harmonic
Ventidius: Traveller
Eritheyl: The boring one
Rivius: Loboshi
Maligorn: The Harmonious
Tanin: Monk
Marcella: The Enlightened
Ayisdra: Ulan
Iytha: The Harmonious
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "Which Elder God returned knowing nothing of the Elder Wars?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Darvellan, the Navigator"
Arien is correct!
Portius is correct!
Eritheyl is correct!
Rivius is correct!
Maligorn is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Iari is correct!
Irillia is correct!
Subotai is correct!
Iytha is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Darvellan the Navigator"
Marcella is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Ventidius: Crumkane
Alaksanteri: Hajamin
Ayisdra: Darvillian
Aruin: Lacostian
Dakhamunzu: Darvallan
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 3.
NEW QUESTION: "Who is the creator of the curious automaton falcon known as Golden Frei, Wind Rider?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Ilaedron the Fair"
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Ayisdra is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Ilaedron, the Fair"
Maligorn is correct!
Marcella is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Lady Isune?
Portius: Hajamin
Eritheyl: Hajamin
Rivius: Eventru
Ixion: Klangratch
Alaksanteri: Jadice
Rheatsis: Lord Hajamin
Dakhamunzu: Liseara
Iytha: Valtreth?
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "What beings prevented Jolly Bundle and his gnome friends from doling out solstice cheer?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Sugarplum fae"
Maligorn is correct!
Zyphora is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "The Sugarplum Fae"
Kiradawea is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Sugarplum sprites"
Eritheyl is correct!
Marcella is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Sugarplum Fairys
Portius: The Gnafia
Ssaliss: Gnomes
Arcanis: Gnafia
Alaksanteri: Gnomes
Rheatsis: Brownies
Ayisdra: Being asleep
Subotai: Ilaedron was the cousin of Fezzi the Unfair, who cheated at checkers
Iytha: Sugar Pulm Fae
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 8.
NEW QUESTION: "What were the names and titles of those Elders who composed the Dark Cadre?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Morgfyre the Merciless, Thax the Machine, Ivanko the Cruel, Slaay the Hidden, and Bloody Gruenella"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Morgfyre the Merciless, Thax the Machine, Ivanko the Cruel, Slaay the Hidden, and Bloody Gruenella"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Morgfyre the Merciless, Thax the Machine, Slaay the Hidden, Ivanko the Cruel, and Bloody Gruenella"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Morgfyre the Merciless, Thax the Machine, Slaay the Hidden, Ivanko the Cruel and Bloody Gruenella"
Kiradawea is correct!
Ayisdra is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Fain, of the Red Masque, Raezon, the Forbidden and
Ventidius: Morgfyre
Rivius: Why didn't you take 'daath' earlier?
Maligorn: Slaay, Oovanti,
Arcanis: Morgfyre the Merciless, Thax the Machine, Ivanko the Cruel, Slay the Hidden, Bloody Gruenella
Tanin: Fain Morgfyre Drocilla
Marcella: Morgfyre, Slaay, Thax the Machine,
Dakhamunzu: Fain the Red Masque
Iytha: There is nowhere near enough time for this question.
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says to Arcanis, "You were very close, mortal. But the Elder's name is Slaay."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
NEW QUESTION: "What family orchestrated a laboratory that would produce the flesh-fae creatures known as the eafs?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Xeeth"
Portius is correct!
Eritheyl is correct!
Maligorn is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Marcella is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Rheatsis is correct!
Irillia is correct!
Iytha is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "The House of Xeeth"
Arien is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Ventidius: Eaf family
Rivius: Bastards
Alaksanteri: I'Xiia
Aruin: D'cente
Dakhamunzu: Paavok
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 4.
NEW QUESTION: "What does the acronym "LoFTY" mean?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "League of Free Thinking Youths"
Maligorn is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Lords of Feathery things yo
Portius: League of Free Thinking Youth
Ventidius: Lots of funny type animals
Eritheyl: Lean on fat tae'dae yearly
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says to Portius, "Unfortunately, it is, in fact, Youths. I would imagine it is an act of rebellion or some such."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
NEW QUESTION: "What entity, created by Overseer Yishign in the Cyaethl Colony, causes illithoids to receive visions when ill-draining?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "The Llogath Imperiat"
CORRECT ANSWER: "Llogath Imperiat"
Maligorn is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Ventidius: Illith
Marcella: Cavefisher Queen
Ayisdra: Overmind
Iytha: The Loriigha
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
NEW QUESTION: "From where was the emerald powder worn by Scuchidira Tliwx during the Cosmic Hope Party imported?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Newton"
Portius is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Marcella is correct!
Irillia is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Hallifax
Ventidius: Skarch desert
Eritheyl: Alindor
Rivius: Celest
Maligorn: Dairuchi
Kiradawea: Southgard
Subotai: Delport
Aruin: Jojobo?
Dakhamunzu: Rockholm
Iytha: Delport
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 5.
Avechna, the Avenger says, "This may be a tricky question. But I imagine that you are more than up to the challenge."
NEW QUESTION: "In the modern era, who tried to consolidate his or her power and become a god in the dreamrealm?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Emperor Ladantine"
Marcella is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Subotai is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Elostian?
