Play acting

edited May 2016 in Event Scrolls
Absently, Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "I do not wander into the wilderness. I trail-blaze and go on exciting adventures."

Gabriella smooths his hair away from his face, ignoring the fact that it is now severely rumpled by the motion.

He is a graceful elfen demigod and stands at just under six feet in height, his frame slender and lightly built. Undaunted by his lack of excessive musculature, he stands tall and carries himself with the innate, fluid grace gifted to his kind. Pointed ears emerge from his long, ebony curls, which are drawn into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck. The darkness of his hair is particularly striking against his pale skin and inquisitive violet gaze. Unruly and barely contained, some of the tendrils have fought their way free of their restraint, framing his clean-shaven face. His features are fine and sharply angular, typical to the elfen race. A faint, silvered scar lingers near his left temple. He is wearing a frost-touched white rose, a translucent crystal bindi, Gloves of Concealment, a silken silver satchel, a ridiculous pig nose, a forestal frogge of green leather, buckskin trousers, a pair of supple deerskin boots, a snug-fitting green coat, a pine coloured 
ranger's cloak, the Flame of dae'Seren. He walks with the truefavour of Maylea.
His raven-black hair has been swept back from his face and gathered into a long tail that hangs down his back, bound by a simple leather thong. Several errant strands have escaped their wrap, waving about slightly.

You say to Gabriella, "You do? You should tell me of them."

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says to you, "They involve rescuing various maidens and damsels in distress." He pauses, considering. "Sometimes there are gentlemen in distress." He pauses once more. "And I am much taller when I go adventuring."

Gabriella flashes you a devilish smile, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Arien emits something between a snort and a snicker.

The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips as you glance at Gabriella.

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "I like to practice my tales so I can make the ladies and the men folk swoon."

Gabriella flips his long black hair pulled into a tail back casually.

Gabriella winks conspiratorially at you.

Kethaera places a hand over her chest and falls over in an exaggerated faint.

Gabriella Talnara reaches out, catching you before you hits the floor.

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says to you, "Do not worry, my Lady. I will not let you fall."

Zetetic Arien Myeras says, "How gallant...Grand...famather."

Gabriella Talnara flashes you a devilishly charming grin, complete with dimples.

Kethaera leans back to gaze up at Gabriella, moving her hand up to her forehead. "Oh, my hero. Such chivalry."

His violet gaze intent upon her face, Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says to you, "Are you hurt, my Lady? I should not wish for you to suffer even a single scratch upon that lovely skin of yours."

Gabriella Talnara lifts you into his arms, holding you aloft with exaggerated care, cradling you gallantly against his armoured chest.

Blinking her eyes rapidly, you say to Gabriella, "I am safe enough in your arms, Gallant One. My heart is calmed at the very sound of your voice."

Arien sips her tea, seemingly enjoying the melodrama playing out before her as she leans aloof on her tahto.

Gabriella Talnara's expression shifts into a gentle smile of relief, gazing down at you in his arms. "That gladdens me to no end, my Lady. I am but your humble warrior. I live only to protect you."

Kethaera sighs in contentment, her eyelids dropping. "I feel that you must have been sent from Celestia, you are too perfect to be mortal, oh warrior. My only desire is to remain by your side."

A startled laugh escapes Arien's lips, which is quickly stifled as her hand moves to politely cover her mouth.

Gabriella's eyes blaze with sudden indignation. "From Celestia? Oh no, my Lady, I am of the Tribe. How could I protect you, but with the ways of the true warrior? I am one with the wind and spirits. I am as fierce as my hunting companion!"

Gabriella Talnara lifts his head back suddenly, still holding you in his arms. He lets loose a wild howl, and far across the forest an answering call echoes.

A fierce timberwolf rushes in quickly, circling Gabriella briefly before settling at his side.

Gazing down at Kethaera once more, Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "We are Serenguard."

Arien takes a drink from a triune cup of silver mesh repousse.

Kethaera blinks her eyes open wide, listening to the howl with an eager gleam in her expression. "Nay, do not take my naivete for insult, Warrior. I can see well the wildness in your blood, the pulse of Ethereal power in your stance. The forest responds to your call, as I do as well!"

