In Which Leulla reveals she is the supreme leader

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Hello, My dear. It is quite a marvel, this Moonhart Tree, is it

not?" The Goddess takes a few steps close to the Moonhart, Her fingertips tracing the lines of its

bark. "So lovely, so grand."

Kurut leans down and carefully sprinkles water from a burnished brass watering can over the plants here.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart humbly drops one knee to the ground before Luella, genuflecting reverently in Her presence.

Kurut points a golden sickle at the ground and the native plants dance and grow before your very eyes.

Shivering slightly, Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "Is pretty tree, yes yes...too big for Kurut to helps grow more."

Luella smiles gently at Miakoda. "Blessed maiden, you are quite unlike the others," She pronounces,
Her voice lilting like a songbird's.

Lorina enters from the north, a thin sheen of water rippling outward from every step.

Sondayga smiles softly.

Cheeks flushing with colour, Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart says, "Thank you, my Lady."

Kurut kneels and reverently places a palm on the ground. The colours of the surroundings suddenly

With an indifferent stare, Kurut slowly blinks one eye and then the other.

Lorina departs to the north, each step sending a ripple of water outwards across the surface.

Pressing a delicate kiss upon the Maiden's forehead, Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, "Now, tell Me, has the forest grown much in these eons and centuries? Has the forest been emboldened by the rhythms of Nature?"

Ryylaet smiles softly.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart pauses, eyes fluttering closed in rapture at the Goddess's touch. It takes her several moments to compose herself enough to reply. "Nature is ever growing, my Lady," she says, looking at Luella with a bright gaze. "But the true strength of the Serenwilde is in our power to endure, to sustain."

Kurut acknowledges the point with a grave nod of her head.

Sondayga nods his head sagely.

Enyalida gasps suddenly and begins to inhale and exhale deeply and rapidly.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Certainly, endurance is a prized trait. For all those of the wild know to endure. But does the forest do more than that?" The Goddess' question stirs through the air, sweeping into the boughs of the Moonhart Mother Tree. "How does the forest ensure that nature claims supremacy?"

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart smiles and leans forward to whisper a story in Luella's ear.

Powerful beats drum the air here, reminiscent of the stag's bellow.

Ryylaet smiles softly.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart opens her mouth as if to say something, but pauses.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart draws back, having finished her story.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, "Absently, that is quite a lovely story, My dear."

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart blushes furiously.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart says, "Ah...supremacy, my Lady?"

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says to Luella, "You grace us again. Wonderful."

Ryylaet bows respectfully to Luella.

Ryylaet tilts his head and listens intently.

Enyalida creases her brow in a frown.

Kurut shuffles her feet uneasily.

Enyalida Zayah says, "Supremacy implies control, mastery, and domination."

Ryylaet looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Offering the elfen a brief smile in greeting, Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Ryylaet, "In nature, I always grace you, My dear." To the conversation that is slowly forming, the Goddess adds, "Such a simple conception of supremacy... control, mastery, domination. What should reign supreme, the true supremacy of all things, is the call of the wild and hunt, the call of cycles. Perhaps you have been taught for a long time a false supremacy."

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart blinks wide eyes in confusion. "But," she says, uncertaintly, "the cycles of Nature are already present across all of the First World." Then she pauses, and frowns slightly. "Excepting the cities, I suppose."

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says, "Hm. This sounds similar to the ideas presented by the Lord Hoaracle, that all of Creation reaches toward an apex, that Divine spark, but this teaching was borne of the idea of a Primordial Soil, in our case, Dynara. At the time at least."

Enyalida Zayah says, "The continued existence of the cities is merely a symptom of the underlying
sickness in the world, that keeps the Basin in stasus."

Enyalida Zayah says, "Stasis, that is."

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart creases her brow in a frown.

Ryylaet tugs his chin thoughtfully.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "An underlying sickness, you say? And what sickness is this?"

Enyalida creases her brow in a frown.

Sondayga inclines his head politely to those around him.

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says, "The encroachment of the elemental energies, the expansion of those unattuned with nature and who would wish to see it corrupted or destroyed."

Luella nods solemnly.

You say, "I am curious, Are you aware of the method by which the Collective has been constructed? Through the growing of crystals found throughout nature and the city floats upon the air and is self sufficient not relying upon the destruction of nature for its growth?"

