I don't know if this is in the right spot! If it's not, please move it or delete it and tell me where to repost it or whatever I need to do.
So I'm here to complain about something. Not here to get a change in game, there's probably stuff going on, just here to vent about a couple things.
First I had to remake my forum account which is super lame.
Second is this experience that's been my weekend on my monky Lusternian so far. I was recently convinced to give Serenwilde a go by a couple of old (Seren) friends. I didn't want to make a new character and start over, so I dusted off good ol' Okpara who I haven't played seriously in something like five years. Like when the Wheel of Tzarazazaza was just put out and was throwing artifacts and credits and blessings just all over the place. I've got a Torus and a couple decent stat boosts, man, I don't want to give that up. So I sign on, quit Celest, and meander over to Serenwilde to get the lay of the land and get myself some Nature Goodness(tm). I figure I'll RP this like Okpara's been meditating for years and reached this conclusion that Nature was the bestest. I was gonna play it by ear. This is a log and I guess it's kinda long.
(This begins with me setting up post right at the Moonhart Mother Tree so as to attract that highest degree of attention possible. I then bother the first person I see.)
You click your mandibles together energetically, chittering to yourself.
You say to Sarrasri, "Hello."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "Greetings."
You say to Sarrasri, "I have undergone something of a change of heart concering my being."
Sarrasri tilts her head curiously at you.
You say to Sarrasri, "I've long been a part of Celest, if slumbering, and much of my time has been
spent seeking a peace of being I could not acquire. I am... was, a Tahtetso. I understand that the
guild is no more."
Flicking a curious green, Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "I see. And
so you are in search of your path, once more."
You have emoted: Okpara bows low and forms a circular image with his hands, antennae whirring
rapidly in the air atop his skull. After a pause, he says, "That is correct."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt asks, "Am I to take it then, that you do
not believe Celest to be your home anymore?"
After making several clicking noises with his jaw, you say to Sarrasri, "That is correct. I do not
possess such a thing any longer. It is difficult to locate the peace of mind and self when
surrounded by brick and mortar. I have learned this."
Sarrasri's colour shifts to a calm blue as she clasps her hands in front of her. "So you wish to
join the forest, and seek peace in a more open setting?" She softly smiles as she continues, "If
that is the case, I would not blame you."
You have emoted: Okpara's many-faceted eyes swivel in their sockets for a moment.
You say, "I wish to... learn. Of nature."
Sarrasri nods. "I see."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "I must meditate a short while. Think
on what it is you truly wish, and when I return, we can discuss further."
You nod your head at Sarrasri.
(Well that was easy! I'll just hang out a bit and wait for her to get back and induct me. I stand at the Moonhart like some kind of jerkwad for roughly twenty minutes or so before I decide to bother more people.)
You say, "Is this normal?"
Your mandibles twitch slightly as you voice a brief, curious chirr.
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt asks you, "Is what normal?"
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Glom jumping none combatants in faethorn, me getting some
revenge by invading glom village with orcs then them deciding to try and kill me?"
You say, "Letting a stranger stand at the heart of your forest."
Gwirodydd says, "Are you an enemy?"
Comprehension flashes across Urdnot's face.
Gwirodydd squints suspiciously at her surroundings.
You say to Gwirodydd, "Am I an ally?"
Gwirodydd shrugs helplessly.
You click your mandibles together energetically, chittering to yourself.
Gwirodydd says, "Everyone is an ally until they give me a reason to be an enemy. Then it's power,
right in the kisser."
Orimi Ladyn whispers to Gwirodydd, "I believe he's old, perhaps senile."
Gwirodydd says to you, "I think you're an ally, sure."
Sarrasri takes a deep breath as the crystal surface of her face softens and shifts in colour, a
muted glow appearing within.
(She snuck up on me. I didn't even realize she was back)
You say to Gwirodydd, "And what do you base that on?"
Gwirodydd says, "You haven't attacked me yet."
Gwirodydd shrugs helplessly.
