19) Ogmastian: "Too bad you couldn't be a mentor. You do such a great job at it. Perhaps someday?"
^ This makes me really happy because it means I'm actually making a difference to someone else's gameplay. I THINK YOU'RE GREAT TOO, LITTLE BUDDY.
Wildeflower Aramel Strongleaf says to Xiran, "My cousin's attitude to life is rather like her attitude towards cake - to have everything, and at once, and lots of it."
Also shout to @Calesta for his character's incredible range of rp depth, maturity, and to the player who's gone so far out of his character's way to help me get integrated into the game.
While there's so many other people I want to write shout outs for and just haven't had the time to you, you're all so dang cool and your characters are a lot of fun to play with! Keep being awesome!
Also shout to @Calesta for his character's incredible range of rp depth, maturity, and to the player who's gone so far out of his character's way to help me get integrated into the game.
While there's so many other people I want to write shout outs for and just haven't had the time to you, you're all so dang cool and your characters are a lot of fun to play with! Keep being awesome!
You're a pretty cool person yourself, Hroth. I'll never say no to people active around Glom and you're pretty ready and willing whenever it's needed. You and @Ellanora have been pretty awesome to have around. Sorry for when Nienla drags you lot into trouble though.
Hahaha, its all part of the fun! Character death just an opportunity for more rp.
I may be about as useful as two left feet right now for when it comes to group combat and pvp, but its been a delight tagging along with you and repeatedly typing, "point webbing at avurekhos" as fast as I can (...my character may need to talk to a psychologist one day about the revenge on Avurekhos complex she's developing though...).
As an aside, I don't know how you all keep up with the pace with group combat. Your ability to speed read/type must be out of this world.
Hahaha, its all part of the fun! Character death just an opportunity for more rp.
I may be about as useful as two left feet right now for when it comes to group combat and pvp, but its been a delight tagging along with you and repeatedly typing, "point webbing at avurekhos" as fast as I can (...my character may need to talk to a psychologist one day about the revenge on Avurekhos complex she's developing though...).
As an aside, I don't know how you all keep up with the pace with group combat. Your ability to speed read/type must be out of this world.
You get used to it, really. I had the jitters when I came back as Nienla but it went away after getting into the rhythm again. I'm still nowhere close to where I was before, so there's that.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
I pretty much just watch my prompt for balance and prone so I can attack, then watch my health slowly drain down to 0. But I suck at combat and have no real interest in learning :P .
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Hahaha, its all part of the fun! Character death just an opportunity for more rp.
I may be about as useful as two left feet right now for when it comes to group combat and pvp, but its been a delight tagging along with you and repeatedly typing, "point webbing at avurekhos" as fast as I can (...my character may need to talk to a psychologist one day about the revenge on Avurekhos complex she's developing though...).
As an aside, I don't know how you all keep up with the pace with group combat. Your ability to speed read/type must be out of this world.
You should make some aliases so you don't have to type the whole thing out every time!
Oh, I completely forgot because I was super tired last night, but thanks for the astral hunt @Tremula and @Ymuli. We need more of these off-peak hunts!
Oh, I completely forgot because I was super tired last night, but thanks for the astral hunt @Tremula and @Ymuli. We need more of these off-peak hunts!
Taking a moment to shamelessly advertise:
"Tremula's Hunts. We may not be as good as ur'bashes, but we're off-peak."
Oh, I completely forgot because I was super tired last night, but thanks for the astral hunt @Tremula and @Ymuli. We need more of these off-peak hunts!
Taking a moment to shamelessly advertise:
"Tremula's Hunts. We may not be as good as ur'bashes, but we're off-peak."
Oh, I completely forgot because I was super tired last night, but thanks for the astral hunt @Tremula and @Ymuli. We need more of these off-peak hunts!
Taking a moment to shamelessly advertise:
"Tremula's Hunts. We may not be as good as ur'bashes, but we're off-peak."
THis reminds me, a belated Rave to @salome and @Calesta for the hunt last night...