Again frowning, Enyalida Zayah says, "The elemental energies are part of nature, it is their singularity and the drive of the mortals who attend them to have one element reign supreme that is a problem."

Enyalida Zayah says to you, "That is not true."

Enyalida shrugs helplessly.

Ryylaet nods his head at Enyalida, showing his acceptance.

You say, "Which part of it?"

Kurut shuffles her feet uneasily.

Enyalida Zayah says to you, "The city does not fly of its own accord."

Kurut murmurs something unintelligible to herself.

You say, "I am not sure what you mean, nothing flies of its own accord. It is all through an interaction with physics."

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "Hallifax remains aloft for reasons that would be bad for Kurut to say, yes yes... but is true, nature is not directly harmed."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Elemental energies in their purest form are a vibration entirely different from nature. Nature is what I made." The Goddess stresses this point with a decisive click of Her tongue. "The division of elements is at the hand of a false Creator." The Goddess turns Her emerald gaze to the southwest, Her lips curled into a frown. "It was never intended to be a divison."

Ryylaet tilts his head curiously.

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says, "Interesting."

Enyalida Zayah asks, "What then, is nature?"

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Nature is the true essence of spirit. Something which I created long ago."

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart gazes deep into the soul of Luella, her heart in her eyes.

Enyalida Zayah asks, "And what is the nature of that true essence?"

Kurut shuffles her feet uneasily.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "We knows it as the Song of Creation, yes yes."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Creativity, expressiveness, expansion, blooming. It wishes to see itself live, because that is the nature of all life: to live."

Luella closes Her eyes briefly, taking a breath.

Enyalida Zayah says, "But not to die?"

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac asks, "So, would Nature then be the purest form of Creation, ever flowing and cycling and expanding?"

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Is not death a part of life? It seems you are trying to trip Me
on My words, but My dear, I was the hand that first made all things."

Ryylaet tugs his chin thoughtfully.

Luella offers a gentle smile as She reopens Her eyes and attends to Ryylaet with a nod

Enyalida Zayah says, "I am troubled, because simply saying that 'that which is natural is natural, that which is Nature is Nature' does not provide any guidance, and does nothing to prove you have done the things you claim to have done."

You say, "So is Aelish a fraud in calling Himself the Creator?"

Enyalida Zayah says, "There are many questions, and if we have been taught one thing in our long history, it is to ask those questions."

Kurut tugs urgently on your sleeve.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "She meant Yudhe as the false one."

Cheerfully, More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says, "We are ever grateful for Your patience as we better understand."

With a blithe laugh, Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "What needs guidance? Nature? Who demands that nature needs any insight on what nature must or be? I am not here for guidance for nature."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Kurut, "Correct, but so is this fellow. Aelish is a fraud as well."

Flatly, Enyalida Zayah says, "You have declared yourself our patron, and we your subjects."

Showing that she understands, Kurut nods her head slowly.

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says to Luella, "Might I be so bold as to ask Your opinion of what is known as the Once-Gloriana, or the Glomdoring?"

Kurut purses her lips pensively, gazing off into the distance as she carefully gathers her thoughts.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Enyalida, "Have I subjected you to anything? I think not, My

Kurut shuffles her feet uneasily.

Hesitantly, Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "If You can creates... and You maked Nature... can You restore Ghalphalshi to life? Is home to wump ancestry, yes yes. Swamp is nature too."

Kurut acknowledges the point with a grave nod of her head.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Ryylaet, "I have yet to see this Once-Gloriana, this Glomdoring. Though I know that Serane has taken claim of it." Here, the Goddess sweeps Her gaze due south, to where the wyrden forest would be. "But it smells foul, rotten. Not the rot of decaying loam, or the rot of the scavenged carcass, but the rot of something not true. I will excise it."

Luella makes the last claim with a matter-of-fact tone in her voice.

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart nods solemnly.

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac says, "Hm. And the Jojoba? Sakarich? Ackleberry? All also lost, yet should be easy tasks to restore, if we are to believe the previous show of strength."

Ryylaet tilts his head and listens intently.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Kurut, "Nature shall be grown again, My dear. But I must attend to others first: these holds of My kin that continue to blight this world. For only without them can everything else be accomplished."