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "You are of Celest or recently of Celest and you haven't done
anything to make us think you shouldn't still be an ally."
Gwirodydd says, "Of course, I also don't like being questioned in my own home, so that may change.
Can we help you?"
(I do an Honors thing and see Gwir's only 18. I'm not gonna get sassed by a wee bab. Why aren't these people suspicious of me at all? It's madness!)
You have emoted: Okpara whirs about to face Urdnot for an instant before his cobalt eyes find
Gwirodydd once again. "The child does not enjoy being questioned. Unfortunate. They should be
curious most of all."
You say to Urdnot, "What makes you say that?"
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Say what?
You say, "That I am of Celest."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Brother title."
"A child should question, not be questioned. I don't know you from any other kephera, yet here you
are." Gwirodydd replies, frowning at you. "You stand at the Moonhart Mother, asking us why we
haven't asked you to leave yet. For all I know, you're wyrden and nobody knows who you are. But, I
can't attack you, because that's rude."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Graduate of Empyreal."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Ankhemet hive."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "And you said earlier that you woke up to find the Tahetso guild
(Oh hey he actually checked into me a bit, great!)
You smile and say, "While any could bestow a title of Brother, I am told that those of Magnagora
bestow similar markings of status. I am pleased to see at least one person here using their
faculties to some extent."
You say to Gwirodydd, "And if you think children should not be questioned, I fear for your future."
Gwirodydd says to you, "Did you come here to insult us, or merely pass judgement on our people for
not knowing who you are?"
You smile and say, "I am nobody."
Sarrasri turns to face you, her lips upturned in a cheery smile. "Have you thought more on nature
and your future path?"
You say, "Though, yes, I am here to determine something for myself and test you accordingly."
Barrin Strongleaf says to Gwirodydd, "Would you like to come hunt with us?"
Gwirodydd drops the corpses in her hands at the foot of the nearby shrine, watching them turn into
so much dust and collapse out of existence. "Or perhaps the wisdom of going to another's home and
questioning them?" she whispers, turning to Barrin. "Sure, I'd love to come!"
You have emoted: Okpara moves his jaw rapidly to and fro, a soft buzzing sound resulting thereof.
Another series of soft clicking noises come before he responds. "I... have. I have pondered your
forest. I am curious as to how this exists at all".
A sparkle in her eye, Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "Nature
perseveres, with our without us. Most of us just choose to go with her."
You say to Sarrasri, "And you don't believe that your nature requires protection?"
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "Of course I do, and I do
everything I can to assist nature. However, the Wheel continues to turn and move forward, with or
without my help."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Don't suppose anyone has the pearl sandals rare?"
Sarrasri looks up to the sky, a shimmer passing along her skin. "Everything I do is either for the
forest or for my Lord." She looks back down and towards you. "The only reason I'm bothering to talk
with you, honestly, is because you're considering a path outside of the city."
Urdnot rolls his eyes.
Chirring softly, his voice a low and gravely effort, you say to Sarrasri, "When I was younger,
simply walking into the Serenwilde evoked vigorous questioning of purpose. I just find it strange
that I am free to wander about without so much as a second glance. Relations must be much stronger
than they used to be."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "It is something that would not have
happened many many moons ago, I admit."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "The alliances seem to have opened
the borders of the forest quite a bit, and broadened the comfort zone of many."
You say to Sarrasri, "Alliances or no, such an odd turn of events. I am hypocritical in this, but
this is not the Serenwilde I expected to find."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "What'd he expect to
You say, "Laysus A wilde that would question my presence within it, to start."
(TO LAYSUS, ugh.)
You cough softly.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "Well, life is full of
Your mandibles twitch slightly as you voice a brief, curious chirr.
You say, "Yes."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Just because we are allies now does
not mean we forget the past and what Celest has done to us before."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Surprising isn't it?"
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "Do you remember how
ultimately it was the war with Celest that drove my wife Sivriel from us?"
Sarrasri nods her head.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "And my dear protege, Tatine, we lost
her to their rampant aggression too."
