I'd love to comment, but I've been dissuaded not to. I really wouldn't even know where to begin, without doing a bunch of work and then just being told "nope", without further discussion.
However, if you are going to replace racial perks with emotes, I'd like to see those emotes listed as racial perks.
I'm also concerned that passive effects are not being recognised as "better" than active effects.
As for the cameo, I forsee it still being used. I'm to stop being tae'dae and instead mainly be Loboshigaru to go influencing and get a whip for bashing, then switch to some other race for PK as needed, depending on how things work out. It was fun being a tae'dae while it lasted.
Or you become a tae'dae bard. Can you imagine a furry white bear, leaning over a sheet of paper and getting ink stains all over his white fur, while trying desperately to figure out the spelling of his new song? I think it'd be fun.
Anyhow: I don't see why you can't be good as influencer as tae'dae. Some races get a bonus for a specific attack or two. But plenty of races don't get anything. I do not think they will all be horrible influencers as a result. You could also get a tattoo to get an influence bonus and set you apart some. The rest would pretty much be arr-pee.
PS: Maybe there'll even be a cheapsy artifact to get an influence bonus like the racial ones?
I'm not arguing balance here. The demi power for dracnari in the current spreadsheet is bad. It might get changed to something better, it might not. It will -still- open the way for people to choose that race easier than in the current stat+race combo. But I really don't want to go there, other people can do that.
What bugs me is this. C/P'd from the HELP DRACNARI file:
Like the merians, dracnari do not recognize half-breeds: either you are a dracnari or are not, denoted by the ability to breathe fire.
This is what bugs me. I think we can assume that no Gaudiguch denizen is a demigod. As a result, no one will be able to breathe fire, thus no one is a dracnari. So my statement is correct (I said denizen there for a reason, not 'person'). :P
I don't think any other race has that problem. Merian get their dive thing much earlier so it's a non-issue. Dracnari seem the only race that get -the- defining race feature at demigod level.
So yes, please give them some shot-down version or racial emote to breathe fire at an early level... or find another way to rule out weird dracnari half-breeds.
EDIT: To clarify: I'm aruging lore in the hopes that it won't be forgotten about and make me apply my head to the table later on, trying to sort out the oxymoron.
As a note, if all you were worried about was lore for NPCs, then mountain-out-of-molehill is pretty much the most forgiving statement I can use to describe your post. It's hardly anything to get upset about. Illithoid players don't actually kill their fellow players when roleplaying a mating session - that doesn't mean illithoid NPCs don't do that when they mate - it's a part of the lore for the illithoid race. Just because fire-breathing is not a racial ability, or even a racial emote, doesn't mean all of Gaudiguch's Dracnari npcs suddenly are not able to breathe fire - it doesn't even mean that player Dracnari are not able to breathe fire, since they can very well still do that via custom emotes.
It's great and awesome that Baelor and the admin are willing to put in racial emotes at our requests and all, and it certainly does build the game's integrity and commitment to roleplay, which definitely is great, but as player-driven writings, RP-sessions and other activities (check out the thread about Trill reproduction) prove, even if they weren't willing to put it in, that's hardly going to stop players from maintaining a certain standard of roleplay - and even less going to affect the actual Dracnari lore in-game. It most certainly won't "break" it for players, much less for NPCs.
I think we're still at a brainstorming stage where getting more ideas out for the admin to consider for actual balance is a better idea than nitpicking about whether NPCs will be able to breathe fire, or do bearhugs (they will).
I'm sure cameos will still have great value, personally I bought one initially because I couldn't decide on one particular race that was better for me, since I wanted to influence as well as not be totally squished in PK, so I would fluctuate as needed. Influencing not being tied to race is really the biggest benefit I see, as well as all races being more viable, like Baelor said for everyone who wants to participate. I always hated that the race I wanted to RP as (and made the most sense for my org, I wasn't trying to be a special snowflake) was mediocre for both influencing and pk, and while tanky kinda sucked for bashing too because excorable and so freaking slow.