You say, "It is quite insightful to learn that you are the progenitor of creation. It explains much, but I am curious, Aelish claims your work as his own, his city, Celest, claims ownership of the sea and perverts it to their will. You seem infinite in power, Why do you allow this?"

Ryylaet scratches his head looking for an idea.

More-than-medium Wisdom Ryylaet Talnara, Selenomanic Sophophiliac asks, "Balance?"

Ryylaet tilts his head curiously.

You eye Luella suspiciously as She leans in to kiss you on the nose. You get the feeling something has been settled, but you don't know what.

Kurut gives a chubby piebald hamster a friendly cuddle.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart whispers, "Is okay, Grummy."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "I allow nothing under the hand of the False Creator. But as I have said to many others, it has been eons since I have seen the majesty of this world."

Kurut ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."

Hesitantly, Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart says, "Then...could we restore the rest of the world, my Lady? Where Nature has been harmed? Where cities have blighted the land and Tainted the soil?"

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart gazes up at the Lady of Flowers with hope in her eyes.

Luella nods solemnly to Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart.
Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart flashes Luella a joyous smile.

A single teardrop coalesces in the corner of Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart's eyes.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "I can. We can."

Whispering like a prayer, Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart says, "To be alone no longer. To no longer be the Last Forest, but to be the First Forest."

Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart kneels before Luella, swearing her allegiance to Her.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart asks, "Does You knows the histories of the ones what taked Your work?" Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart says, "I can tell the story of the Moonhart Mother Tree and her siblings if you ask about it."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, "To be the First Forest, yes, once more, once again."

You say, "I am inspired by your words, Lady. The Collective wishes only to bring balance and peace to the world and it seems you have this aim as well. I cannot speak for the whole of the Collective at this time but I believe we would wish only to fall under your banner. However, I worry. Lord Sciomore brings war and wishes destruction. In your power, could you bring the Collective under your patronage as well so that we might serve your goals?"

Tears fill Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart's eyes and begin to slowly run down her face.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "Kurut is curious about what exactly happened to Draxbaylock and Erlechtoch. Elder Gods was unable to destroy any Heralds of Magnora, save for those two. Only ever able to contain, not destroy."

Laughing softly, Luella, the Lady of Flowers says to you, "Of course, Sciomore, of all wishes war and destruction. He, who has manipulated creation for His own purpose, under the whim and guidance of Aelish."

Luella laughs melodically at Enyalida.

Enyalida shrugs helplessly.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "If you doubt Me, then let Me show you."

Luella beckons to Enyalida.

Luella looms tall, attempting to dominate the surroundings.

Kurut glances askance at Enyalida.

Dissolving into naught but glossy petals, the Lady of Flowers departs, leaving the world a little gloomier for the absence of her beauty.

Kreaton gives Enyalida the once-over, eyeing her suspiciously.

Kurut tugs urgently on Enyalida's sleeve.

Kurut shuffles her feet uneasily.

With an indifferent stare, Kurut slowly blinks one eye and then the other.

Gardener-Dedicant Kurut Bloodthorn, of the Hart says, "Scary scary..."

Kurut sniffs Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart, trying to decipher just what that smell emanating from
her is.
Miakoda, Maiden of the Moonhart flashes Kurut a joyous smile.

**She takes Enyalida to Spider’s Larder in Glomdoring and I follow**

Barely audible whispers permeate the air as Crek enters from the northwest, a cloud of translucent figures trailing after.

Crek raises an eyebrow questioningly.

Enyalida shrugs helplessly at Crek.

Crek bows respectfully to Luella.

Chirbo enters from the northwest, emanating an aura of immense power.

Chirbo stares blankly into space.

As the Goddess continues to sing, Her voice echoes throughout the woods, echoing with increasing

With an emerald flash, the energies jolts through the trees and all around, imbuing everything that it touches with the primacy of Luella's own power. Like a gas, like smoke, the trees respirate a cloud of violet light as all things take on the verdancy of new light.

Luella closes Her eyes and bows Her head. There is a small shudder around you, and the wyrden woods environment melts away, revealing itself as truly garden.

Crek creases his brow in a frown.

Luella flashes a smile.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "Um."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "Fascinating."