Laysus sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "And how when we were allies with them
before they would make non-aggression treaties with our enemies in Glomdoring."
Laysus sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Lord Hoaracle lost his hand because of that."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "And you question why there are
those amongst us who dislike people from your city stood at our nexus?"
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Perhaps, ultimately, it is that we
have damned good reason."
Laysus shrugs helplessly.
You say, "The opposite. Such a history, and yet I stand here unquestioned and unchallenged in...
whatever task I may have."
You say to Sarrasri, "I don't believe any have asked me why I'm standing here."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "I've somewhat discerned it,
so am unbothered."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "Do we care as to the
You say, "Laysus Would you do anything about it?"
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "By our laws, the sacred leaves,
I ask you to leave this forest if you have no work within it."
You say, "You ask. That's pleasant. Should I decline? What then? Would you assault me?"
Your compound eyes fixate on Laysus as your mandibles twitch to voice a brief, curious chirr.
( YOU WANNA FIGHT? But no this is to see if anyone is still rolling hard in the woods. It's important to Okpara,
but I also get how that could be a bit hostile. I thought since Sarrasri was vibing on what I was doing I'd be alright)
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Actually, no, I would defend my
forest against one who would break its laws."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "With the aid of these lovely centaurs."
(The Centaur did that emote where it eyeballed him pretty hard)
You frown and say, "Your centaur does not appear to be your friend."
Laysus's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Arguably not, but he will do his job."
You frown and say to Sarrasri, "This is your Wood? Accepting and open of all within, politely
requesting that those who serve no purpose and are of questionable alignment depart?"
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Requesting people trying to stir up trouble to leave."
You laughingly say, "The only trouble I bring is questioning of your ways."
You say, "If you cannot defend them..."
You shrug helplessly.
You say, "Perhaps this is not meant to be."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "You don't know our ways,
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "The serenwilde is natural, savage,
and unforgiving."
You say to Laysus, "I know what they used to be."
Laysus raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Evidently not."
You say to Laysus, "Not as old as you, or she, but older than many. I am familiar with how things
once were in this wilde, and I hoped to find that again. If such is not the case, such is not the
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "How things were a couple of
centuries back are not how things were three centuries back, and not how they are now."
You say to Laysus, "I came here this day to see the Seren for what it was and to know that it was
still the vanguard of nature that I knew it to be. I've been sleeping for some time and reached a
point of reasoning I could not see beyond while remaining in my golden home."
You say, "So I have sought to poke at the heart of the Moonhart and see what stirs."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says to Sarrasri, "If you need to have the centaurs escort him out of
the forest via death, I'll back you up that he was being a pain, abusing guest right and refusing to
(Urdnot bails.)
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "Vanguard of nature, yes. But
nature is not friendly. Nature is not forgiving. Nature is vicious and unfair and full of change."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "If that is what you want, then you
could join us. If that is not what you want, then you should leave. Now."
Laysus shrugs helplessly.
(Woo! Daddy Laysus! That's exactly what I want)
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "It's of my belief that he's merely
testing the mettle of those in the forest, before deciding whether to make the forest his home or
not. Perhaps I am wrong, but I was curious to hear others respond to him."
You say, "I will be upfront. I am concerned that I've not yet been slain by refusing to leave and
being a bit of a cad... but to me this means that either I need to learn more, or that things have
slipped beyond my imagining while I have slept. It's my intent to join this place and become one
with the more natural way of things."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "Are you playing with my
hatred of citypeople again."
Laysus peers at Sarrasri unscrupulously.
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to Laysus, "Always."
The corners of Laysus's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "You're a sweetheart,
bringing me the best toys and games."
Laysus smirks.
Using your tongue and the roof of your mouth, you make a quiet clicking noise.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to you, "Have you ever been an enemy of
the commune?"
You say to Laysus, "I have not."
Laysus sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Do you seek to join a guild within
the Serenwilde, should you join?"
You say, "I would, if such was expected of me. These new guilds are strange and foreign."