SO. If races in general can be good (not necessarily the best) at most everything, I won't need my cameo. Others who focus more on min-maxing and the RP of being a changeling will though, I'm sure.
Or you become a tae'dae bard. Can you imagine a furry white bear, leaning over a sheet of paper and getting ink stains all over his white fur, while trying desperately to figure out the spelling of his new song? I think it'd be fun.
Anyhow: I don't see why you can't be good as influencer as tae'dae. Some races get a bonus for a specific attack or two. But plenty of races don't get anything. I do not think they will all be horrible influencers as a result. You could also get a tattoo to get an influence bonus and set you apart some. The rest would pretty much be arr-pee.
PS: Maybe there'll even be a cheapsy artifact to get an influence bonus like the racial ones?
Firstly, switching to a bard costs me a lot more than switching races. However I get much more from being Loboshigaru or Furrikin (but I like super uber health regen better for bashing... But then again, by the time I'm a demigod, I may not care about it.). I originally chose Tae'dae because they were very good at both influencing and bashing, and at a pace I liked, (I actually swing faster as a tae'dae than using a whip, so the main expense, if this goes through, will be buying a whipe) and naturally created an archetype of "warrior poet". Thankfully I have a cameo and can just pick which new race fits whatever reason I chose Tae'dae before. Influencing artifacts already exist, and I have them.
You'll probably swing faster as a new Tae'dae than in the past, and may not need the whip at all, though that's subject to whether the admin are going to rework weapon stats. Whips are generally better than weapons because it is so easy to find stuff with big weaknesses to certain damage types, whereas there are very very few stuff with such large weaknesses to cutting/blunt.
I agree it doesn't make much sense for the tae'dae influencing bonuses to be the only ones tied to an archetype - that should probably go away.
New Tae'dae will most certainly bash faster than they did in the past, even without a whip. The new Loboshigaru, depending on how the admin are going to scale the regen rates, may well see a reduction in their regen, since in the past they had the full 3 levels, whereas now they only have 6/10 (proposed). While Tae'dae will no longer be heads-and-shoulders better than others in influencing now, they also won't be much slower either - you won't see much improvement going to another race just for influencing, unlike in the past, when going from something like illithoid to faeling (or anything into faeling) saw a significant leap.
There is also... exactly zero reason for a Tae'dae to not to be a "warrior poet" - and it's not like they were somehow better at it than other races in that roleplay concept anyway. Between Tosha and Daraius, the Loboshigaru certainly have made a reputation for themselves as being fierce and feral as well as introspective and wise at the same time. The changes didn't suddenly make either of the two races any less warriory or less poety than they were before.
Thinking about it, I find that I have to agree with Celina a few pages back when she said that removing that hideous level 3 eq malus and level 1 bal malus gave a boost to the race's playability.
Tae'dae will become more playable for non-warriors. For warriors, they are exchanging extra damage for more speed.* However, since all races will now have the same speed and damage output, it doesn't even matter anymore. No reason to pick tae'dae over some other race with better perks. When it comes to influencing, the Eq malus didn't come into affect, because all it cared about was Charisma score.
They were a bad choice for PK, but not for PVE. (Which is why I got the cameo in the first place) The extra defences, and health, plus extra sip, it meant I could easily get through aggressive PVE monsters into safety, plus I used up less bromide than other races while influencing.
If you are a cavalier, or a bard, you might want to pick tae'dae now, but otherwise there are better choices. Yes, there are other "warrior poet" races out there, and now Loboshigaru fit that, where as before they were not very good at it. But now Tae'dae do not reflect that. You are either a warrior, or a poet warrior, but not a warrior poet.
I've resigned myself to picking a new race when this is over.