Arien nearly chokes on a sip of tea, idly coughing as she sets down the cup at the edge of the cafe near a little bamboo fountain. The calm, idle tipping of the water within them sending resonate chimes through the air in a clean sound.

Gabriella Talnara pauses, hearing Arien's choking cough. Eerily, he slowly lifts his head at the exact same moment as the wolf at his side. Both gazes lock on her. "Is something funny, oh my granddaughter?"

Hoarsely, as she clears the last from her throat, Zetetic Arien Myeras says, "Oh, nothing at all. I got lost in concentration and a bug ended up flying in my mouth."

Gabriella Talnara's gaze narrows, adjusting his grip on you as the wolf at his side growls low in his throat. "We see," he says.

Kethaera clings to Gabriella as his grip changes, turning her gaze away from him to frown at Arien.

Arien taps her chest with a fist a few times, before taking another draught of tea. Nodding idly as if to herself, she spins her tahto.

Gabriella Talnara blinks, and his wolf stops mid-growl as his attention is drawn suddenly back to you with your motions in his arms. He smiles warmly down at you. "Pardon the distraction, my Lady," he murmurs, dipping his head down to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.

Arien snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.

Gabriella snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.

Arien presses her palms together over her heart and bows humbly, chanting a harmonic mantra that fills the air with a sense of peace.

Kethaera turns back to Gabriella, a bright red flush spreading across her face and ears as his lips touch her skin. She murmurs, "I could wait forever for you..." She turns her head, eyeing Gabriella and Arien curiously as she notices the sniffing.

Zetetic Arien Myeras says, "You must excuse me, I must attempt to practice more of my conditioning to defend Serenwilde."

The thundering crash of a tree reverberates through the forest.
It is now the 3rd of Tzarin, 442 years after the Coming of Estarra.

Gabriella Talnara turns to respond, but blinks, seeing that his granddaughter has already left. He looks back down at you in his arms.

You have emoted: Kethaera turns back to Gabriella. "The tree...?"

Gabriella snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.

You scent at the air, your skilled nose picking up the faint traces of others in the surrounding area.

His voice pleasingly low, Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says to you, "You wish to return to beneath the boughs of the Mother?"

Forcing back a giggle, you say, "No, but, mm, I heard a tree fall."

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "Did you?"

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope looks thoughtful and says, "I heard nothing."

Gabriella blinks.

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "Oh no, no, I see."

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "No one is here. I think perhaps the tree got too large."

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says, "It happens sometimes."

You look thoughtful and say, "I should know that."

Gabriella Talnara returns his gaze to you. "Do not fret, my Lady. I am sure if it is an offender, they will soon make their presence known." His grip tightens ever so gently on you. "And though I know you are every bit capable of defending yourself... I will do my best to protect you, dear lady."

Kethaera blinks, a soft smile spreading across her lips. "I... truly? Not that I doubted you, I just..." Trailing off in a murmur, the blush remains on her cheeks.

Gabriella Talnara hefts you easily with one arm, lifting the other to gently brush a lock of hair away from your face.

Gabriella reaches out to tenderly cup your cheek in his hand.

Murmuring softly, Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope says to you, "Truly."

Kethaera cups her hand over Gabriella's. "Thank you," she replies, still smiling, but brow furrowed in mild confusion.

Gabriella sighs softly. "I only regret that I am not strong enough to truly protect you as you deserve. As I wish I could. I must train more, to be worthy of your favor."

Gabriella withdraws his hand.

Kethaera remains quiet, listening to Gabriella's words, and still held in his grip.

Gabriella Talnara uses both arms to hold you securely once more, gazing thoughtfully down at you. Slowly, he leans forward, bringing his face closer to yours, seeming to study your features intently.

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope murmurs to you, "Tell me something, my fair Lady."

Her confusion deepening, you say to Gabriella, "Hmm?"

Gabriella Talnara leans further forward, close enough that his lips graze gently across your cheek as he goes to whisper in your ear.

Unblooded Gabriella Talnara, Blossoming Hope whispers to you, "Am I swoon-worthy yet?"

Confusion fading into a faint smile, you say to Gabriella, "Sure. I think you've got it."

Gabriella Talnara draws back, smiling at you. He sets you down gently on the ground.
"Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
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