Showing that he understands, Laysus nods his head slowly.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "I don't think it's required."
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says, "Are you an enemy of the Faethorn
Realms, Mother Moon, Brother Stag or any of our villages?"
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "He is not."
You say, "I am enemy to the Krokani of the Moors, the Illithoid, the Gorgogs, Ladantine, and... ah...
all of Crumkindivia."
Sarrasri looks exhausted and opens her mouth in an enormous yawn.
You say, "...I enjoy the sweets."
Sarrasri gives a sugar crystal to you.
Chosen of Ellindel, Laysus L'Eternae of the Frozen Moon says to Sarrasri, "I gotta get leaving. Do
you want to handle him reading the leaves?"
You suck thoughtfully upon a sugar crystal.
Sarrasri nods her head at Laysus.
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "Follow me, please."
You begin to follow Sarrasri.
You bow respectfully to Laysus.
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says, "If you could read the leaves, please,
you will learn of our laws."
You say, "These laws are straightforward."
Moon Lake Rig-Wilde, Sarrasri Talnara, Arrow of the Hunt says to you, "Do any know of you in Celest?
And if you can give me a precise reasoning to why you left, so I can explain to others."
Sarrasri nods her head emphatically.
You say, "I am sure some may know of me, somewhat, from my time in the Tahtetso. I could not name a
name. To be frank, I am honest when I declare that I am nobody. I have simply awoken from a long
slumber with a yearning of purpose in my heart."
You say, "If you seek to find some ill behavior or will in my past, you will not locate any."
You say, "If the Seren is so upset that I have questioned their complete open willingness to suffer
my presence, then I personally believe things are even worse than my visions have led me to conclude."
You say, "One must question all things."
(I'm told at this point that somebody objects to my joining and I have to talk to Aramel. She's waiting at the portals. Away I go! Sarrasri bails at this point.)
Aramel tells you, "Greetings."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "Greetings."
Aramel tells you, "I hear that you wish to join the forest."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "That is indeed my desire, though, I suspect I have rankled a
few of the 'wilde with my questions."
Aramel tells you, "To what purpose were the questions?"
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "To see whether or not I wished to make this place my home, or
at least, get the measure of it before I made my final choice."
Aramel tells you, "I might be able to answer some of them."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "When I was young, the Seren were not as... I don't want to use
an improper term. Friendly. They were not as friendly with my home as they appear to be now. It is a
surprise to me that I was able to stand at the Moonhart without being questioned."
Aramel tells you, "Most would not find friendliness a thing to complain of."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "I suppose that I would be complaining, wouldn't I? I do not
mean to. I wished to determine exactly how friendly things were. It may be a odd, but after such a
lengthy period of my own meditations I have reached an inescapable conclusion regarding nature and
the preservation thereof."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "It's just that what I once knew of the 'wilde may not be what
the 'wilde is now."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "So I... poked at a few people. Questioned why they might allow
me to remain standing there as I was. I wanted to see."
You say, "I've learned that some do not enjoy being questioned."
Aramel raises an eyebrow. "It is not usually considered courteous," she says, "To wander into
someone's home and demand explanations of them."
You have emoted: Okpara bows low and remains there as he speaks. "True. I would find it further odd
that one could barge into someone's home and not have an explanation demanded of them for doing so."
Rising, you say, "But I wonder if my manner of thinking is... dated, now."
After a moment, meditatively, Wildeflower Aramel Shevat says, "Some of us are not afraid of the
outside world, nor of people who hail from there, as we once were. If you would turn friendliness
into strife, it does not reflect well upon you."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "Perhaps, but I would sooner know the measure of my possible
home and enter amid a small degree of noise, full of confidence, than slide quietly into the depths
while remaining uncertain. It is my ardent desire to aid nature and learn all that I can to do so,
and I am ignorant of so very much. I simply wished to make certain that those here were still
possessed of the same vigorous spirit as I remember before I slept."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "Forgive me for speaking this way, but making words out loud
hurts my face. Clickies? Jaw. It hurts my jaw."