** With international lag, the level 1 balance malus, was smaller than the lag difference anyways.
Speed is king in everything, including PvE. Which is exactly why balance bonus races were so valued that it created the problem which prompted these changes in the first place. For bashing, criticals are better than extra damage, and more speed means more dps. Removing the balance malus makes Tae'dae more playable for anything that uses balance. And warriors fall right into that. You speak as though international lag somehow nullifies the balance malus. Someone with international lag AND a balance malus will be slower than someone with international lag only. Or balance malus only. The lag doesn't overwrite the balance malus, it exists on top of it. Removing the malus makes Tae'dae a better choice for ALL warriors, lag or no lag, you'll be faster, period.
Tae'dae don't somehow only become more playable for non-warriors. They have become playable for archetypes they used to be entirely unsuited for, and have also benefited for the archetype that the race used to fit. In fact, now that they can compete with Aslaran, they have become MUCH more playable for warriors than before.
And I don't see how Loboshigaru used to not be very good at being warrior-poets. They most certainly were a great choice for such a roleplay concept, and many people have pulled it off. Their new abilities do not make them any better at being a "warrior-poet" concept. And in the same breath, you claim that somehow the Tae'dae no longer reflect that roleplay concept while the Loboshigaru have somehow gained new abilites to make them better at it. I am totally lost.
It sounds to me that you somehow don't like the new Tae'dae abilities (which is fine, you don't actually have to like them) and you're labeling it as a kind of dilution of the roleplay concepts a Tae'dae is capable of, or used to be known for. A new Tae'dae is still perfectly capable of being a warrior-poet. A new Tae'dae will bash better than they used to - they'll perform better in both PVP and PVE operations. They do lose some influencing bonuses, but they aren't much weaker than any of the other races either. Most importantly, you can now pick Tae'dae and roleplay as a warrior-poet without needing to worry about crippling yourself for either PVP or PVE. This is the goal of the entire no-stat race system, to make it so that people can choose their races for the storyline they want to craft, that they want to play, without having to lock themselves into aslaran stats or merian stats and get a racehat for what they want to actually be.
I agree it doesn't make much sense for the tae'dae influencing bonuses to be the only ones tied to an archetype - that should probably go away.
It's not. See Dwarves.
Ahh, I missed the Dwarves one. Thanks for pointing that out. While there is a precedent for it, I do think that the tying the Tae'dae bonuses to an archetype is a little weird. It'd be nice if there's a more coherent reason for it, but well, whatever works.
The logic behind it was that Dwarves had the option of being either good warriors, or good bards. When designing the perks I wanted to retain that option where they had an either or.
While designing the other weapon races I didn't have the same issue, they got their weapon bonus straight up, a couple of races without weapon bonuses got an influence bonus for various character trait reasons.
When I got to Tae'dae I decided to re-use the Dwarven perk mechanic to give Tae'dae some reference to their influencing history and retain their Cavalier perk. The split had to happen as giving them both would start a rebalancing of all tier 3 perks and tier 4 perks that would be an unnecessary power creep.
It's a sacrifice sure, but sacrifices are being made across the board for all races, no race has retained their upsides, and some have lost several strong points. Granted some races have gotten stronger as a result of this proposal, but they were awful beforehand and needed the leg up.
@Baelor Question about the finks, are you trying to make them mirror the gnomes (and as such, give them both improved village influencing at level 50) or can they be differentiated more? Because I really think finks having a boost to influencing is weird, as they are currently one of the worst races at influencing. And people are not really supposed to like them.
I'm not sure what people aren't understanding, its perfectly clear to me, but obviously not something anyone else is groking.
Let me try one more time:
As a tae'dae, I hit hard, and influence well. I'm also able to survive longer than other races, and spend less on potions. I do it "slowly".. but so what? I hit on average every 3 seconds as a Tae'dae, while mobs at 4 seconds, are slow enough. (Only possible with artifacts and nightkiss). As an aslaran, I was able to get as fast as 2.1 seconds, but its closer to 2.5 seconds on average. That might sound like a huge speed difference, but its completely offset by the higher damage and larger HP pool.