Been forever. I have talked to a few. But I want to say hello, and goodbye and thank you. If you don't know me, or who I am talking about skip this. If you do. You made my time awesome.
Thank you.
I took a moment to read through some of the messages, and just remembering. Oh and this just made me smile the most of all, this was a wonderful day for someone who had no clue what was going on, and did her best not to let everyone else know that!
Xenthos has assigned a fine of 1000000gp to be unenemied to the Ebonguard Guild. To pay this fine, go to the Hall of Records and type: DIPLOMACY EBONGUARD PAY FINE.
Killing the Wyrdling is less-than-fun memories to others, though! (PS: Your actual fine would have been death and murder if you preferred not to pay large piles of gold-- gold fines are so boring!)
Oh, I completely forgot because I was super tired last night, but thanks for the astral hunt @Tremula and @Ymuli. We need more of these off-peak hunts!
Taking a moment to shamelessly advertise:
"Tremula's Hunts. We may not be as good as ur'bashes, but we're off-peak."
Wildeflower Aramel Strongleaf says to Xiran, "My cousin's attitude to life is rather like her attitude towards cake - to have everything, and at once, and lots of it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Raves for @Falmiis who is so nice to his doddering e-great-great-grandmother and explains all these very basic commands to her after all this time.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
You play a minor second on a vine-woven mahogany lyre and direct the disharmonic notes towards a hulking three-horned bull.
Blood trickles out of a hulking three-horned bull's ears and from the corners of his eyes.
A hulking three-horned bull screams and dies, as his eyes fly out of their sockets and blood splurts out of his ears.
You have slain a hulking three-horned bull.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 100.
You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.
You have received 25 Bound Credits!
You feel your innermost energies growing to extreme proportions as a darkness takes over your senses. When your senses return, you find yourself in a different location and there is a strange feeling within you.
Managed it in 25 days. Not bad for what I thought was going to be a throw-away character.
Wildeflower Aramel Strongleaf says to Xiran, "My cousin's attitude to life is rather like her attitude towards cake - to have everything, and at once, and lots of it."
Also, raves for @Talan in general. You're a very big part of the reason I've not gone completely insane today, and likely on many, many other days as well. It's the little things.
Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."
With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
While there's so many other people I want to write shout outs for and just haven't had the time to you, you're all so dang cool and your characters are a lot of fun to play with! Keep being awesome!
You're a pretty cool person yourself, Hroth. I'll never say no to people active around Glom and you're pretty ready and willing whenever it's needed. You and @Ellanora have been pretty awesome to have around. Sorry for when Nienla drags you lot into trouble though.
As an aside, I don't know how you all keep up with the pace with group combat. Your ability to speed read/type must be out of this world.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Thank you.
I took a moment to read through some of the messages, and just remembering. Oh and this just made me smile the most of all, this was a wonderful day for someone who had no clue what was going on, and did her best not to let everyone else know that!
Xenthos has assigned a fine of 1000000gp to be unenemied to the Ebonguard Guild. To pay this fine, go to the Hall of Records and type: DIPLOMACY EBONGUARD PAY FINE.
It really reminded me of some wonderful memories.
You tell Temporary Librarian, Altrea Damascene, Their Hand of Hands, "Also a sip is something like 15 shots of whiskey."
Altrea tells you, "AH. *hic* DidN't reealisE *hic* e iit Washh q ahawssh."
You tell Temporary Librarian, Altrea Damascene, Their Hand of Hands, "Maybe 10. In terms of how drunk you... oh."
You tell Temporary Librarian, Altrea Damascene, Their Hand of Hands, "I see you are a step ahead."
Altrea has been slain by misadventure.
You see the death occur at beneath a broken mosaic.
The amazing part is how you have been Gaudi for this long with such a low alcohol tolerance!
Vive l'apostrophe!
Emu's hunts
Tonight amidst the mountaintops
And endless starless night
Singing how the wind was lost
Before an earthly flight
Managed it in 25 days. Not bad for what I thought was going to be a throw-away character.
general populace of the Basin of Life.
Vive l'apostrophe!