This was brought up by
@Iytha in a different discussion and I have to agree with them on this. Can we change the name of magic to differentiate between a source and damage type? Still confuses me when considering my main damage source and the types I use. Would probably make it easier on newbies as well.
Not a big deal, but I figured I'd put the suggestion in the correct form.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
What about leaving Magic as the type name and switching the source names to be Physical for things based on Strength, Mental for things based on Intelligence, Musical for things based on 50% Intelligence and 50% Charisma, with the word "Spell" appended if it's boosted by caster damage runes? So Illuminati Crushes are Physical Spells and their Cosmic Fire is a Mental Spell. Does that cover everything.