After the proposed changes to the race, it would be better for me to influence as some race other than tae'dae (Furrikin, or Loboshigaru) unless I switch guilds and become a bard. The Furrikin and Loboshigaru also provide a 6% damage defence rather than a 3% defence. (granted to less damage sources) None of the other perks are on the table (which is fine).
Sacrifices are fine, but from where I'm sitting, each perk, (which still exists in some form), about being a tae'dae has been removed, and given to a different race instead. I will have to see what sort of advantage the cavalier weapon spec actually gives, and if its better than other perks other races have. That might make tae'dae bash better than other races bashing with a cavalier weapon, but from what I've seen, a Divinus whip is better than any warrior weapon.
Its one thing to have a perk removed entirely, another to see it removed and then migrated to other races.
@Baelor Question about the finks, are you trying to make them mirror the gnomes (and as such, give them both improved village influencing at level 50) or can they be differentiated more? Because I really think finks having a boost to influencing is weird, as they are currently one of the worst races at influencing. And people are not really supposed to like them.
The concept was Finks aren't likeable, but they're conniving and tricky. There has been a bit of discussion on this and I'm looking at alternatives (boost to performances for example)
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Oh. My. God. This is not about tae'dae.
Your race is now actually playable in roles that aren't slow (no, your damage didn't offset lack of speed. Speed always wins at demigod) pseudo tanks with crippling weaknesses. Instead of focusing on what YOU want for tae'dae, consider what's actually best for tae'dae: making them playable for everyone else.
I do it "slowly".. but so what? I hit on average every 3 seconds as a Tae'dae, while mobs at 4 seconds, are slow enough. (Only possible with artifacts and nightkiss). As an aslaran, I was able to get as fast as 2.1 seconds, but its closer to 2.5 seconds on average. That might sound like a huge speed difference, but its completely offset by the higher damage and larger HP pool.
This is definitely debatable. I haven't done number crunching myself (and with the upcoming changes, it's pretty moot) but the 0.5s shaved off (taking your more conservative average) would definitely translate to more damage over time when you consider the fact that it not only increases your flat dps, but also gives you more chances for criticals over time. Sure, for a non-minmaxer, that may not be a big problem or worth the consideration, but the difference is large enough not to be shrugged off.
I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who thinks the speed is a fairly huge disparity, and maybe I am delusional and imagining it as a problem that doesn't exist. But from my position, closing the speed gap between Aslaran and the other races, including Tae'dae, is a huge balancing move that has greatly improved the value and viability of non-aslaran races. If you don't see how the newer Tae'dae bashing compared to the newer Aslaran bashing is a huge improvement over old Tae'dae bashing compared to old Aslaran bashing, then we will just have to disagree and leave it at that. I for one, though, am very appreciative of the work gone into rebalancing these races and the improvements that Tae'dae will see coming into the new system.
On the topic of resistances, given the other balancing acts being done across the board, I don't see how it is unreasonable to bring the Tae'dae resistances down to parity with the other races. Now that they no longer have a speed penalty, they certainly don't need that much resistance to make up for it. It isn't about "moving" perks to other races. It's about bringing all the races to parity across the board.
Sacrifices are fine, but from where I'm sitting, each perk, (which still exists in some form), about being a tae'dae has been removed, and given to a different race instead.
This sentence is the quintessence of where we disagree, I think. I guess this goes back up to the previous paragraph - the worth of the speed bonus/malus. The other races have lost other things, and have gotten resistances to make up for it. Furrikin don't have their speed balances anymore too, and the Loboshigaru are (possibly?) losing some regen, as I mentioned. Considering all these, for a Tae'dae, even the loss of some of the high resistance levels and coverage of a couple of damage types, I feel that the re-balance of the abilities have been very favouring for the Tae'dae. I don't see why, in the new table, the Tae'dae shouldn't lose some of those resistances, and give it to the other races who have lost other things in the re-balance. The entire thing isn't entirely balanced yet, of course, and I'm sure the admin will still appreciate more ideas in the google spreadsheet, but I don't think the Tae'dae are somehow getting the short stick of this draw, in any sense of the concept.