Aramel tells you, "You will find, I think, that much has changed over the years."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "I am... discovering this."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "When I was last awake, I belonged to Lord Eventru's order. I am
told that He is long departed from this world, if that gives any indication to how long I have slept."
Aramel tells you, "As there have been objections voiced in the commune, I'm forwarding the matter to
the Seneschal."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "Interesting. Questions should not evoke such a polarized
response. I've been waking for but a few days."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "If that is the way of it, so be it."
Aramel tells you, "The seneschal will speak with you at the Moonhart. A good day to you."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "To you as well."
(I wander around Serenwilde lost as hell for a minute before finding the Nexus and apologizing to Aeldra for being lost)
Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees asks you, "I hear one of the things that came up here was
that you were surprised that you were not thrown out of the forest?"
Rasping, you say, "I asked why I was not questioned or asked to explain my presence, then challenged
those that eventually did so."
Urdnot shakes his head.
Pausing, you say, "I wanted to see."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "He asked why he wasn't questioned."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Then he asked why he wasn't questioned."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Then he asked why he wasn't questioned again."
You smile softly.
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Then after that he asked why he wasn't questioned."
Serenguard Urdnot Strongleaf says, "Until he finally stirred up a reaction."
Aeldra nods slowly.
Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees asks you, "If we were to discard and question everyone
who came here seeking to learn about our ways out of the forest... how would we ever convinced them
that this, our way, is the best one?"
You tell Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees, "True, but without questioning anyone who
wanders in... how can it be said that you are the vanguards of this wood? I do not intend to
disrespect, but this is more or less what I have asked."
You tell Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees, "It is only that the Serenwilde is much more
open than I have ever remembered."
Aeldra tells you, "Yes it is, but it's also not an isolated wood anymore that is hated by all of the
basin for the way they act. We are an active part of an alliance against the corruption of the south.
And as our allies accept our presence within their halls ... we tolerate their presence within our
forest. My hope is that every visitor takes a bit of what he sees here, back home."
Aeldra tells you, "Eventually those that visit come to stay. Well not all of them, but a good
You tell Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees, "Being hated for doing good is preferred to
being liked for compromise of value, but I do understand what you are saying. There is a bit more
honey to this situation than what I am used to. This basin is a far cry from the one I remember. It
is very possible, very likely, that my perceptions are skewed in the past without regard to this new
reality. I will consider this.
(There's this awesome Captain America quote that goes on about planting yourself like a tree beside
the river of truth and justice even when the world is yelling at you that you're wrong. I was rolling with that really hard)
Aeldra tells you, "Maybe it is advisable then that you do learn and see about this new reality. And
maybe give a look as to how it feels to have the waves of enemies branding against our borders.
You'll find that a good deal of our defense is not mounted by our people. It is getting more... but
it's a long way to go. Being right doesn't really serve you much at all you stood for is burning and
slowly consumed by fire and wyrd. I have to leave you for now, but I'll go and speak to those that
object to your joining and we'll discuss it soon again. Maybe by that time, you'll have more insight
yourself as to the path and how the world has changed since you last walked it?"
(Oh hey that's a pretty fair response. I mean you gotta get the help where you can get the help, right?
Still, Okpara's irritated at this point. WAS SO CLOSE to being inducted.)
You tell Aeldra Ladyn, Dancer Beneath Ancient Trees, "If that is your will, I shall do so. I will
note a bit of irony that despite professing myself interested to learn of and protect nature that
this has become such a peculiar ordeal because I have rustled a few feathers with my inquiries.
Perhaps it is another sign of the times. Please rest well, Seneschal, and I wll walk about this
basin for a bit longer."
(I go to bed, because what else am I gonna do? Quest? Seek out meaningful Roleplay? No! I've got a mission, and that mission is to pass out)
(I log in and check Serenwilde. Aeldra's not CL anymore. Well. Alright, so much for that. Putzing about Tosha, then lingering at the Aetherplex for a while. Happen to run into Aramel. Perfect!)
