Nihmriel sent at 02/05 17:26:
I believe we must discuss a certain letter to Ileein, authored by a mysterious 'Ministry of
Marital Affairs'. I do believe that was taking the matter several steps too far.
Irillia sent at 01/17 04:58:
Thank you so much for the kind offer of Beauty Seal slots! I -have- managed to submit an artisan
design to the city's cartel that I hope will be selected, but I would love to try and create
something for jewelry or tailoring if I can. I hope you both have already submitted something, at
least, so I wouldn't be taking up slots you might like to use!
Nihmriel sent at 10/01 19:43:
Congratulations on winning the theatre award. With that and the scholarly prestige award, we are
cultural centre for the first time! I wonder if the city might like to hear the happy news from the
new Mayor and prestige-winning playwright?
Llesvelt sent at 09/23 16:54:
Your play fills me with inappropriate anger and grief. Very well written, Minister.
[This may be one of five Llesvelt compliments I've ever received ever.]
Casilu sent at 08/06 07:44:
You need to get married... or else.
You sent at 08/06 20:32:
I am a mother. My scrolls are my babies. I am married to my work.
Casilu sent at 08/06 23:37:
Well, your work better make some Skyplumes or else.
Leta sent at 01/28 02:09:
Congratulations on your marriage, dear sister. I wish I was able to attend, but I'm quite certain
that it was a lovely celebration. May good fortune follow you.
Mirai sent at 08/20 03:19:
NOOOOO! Not the Shevats!
Narynth sent at 06/10 06:59:
..Did you mail me a letter and something about a book? Ps. Thanks for the ice cream. A fat Regent
is a happy Regent.
[I... have no recollection of this whatsoever.]
Ridley sent at 02/11 16:41:
// Thine inbox is fuller than the waxing moon! Your Ronove summon was roleblocked, but you
managed to say it in red: Solanis is town, he is not a member of the witch faction, he wins only
with the town win condition.
[Baby's first mafia game.]
Prav sent at 02/05 15:01:
Aw. I am sorry to see you go, Governor. I only hope that we can find someone who executes the
office with as much grace and efficiency as you.
[Baby's first PVP buddy.]
Eliron sent at 01/30 05:18:
It does have a deviousness I can see would cause problems, though a part of me does applaud the
ruthlessness. So then. Sunset beryl, perhaps? How do you feel about intricate knotwork?
[Context removed.]
Arel sent at 09/30 23:09:
When we next meet and if you have time, we can speak. I look forward to it. Also,
Elostian sent at 09/17 11:01:
We shall speak when next I notice your presence.
[This was about patron stuff but still. RIP Elopants.
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
Sent By: Winnae on 09/20/19:31
Sent By: Kaimanahi on 12/11/23:32
Sent By: Telperion on 06/14/18:47
(Yay Inner Circle!)
Also, I seriously misread that when it first happened, and thought I was the Bacon of Hospitality.
The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.
Message #580 sent by Isune (received: 2014/08/06 22:53:01)
((I'm a bit slow on the internet today))
Message #581 sent by Isune (received: 2014/08/06 22:54:00)
Message #582 sent by Isune (received: 2014/08/06 23:05:46)
((Using other computer bear with me))
Message #583 sent by Isune (received: 2014/08/07 00:19:29)
((All it took was a computer attached to an ethernet cord!))
670 Tomo 09/09 16:57 You are silly, mister Maligorn.
(I miss Tomo and his player dearly).
Message #797 sent by Marcella (received: 2014/10/26 16:54:15)
( theme of shevat family:
Message #1772 sent by Marcella (received: 2015/07/29 05:38:54)
We'vek illed the Supernals as well as the Spheres. It is obvious Celest and Serenwilde can't protect your city. There is a simple choice for alliance if you never want to have to worry about the death of everything you care about again.
And...that's all I've got.
Message 2
I've added you as a stage manager - break anything and I will skin you alive
( >_> )
Sent by @Drocilla
Ack! I was about to call for you!
(Was getting ready to do RL stuff - can't remember what though)
Sent by @Drocilla
No worries - amnesia dusting
(Loved the simpsons treehouse of horror reference, intentional or otherwise
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Can you help me write a scathing insulting prayer to a god who A: left Lusternia before the war began, abandoning it to the Soulless when He knew they were coming B: has absolutely no evidence that their 'mission' was a reality, the only person who could corrobrate his story 'conveniently' dead C: answers his accusers with nothing but brute force and disfavour, showing his clear guilt, his inability to stand our presence a sign of his cardboard facade hiding his shame.
Old friendships. :')
Message #48 sent by Isluna (received: 2014/12/02 04:55:09)
OOC You look at who, and you see these room titles and it makes you really wonder, who was the genius who created some of this.. Tremula - broken privy. Sorry, just found that amusing.
Message #72 sent by Tarkenton (received: 2014/12/16 01:01:03)
Apparently you're a master of stealth. Can't see you to hand a bracelet to you.
Best compliment from a Nekotai.
Message #77 sent by @Xena (received: 2014/12/16 20:45:38)
@Kaimanahi @Drocilla
Message #148 sent by @Taevyn (received: 2015/01/04 05:41:41)
How I learned this was a thing.
I have so many more but I'm getting sentimental and do not have enough sleep to go through with them.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Message #146 sent by Ceros (received: 2016/03/27 05:48:37)
Remember that time you wrecked everyone during the revolt?
As for old messages... these are on Aeral, but yeah.
Breaks my heart:
Message #3842 sent by (system) (received: 2015/05/20 18:30:17)
A radiant snowy eagle with wings of light has permanently died.
Message #3840 sent by (system) (received: 2015/05/20 18:30:17)
A stubborn hippogriff with black wings has permanently died.
Message #3732 sent by (system) (received: 2014/12/02 21:40:38)
A platinum dragon turtle with white wings has permanently died.
I'm so, so sorry Fania, for your hippogriff.
Message #2335 sent by Lorina (received: 2011/10/13 04:31:24)
Mages of Arches, I have safely deposited twentry-four thousand gold pieces made up of sixty-eight percent gold and thirdty-four percent feces to the noble guild of mages that move water.
Message #800 sent by Terentia (received: 2011/02/10 02:35:05)
//I apologize. My internet abruptly cut out. We will pick that up later.
@Terentia, I miss you. Please come back some day. You break my heart.