@Baelor What about using their smell in a tricky way?
Level 50: Very Smelly - The body of a fink reacts to smells in an odd way, amplifying both good and bad smells. Perfumes have a larger effect on influence battles. The ambient messages of of stink and of perfumes will fire more often.
If you got it, you would understand why what they are arguing (i.e. making the obvious point that speed being equalized is better for balance of the game, and makes all races more equally attractive.) misses the point, and demonstrates not getting it.
And yes, the problem likely exists for almost all races, where the race defining gimick is not earned until demigod level.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Like I said, for some reason nobody is getting what I'm saying. C'est la vie.
Let me try this again, maybe snark will get my point across.
Tae'dae have transformed into tall, sober, dwarves, with longer pointy sticks.
Tae'dae then sharded into Loboshigaru and Furrikin.
Essentially every race is like every other race only with fur or a pointy stick. The only thing separating any race from the next is (generally speaking, with a small handful of exceptions) some small boons and perks. That's the entire purpose of this statless system.
I feel like you are hyper analyzing tae'dae, and honing in on their exceedingly niche racial specifics that also made them one of the most unplayable races in the game. No race kept everything they previously had save for maybe humans who remain universally boring. What the admin have done is propose a solution that separates the mechanics from the RP so that players have more freedom to RP things like warrior poet, and instead let their RP dictate how that plays out instead of how high their charisma and strength stats are.
The way you describe tae'dae is how they are supposed to work in theory, which I understand. Big slow beefy things that hit hard. The reality is, due to the mechanics of stat scaling and the influence of weaknesses, they were actually just the big slow things that hit just as hard as the small fast things, and were tanky so long as you didn't consider how int plays into surge and didn't run into anything that dealt fire or magic damage. What you see as differentiators for tae'dae was actually such an exceedingly niche role that the people who picked it up did so for the RP, because the mechanics sucked that bad.
The good news is that RP hasn't changed. The better news is you don't have to suck at the expense of RP anymore.
People keep harping on speed, because you keep ignoring or not acknowledging that point. Your snark does nothing but re-iterate the point that -you- really just don't get it.
Tae'dae damage didn't offset aslaran speed, and it's been unilaterally proven. Bashing is about crits, not damage, more hits means more crits means more damage overall.
The only semblance of justification that Tae'dae may be worse is that you may not be as good at influencing, but to be fair, they haven't really explained how exactly stats will work out. You'll probably just be on par with every other warrior. So in the end, you'll be better at bashing and worse at influencing, but more normalized in general.
Originally that was the plan, RE Dwarves. It was designed to be adjustable to all/racial depending on overall balance arc.
Slip and roll's starting point is being contort and somersault with a different name. Again, numbers are adjustable to overall balance.
Yeah, that's a bit of a strong boost right there. Then again, contort won't be of as much use considering the fact that there won't be as many entangles. Still, replacing a free tumble with a free somersault is a bit of a strong boost to that particular race, is it not?
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
Originally that was the plan, RE Dwarves. It was designed to be adjustable to all/racial depending on overall balance arc.
Slip and roll's starting point is being contort and somersault with a different name. Again, numbers are adjustable to overall balance.
Fair enough, I'd like to propose that slip/roll kind of fall into a middle ground between writhe/tumble and contort/somersault. Furrikin weren't really played mostly due to stats but since that's going to be divorced, it'd be good to keep contort/somersault worthwhile and a bit better (trained acrobats vs natural ability). I'll comment on the spreadsheet.
Against my better judgment, I went through each race and put the perks I thought they should have. (Assuming specalizations and demipowers get balanced out by other player input) Maybe now people will finally get what I was saying...
Each race maintains some reference to what makes them special according to their help files or game lore.