You bow respectfully to Aramel.
Aramel greets you with a sincere smile.
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "Your Seneschal said that she would speak to some within the
Serenwilde and get back to me, but... it looks like she is no longer Seneschal at all. I'm uncertain
where that leaves my desire to join your home."
Aramel tells you, "I too am uncertain."
You tell Wildeflower Aramel Shevat, "I still desire to join, but, I do not understand. Is this the
process that all must go through when seeking to join Serenwilde? Is this much discussion and
contention normal?"
(Worded this odd, what I meant was wondering if joining Seren is usually this arduous and involved)
Aramel tells you, "I cannot comment."
Aramel inclines her head politely to those around her.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Aramel and whisks her away.
(Oooookay. Well. Going to try and find someboy who actually can give me information. HELP SERENWILDE. Valaria can induct, let's bug her.)
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "Can I ask something of you?"
Valaria tells you, "Sure."
Valaria tells you, "What will be your question, Demigod?"
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "I am seeking to join the
Serenwilde, but am given to understand that my entry has been contentious. I have spoken with
Sarrasri, Aramel, and Aeldra about joining. Sarrasri was going to induct me, but again... there was
contention. Your Seneschal spoke with me and said that she would consult some members of the
Moonhart Circle, but seems to have abandoned her position."
Valaria tells you, "She abandoned her position with good reason. you could say there are some
upravel about it."
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "Well... I've asked Aramel what
my status is, and whether this degree of discussion and contention is normal, and have been told
that she cannot comment. I do not know where I stand, or who I can even ask about it."
Valaria tells you, "May i ask you, why your entry has been contentious?"
Valaria tells you, "Do you have any history with related to serenwilde or anything else to it?"
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "Most likely because of the
questions I asked and the implications I made at the Moonhart. I noted that it was odd that my
presence was never questioned over the half day that I lingered and mused that Serenwilde was much
different than when I was last awake. It was much more friendly that I have ever known it, and this
observation... or perhaps how I said it? It was met with disgruntlement."
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "And no. I've no history
outside of Celest, where I only served my Tahtetso to the best of my abilities."
Valaria tells you, "I see."
Valaria tells you, "For now Can I ask you wait and patient until serenwilde has chose their leader?"
Valaria tells you, "On second thought, i will ask Sarrasri about it when she is awake to see if
there a solution to induction or something like that."
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "You wish me to not join your
commune for another half year or more? I do not understand."
Valaria tells you, "Ah yes, look like one council is present, let me ask him."
Valaria tells you, "I cannot say about it anymore than that. it seem he refuse to discuss as council
has more problem on their hand than it is. so there still some cloud to settles."
Valaria tells you, "Sadly, its out of my hand."
You tell Progenitor Valaria Strongleaf, Rig-Wilde of Alabaster Road, "So what can I do? What path is
available to me?"
And that's it. No information after that. Was just left swinging.
So what's the deal? I could have sworn that the only rules for Serenwilde if I've never been enemied or aligned with an opposing org are to just have me read the laws and go through a simple induction process. That's what my friends both said when I brought this up. That's very much not what's taking place. I'm being given the run-around in a very real and obvious way.
Is it because I had a bit of anti-city sentiment? Suggested that Serenwilde used to be a bit more xenophobic? It's literally the only opinion that I've been able to voice, even while saying that I might be wrong about how things are now and am willing to learn whatever the reality is. That's just what Seren was when I played Okpara last. That's what Seren was as far as Okpara knows, and he was miffed about that appearing to no longer be the case. ICly it already impacted his desire to join, but OOCly I still wanted him in there as a player. Should I just abandon the idea and go somewhere else?
Has anyone else had to go through some nonsense like this to join an Org, or is Seren just special?
Aren't waffles just like the most superior breakfast food or what? Down with pancakes.
For reference, from your logs, Serenwilde seems to have done that and then decided to either reject/ask time to decide on your presence within. Not physically but as a member, obv.