Luella leans close to Crek and gently lays a kiss upon his forehead.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "Did She just show that the wyrd is fake."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers smiles and says, "Fascinating, indeed."

Crek stares coldly at Chirbo.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "I'm not saying it is."

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "But that was...something."

Chirbo gives a painting of The Illuminator Revealed to Luella, the Lady of Flowers.

Enyalida Zayah says, "She was demonstrating the extent of her power."

Crek grunts noncommitally.

Chirbo gives a painting of Hoaracle to Enyalida Zayah.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says to Enyalida, "Your people might like that."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "Perhaps we should have the Beautiful One do the same to your forest in the future."

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says to Enyalida, "That was painted two weaves before He was...well."

Luella laughs blithely.

You say, "Lady Luella is the creator of all, Certainly the other high gods cannot stand before her power."

Crek's eyes sparkle with amusement at you.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Serane is too fixed on Potential, as if Potential were something to be achieved. Potential is a state already. Nature is already potential."

Luella waves Her hand dismissively.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "What is with You Gods saying You want to bring peace to the Basin but have Mr Hallifax wanting to destroy Hooded Frai."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow asks, "Then have you not simply imposed on what already was, Lady Luella?"

Chirbo gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "I merely made the trees remember that they need not suffer under
the pale hands of Serane."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says to Luella, "Are you certain they were suffering, Lady? This
forest has existed and spread in such a state for quite some time."

As if to placate Her concerns, Luella leans in and kisses Crek on the nose, settling the matter.

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says to Luella, "With respect, I see you forcing change simply
because you do not care for how it appears."

You say, "Lady Luella, THank you for showing your true power. I look forward to you bring the Collective under your banner to excise the false creators and those who would harm creation."

You kneel and raise your hands before sinking low to the ground, dealing obeisance.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "I merely coax, for all nature was My creation. It is called

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow asks, "Then would it not be better to let it grow as it should?"

Crek raises his arms and hums deeply the note of the forest, which breaks into a discordant tone.
Silhouettes of twisted trees darken in the air, their long shadows casting a forbidding doom across
the ground.

                      (m&mf): Crek wyrded the room.

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "As so."

Chirbo tugs urgently on Crek's sleeve.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "But is it growing? Are you not manipulating these woods to be
something they were never born to be?"

Crek tilts his head curiously at Chirbo.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "They like to say they are perfecting it."

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says, "Or something."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "Did You not just do the same, Lady Luella? I have spent centuries with this forest existing as it was, yet You yourself just changed it from how it was to something other."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "I ask not to be difficult, but to understand why You would do so."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "I have done nothing save educate, My dear. Perhaps you have been listening to Serane's silly antics about refinement, or perhaps you have listened to others."

Druid Crek Ysav'rai, Eye of Crow says, "No, Lady Luella. I have not yet accepted the new Mistress of
this forest as my own."

A grey fog sweeps in and forms into the sleeping form of Asani, who awakens with a sudden jerk.

Asani Myeras, of the Haze says, "Interesting."

Crek utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Asani utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Crek utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Asani's eyes sparkle with amusement.

Asani curtseys gracefully before Luella.

Luella utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Crek beams broadly.

Asani utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Asani ponders Enyalida thoughtfully, looking her up and down.

Crek utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved looks skeptical and says, "How long have you been
watching us to understand Crow."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "Of course."

Asani Myeras, of the Haze says, "They're gods. I suppose they understand all languages."

The Thousandfold's Paintbrush, Chirbo the Beloved says something unintelligible in a beautiful,
fluid tongue.

Luella, the Lady of Flowers says, "But in any case, I am off to see the wildness elsewhere. Perhaps
to restore and heal, to bring low the False Creator."

Luella, the Lady of Flowers has bestowed Her divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 10 months.

Congratulations! By order of Newt Blasterson, you've been named a Master of the Aetherways!
2015/12/09 23:54:29 - Pejat drained 2000000 power to raise Davos as a Vernal Ascendant.
You use 80,000,000 of your divine essence. You gain BeauteousThought as a supernumerary power.


  • Seriously, Luella is the best ^_^
  • Color me impressed. Everything about this event is well-written and neat.

    I'm just hoping for the chance to be around for something.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
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