I'd just like to make one small point, which I'm pointlessly hoping will not be misunderstood. While its important to balance things taking into account every bonus/malus that the game provides, not all players are always able to maintain or even experience the game at those levels. (Though I'm sure more will closer to that when they get defences surviving between sessions) The gaming experience should take into account people who are not demigods, even if the balance of the features requires it.
As a guy who's been forced to be a racehat tae'dae ever since he started playing his character seriously (ty @Kio!) I welcome the change. Granted, sure, illithoid/something else might be a bit better for an acro munk, but I won't feel like I'm penalized if I want to not wear the race hat. Granted, still keeping mine, for those days when I need to be something else, but having the option to not have to tell tae'dae who try to be something like a Shadowdancer that they're sol, or for making my orclach bard actually be a thing, is awesome.
I'm also concerned that passive effects are not being recognised as "better" than active effects.
Or you become a tae'dae bard.
Anyhow: I don't see why you can't be good as influencer as tae'dae. Some races get a bonus for a specific attack or two. But plenty of races don't get anything. I do not think they will all be horrible influencers as a result. You could also get a tattoo to get an influence bonus and set you apart some. The rest would pretty much be arr-pee.
PS: Maybe there'll even be a cheapsy artifact to get an influence bonus like the racial ones?
emote, doesn't mean all of Gaudiguch's Dracnari npcs suddenly are not able to breathe fire - it doesn't even mean that player Dracnari are not able to breathe fire, since they can very well still do that via custom emotes.
affect the actual Dracnari lore in-game. It most certainly won't "break" it for players, much less for NPCs.
SO. If races in general can be good (not necessarily the best) at most everything, I won't need my cameo. Others who focus more on min-maxing and the RP of being a changeling will though, I'm sure.
Anyone who had a racial language before retains it, there aren't exceptions.
I agree it doesn't make much sense for the tae'dae influencing bonuses to be the only ones tied to an archetype - that should probably go away.
New Tae'dae will most certainly bash faster than they did in the past, even without a whip. The new Loboshigaru, depending on how the admin are going to scale the regen rates, may well see a reduction in their regen, since in the past they had the full 3 levels, whereas now they only have 6/10 (proposed). While Tae'dae will no longer be heads-and-shoulders better than others in influencing now, they also won't be much slower either - you won't see much improvement going to another race just for influencing, unlike in the past, when going from something like illithoid to faeling (or anything into faeling) saw a significant leap.
There is also... exactly zero reason for a Tae'dae to not to be a "warrior poet" - and it's not like they were somehow better at it than other races in that roleplay concept anyway. Between Tosha and Daraius, the Loboshigaru certainly have made a reputation for themselves as being fierce and feral as well as introspective and wise at the same time. The changes didn't suddenly make either of the two races any less warriory or less poety than they were before.
Thinking about it, I find that I have to agree with Celina a few pages back when she said that removing that hideous level 3 eq malus and level 1 bal malus gave a boost to the race's playability.
If you are a cavalier, or a bard, you might want to pick tae'dae now, but otherwise there are better choices. Yes, there are other "warrior poet" races out there, and now Loboshigaru fit that, where as before they were not very good at it. But now Tae'dae do not reflect that. You are either a warrior, or a poet warrior, but not a warrior poet.
I've resigned myself to picking a new race when this is over.
It sounds to me that you somehow don't like the new Tae'dae abilities (which is fine, you don't actually have to like them) and you're labeling it as a kind of dilution of the roleplay concepts a Tae'dae is capable of, or used to be known for. A new Tae'dae is still perfectly capable of being a warrior-poet. A new Tae'dae will bash better than they used to - they'll perform better in both PVP and PVE operations. They do lose some influencing bonuses, but they aren't much weaker than any of the other races either. Most importantly, you can now pick Tae'dae and roleplay as a warrior-poet without needing to worry about crippling yourself for either PVP or PVE. This is the goal of the entire no-stat race system, to make it so that people can choose their races for the storyline they want to craft, that they want to play, without having to lock themselves into aslaran stats or merian stats and get a racehat for what they want to actually be.