Regarding major RP-shifts. It's what happens when orgs die and reborn dramatically, losing their connections with the past-form with the majority of its people going inactive. So, it's natural. But yeah, you were pointed out legit reasons for delays too. Perhaps you should give it some time and ask others around or decide on what to do with this new Serenwilde you seemingly have come across rather shockingly.
Second, as I remember Serenwilde has always asked its members if they object to someone joining. If someone does it goes to the circle, it is just rare that potential recruits are adversarial the day they try to join. Now as you see they are having some form of trouble with their leadership and things like troublesome recruits and in my case unenemying takes a backseat to whatever those problems are.
While this is unfortunate the fact you were adversarial makes it entirely legitimate to ask you to be rogue for a while before being allowed to join. But honestly it seems you will be allowed in when they get things in order.
I'm also familiar with dramatic RP shifts.
You're kind of not answering my more global question about whether this process I'm being subjected to is either unusual or not, and whether it's essentially worth my time to sit around waiting for a week or so if the answer is already kind of decided. Were it not for my OOC desire and the input of my friends, I would have probably taken the hint that I wasn't wanted already.
So to reiterate:
Is this a normal thing or am I just totes special?
Should I just go somewhere else?
Is the entirety of Seren leadership normally involved to this degree for every person trying to get in?
Has anyone else had to go through this in other orgs?
Pancakes or Waffles, take a stand.
Edit: First part of this was directed at Saz. That explanation from Esoneyuna at least sheds some kind of light on things, but I'm still told that this is a weird situation.
Double Edit: ....now that I think on it I really don't buy that you can't incitizen somebody because the CL just bailed. Is that a legit policy that they have? I seriously doubt everyone is so traumatized and completely disheveled that my admittance is just Too Big A Deal to handle. That's my Forum Complaint/Vent
I just feel serious mixed signals.
Okpara just wanted to understand why things were happening in the way that they were.
You're letting me just stand here? Nobody knows who I am, is that a normal thing? It wasn't a normal thing back in the day. It's weird that that's a normal thing now. What would happen if I refused to leave? Would anyone do anything? Does anyone here fight? How friendly is this place now? This is all pretty new to me, how long has it been this way?
Laysus, the one I confronted in the most direct way possible, seemed pretty on board with the whole thing afterwards and Sarrasri knew the entire time what was going on. It wasn't like I was acting this out into a vacuum.
I wasn't around for any of this, so I only know what's shown in the log.
According to CHELP WELCOMING you actually don't have a right to object any more it seems, possibly because of frivilous objections in the past that cause issues.
Unless Okpara is a former seren or had an enemy status, there's nothing in the scroll to support the delay.
@Okpara, first off, I want to say I'm sorry for the way everything was handled! As you have pointed out, we are leaderless right now and in the process of starting elections for a new leader, and that in itself is creating a panic. You have to understand that losing a leader suddenly is pretty disheartening, and it causes a flailing of such in the daily running of the commune. It seems you were caught in the crossfire, and hopefully it will calm down soon and you will still consider joining Serenwilde.
Secondly, however, I don't want to come of as mean, but from your log it seems that it may have come off as rude by keep questioning those at the Moonhart why *they* weren't questioning you. By a simple honours of your character, you hold the title of Brother and graduated from the Celest collegium, enough for anyone to deduce that you're from New Celest - right? Right now, Serenwilde is in an alliance with New Celest and Hallifax, and this has been the case for a long while now. As someone mentioned above me, a lot of the people in Serenwilde have only known this alliance, it hasn't changed since they started playing, and so their views and such are more open to city-dwellers of the alliance entering the forest without being questioned, while some of the older characters still are straight wtf-mate-you-stinky-city-person. By keep questioning, you are certain to get a reaction and get a few backs up, of course you said you are nobody, but there you are demanding answers of someone's home...even after being told that things have clearly changed from when you were last awake.
I'm not here to judge this any further, I just hope you understand that part, and that objections were raised because they were suspicious of your intent due to the questioning. You want to join... but you're questioning why they're not kicking you out? Doesn't make sense, at least to me.
