Since there isn't one already, I'm listing here workshops that I found interesting and helpful in learning more about drawing. Feel free to post your own as well!
ImagineFx: (The files listed have the support files as well so you can paint alongside with the workshop. Really helps with developing your own art skills), they have a monthly magazine for fantasy art.
This one is about making a monster by using a photo by Dave Rapoza. His website is
This one is about painting a Kraken by Bart Tiongson
This one is about learning how to paint in a Frank Frazeta style.
I'm working on a piece now, and when I'm done I'll show how I did it step by step with gimp.
Concept Art has a lot of great tutorials but I really learned a lot from this one:
Seeing some of these tutorials is really making my "draw something" itch act up though.
You shock a platinum-coloured geomycus with tales of terror bestowed on villages who don't follow Magnagora.
A platinum-coloured geomycus slaps her knee and declares that, by the gods, Ptoma Hive should follow the Grand Empire of Magnagora after all!
Shouts rise up from Ptoma Hive, as its denizens loudly pledge themselves to the Grand Empire of Magnagora.
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
Visit my personal authorial website. (coming back up soon, with my first publications)
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