While designing the other weapon races I didn't have the same issue, they got their weapon bonus straight up, a couple of races without weapon bonuses got an influence bonus for various character trait reasons.
When I got to Tae'dae I decided to re-use the Dwarven perk mechanic to give Tae'dae some reference to their influencing history and retain their Cavalier perk. The split had to happen as giving them both would start a rebalancing of all tier 3 perks and tier 4 perks that would be an unnecessary power creep.
It's a sacrifice sure, but sacrifices are being made across the board for all races, no race has retained their upsides, and some have lost several strong points. Granted some races have gotten stronger as a result of this proposal, but they were awful beforehand and needed the leg up.
Sacrifices are fine, but from where I'm sitting, each perk, (which still exists in some form), about being a tae'dae has been removed, and given to a different race instead. I will have to see what sort of advantage the cavalier weapon spec actually gives, and if its better than other perks other races have. That might make tae'dae bash better than other races bashing with a cavalier weapon, but from what I've seen, a Divinus whip is better than any warrior weapon.
Its one thing to have a perk removed entirely, another to see it removed and then migrated to other races.
Your race is now actually playable in roles that aren't slow (no, your damage didn't offset lack of speed. Speed always wins at demigod) pseudo tanks with crippling weaknesses. Instead of focusing on what YOU want for tae'dae, consider what's actually best for tae'dae: making them playable for everyone else.
I don't know, maybe I'm the only one who thinks the speed is a fairly huge disparity, and maybe I am delusional and imagining it as a problem that doesn't exist. But from my position, closing the speed gap between Aslaran and the other races, including Tae'dae, is a huge balancing move that has greatly improved the value and viability of non-aslaran races. If you don't see how the newer Tae'dae bashing compared to the newer Aslaran bashing is a huge improvement over old Tae'dae bashing compared to old Aslaran bashing, then we will just have to disagree and leave it at that. I for one, though, am very appreciative of the work gone into rebalancing these races and the improvements that Tae'dae will see coming into the new system.
On the topic of resistances, given the other balancing acts being done across the board, I don't see how it is unreasonable to bring the Tae'dae resistances down to parity with the other races. Now that they no longer have a speed penalty, they certainly don't need that much resistance to make up for it. It isn't about "moving" perks to other races. It's about bringing all the races to parity across the board. This sentence is the quintessence of where we disagree, I think. I guess this goes back up to the previous paragraph - the worth of the speed bonus/malus. The other races have lost other things, and have gotten resistances to make up for it. Furrikin don't have their speed balances anymore too, and the Loboshigaru are (possibly?) losing some regen, as I mentioned. Considering all these, for a Tae'dae, even the loss of some of the high resistance levels and coverage of a couple of damage types, I feel that the re-balance of the abilities have been very favouring for the Tae'dae. I don't see why, in the new table, the Tae'dae shouldn't lose some of those resistances, and give it to the other races who have lost other things in the re-balance. The entire thing isn't entirely balanced yet, of course, and I'm sure the admin will still appreciate more ideas in the google spreadsheet, but I don't think the Tae'dae are somehow getting the short stick of this draw, in any sense of the concept.
Level 50: Very Smelly - The body of a fink reacts to smells in an odd way, amplifying both good and bad smells. Perfumes have a larger effect on influence battles. The ambient messages of of stink and of perfumes will fire more often.
And yes, the problem likely exists for almost all races, where the race defining gimick is not earned until demigod level.
Slip and roll's starting point is being contort and somersault with a different name. Again, numbers are adjustable to overall balance.
Yeah, that's a bit of a strong boost right there. Then again, contort won't be of as much use considering the fact that there won't be as many entangles. Still, replacing a free tumble with a free somersault is a bit of a strong boost to that particular race, is it not?
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.