I'm still pretty unaware of this in-game other than brief mentions, I know the full details OOCly, so my advice would be to contact one of the guild leaders or one of the Ministers in HELP SERENWILDE, and explain your situation to one of them, perhaps ask to get them to bring it to the Moonhart Circle. It might take a little, but like I said at the beginning of my post, no leader = wtf do we do now panic. And might be unaware of the things the leader might have had plans for / ongoing situations. Ideally, it shouldn't have even come to needing the Circle. A simple "this person is from Celest, never a Seren, never an enemy, woke from long slumber, in welcoming him" should have just been done as per our Welcoming scroll (mentioned somewhere above)
Reading some of the new posts since I started typing! Ok, so, no Serenwilde isn't suddenly "WHO ARE YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE LEAVE NOW OR DIE!" Anymore. As mentioned previously in this posting, by your honours it just seems like you're from New Celest, so.. pretty welcome. However, you may be asked to leave AT ANY TIME. I need to read the Leaves, I can't right now as I'm not logged in, but I'm pretty sure then it's you'll be escorted out not so nicely/killed/and enemied at refusal to do so. But from your log I do see that it was mentioned at least once, maybe twice that "things have changed since you last woke" (paraphrasing).
(Also sorry if this is a long post!)
All that said, if you want to pursue the org RP and all, then by all means - that's great and cool. But that does mean you don't get to have the fast-track treatment. If you want to challenge cultural norms and engage people on their RP, which is great, since we're (supposed to be) an RP-enforced mud, then you'll better buckle down for the ride, which may or may not include delays and days of waiting as a rogue, depending on what kind of RP you're engaging with.
I think it's very much weird to be displaying such a proper understanding of an org's RP, engaging with it at such depth... and then coming to the forums to complain about not being let in immediately?
Many people, even the hardcore RPers, are willing to close an eye on their own RP when it comes to making sure a player who wants to just have some fun can get into an org after a long break, or if a newish person comes asking entrance. Because we all know how inconvenient being not in an org can be - you're locked out of so much game content. But once you signal that you're not interested in being fast-tracked... then it's entirely possible you're making those players super happy - they can actually do what they claim their characters do, but which they rarely do because of wanting to make things fun for a potential fellow player, and that is to run you through the hoops.
If you didn't want to be run through the hoops... well, taking the fast-track treatment and then exploring your RP options after would have been the wiser choice, really.
What everyone needs to remember, is that RP questions or not, this is still a game. It's been made difficult enough already, and someone actually wants to join Serenwilde. I don't actually remember the last induction someone's had to do since I've started playing again. Maybe, just maybe, some should consider that their feelings and enjoyment are not the only things to be taken into consideration.
And there isn't necessarily any guarantee that they will be welcomed at the end of that.
We want people joining, the rule was removed so that we could get people into Serenwilde more easily.
So my apologies Okpara, I judged you to quickly.
Then again, that place had a much more mature and responsible player base. It was unusual for someone to have a sense of entitlement, speak rudely to or "poke" at their prospective city in a way that could reasonably be construed as hostile, object to an applicant frivolously, or require restrictive rules like not allowing anyone to object to an applicant for any reason. They took things on a case-by-case basis and could be trusted to use common sense, fairness, objectivity, and logic in rulings. People didn't tend to take things overly personally or instigate drama (when they tried, it was quickly squelched). To put it bluntly, it didn't feel like a babysitter was required every bleeding day.
But yeah, that was another game, another world... I don't know if any of the orgs in Lusternia are like that. Kind of curious now though.
edit: Bolded and italicized some stuff
So while it's pleasant and reasonable to suggest what you are suggesting, and what you are saying indeed makes complete sense, I'm willing to bet money that's unfortunately not the case.
Edit: Okay I skipped to the bottom and read some more, you're just a snob. Sorry, not Serenwilde's fault.
I'll take into account who's giving those explanations as well.
Sorry to bother folks