Portius: Mauwka
Ventidius: Mysrai
Rivius: Rivius
Maligorn: Xynthin
Kiradawea: Xynthin
Rheatsis: Fialbhie Stillwater
Iytha: Marani Veloske
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "We are now entering into the last five questions. Kiradawea of Hallifax is in the lead with 28 points, Arcanis of Magnagora is second with 20, Maligorn of Hallifax is in third with 16, Marcella of Magnagora is fourth with 14, and Ayisdra is fifth with 12 points."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 6.
NEW QUESTION: "Who sponsored the special live broadcast helmed by Globglob Mesherbrub at the launch of Project Cosmic Hope?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Estelbar Fruit Juices"
Portius is correct!
Marcella is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Magngagora
Ventidius: Norchatine
Rivius: Globglob
Maligorn: Marilynth
Ssaliss: The Wyrden Blessings
Tanin: What's her face
Kiradawea: Estelbar Juice
Rheatsis: Lolly Pringle
Aruin: Hallifax
Dakhamunzu: Landantine
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 3.
NEW QUESTION: "Before Dracnoris splintered, He and Meridian discussed a Primal God who splintered but whose shards were never found. What is the name of this Primal God?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Eyos"
Arcanis is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Portius: Keph
Rivius: Draconoris
Marcella: Keph
Alaksanteri: Kephera
Dakhamunzu: Keph
Iytha: Eligos
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
NEW QUESTION: "What are the names of the sister Vernals known as the Mother and the Earthburner, respectively?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Il'vania and Il'garala"
Maligorn is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Il'garala Il'vania"
Arcanis is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Il'garala, Il'vania"
Portius is correct!
CORRECT ANSWER: "Il'garala and Il'vania"
Marcella is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Portius: Il'garala, Il'vania
Rivius: Mamma
Arcanis: Il'garala Il'vania
Marcella: Il'garala and Il'vania
[/spoiler]The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
NEW QUESTION: "Birthed from Dracnoris, how many dragon clans exist within Lusternia?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: "Four"
Eritheyl is correct!
Maligorn is correct!
Marcella is correct!
Aruin is correct!
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: One
Portius: One
Ventidius: 5
Rivius: Seven
Tanin: 2
Ixion: 9999
Alaksanteri: 8
Ayisdra: Three
Subotai: 3
Zyphora: 7
Dakhamunzu: Two
Iytha: Five
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "And for the final question."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 4.
NEW QUESTION: "What did Mugowumpois tell Meridian to do in order to learn the secret of the Portal of Fate?"
[spoiler]CORRECT ANSWER: ""Look into their eyes.""
CORRECT ANSWER: "Look into their eyes."
CORRECT ANSWER: "Look into their eyes"
Eritheyl is correct!
You are correct! You win 4 points.
Arcanis is correct!
Kiradawea is correct!
Ayisdra is correct!
Iytha is correct!
[/spoiler][spoiler]Contestant Answer
---------- ------
Arien: Believe
Portius: Listen to the Fates
Ventidius: Shard
Rivius: Pull my finger
Maligorn: Talk to the Fates.
Marcella: Look into the eyes of a mortal who passed through it
Ixion: It is a good day to die.
Subotai: Splinter
Zyphora: Send people through it?
Aruin: Look into my eyes
Dakhamunzu: To have one of her shards put in
[/spoiler]Avechna, the Avenger says, "And with that, we have our winner: Kiradawea of Hallifax!"
Congratulations, Kiradawea!

Scuchidira's emerald powder? Estelbar Fruit Juices? Seriously?
I was so ready for interesting and tricky questions about Mornhai, il'Garala, Cimtri...Xeeth, the eafs, the machinery therein...
Not just a bunch of Taint Wars and Elder Wars junk.
Agree though. I wanted more Mornhai, more Xeeth, more Cyaethl, more relevant stuff.
Why weren't we asked 'bout fake Carakhan's title?
p.s: @Shaddus that's becoming my new avatar.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Contestant Points
-------------- ------
#1 Kiradawea 35
#2 Arcanis 30
#3 Marcella 23
#4 Maligorn 19
#5 Ayisdra 16
#6 Portius 15
#7 Eritheyl 9
#8 Iytha 7
#9 Irillia 7
#10 Subotai 6
#11 Ssaliss 4
#12 Arien 3
#13 Rheatsis 2
#14 Dakhamunzu 2
#15 Zyphora 1
#16 Rivius 1
#17 Iari 1
#18 Aruin 1
(number 19-35 were people with 0 points)
I knew Hallifax was sharing answers! J'accuse! As for Estelbar fruit juices, well. The man from Estelbar, he say yes.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
- What was the lesser form Nemach took upon being blown apart?
That would have been a nice one. or perhaps..
- What is the name of the brownie that guards the hearthstone?
Also as for the Jolly bundy question. I honestly believe the correct answer was Gnafia, as the question stated "Who PREVENTED Jolly and his gnomes from spreading solistice joy", which was in fact the Gnafia when they kidnapped Jolly and we got nothing but coal for a time. The sugarplum fae...they didnt exactly prevent them, it was in fact the gnomes' own fault for being greedy and getting intoxicated on sugarplums.
Oh @Portius, how I wept for you losing points at not pluralizing your LoFTY answer.
I also completely missed the whole 'beings' part of the question in the Jolly one. I just read "what prevented Jolly and ..." and was rather confused at why the answer was the sugerplum fae until I read the question...
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."